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Fenugreek and Saw Palmetto (archive thread) - admin - 16-06-2011

Fenugreek and Saw Palmetto
November 13 2007 at 10:01 AM traceytee (Login traceytparker)


Hi I'm Tracey. I'm a 41 year young transvestite who has made an important choice lately. I want boobs! I have decided to go the herbal route and have been on fenugreek for the last eight days. I am also awaiting my order of saw palmetto and am wondering if anyone knows what aditional herb may work well with them?

Also can anyone tell me from experience what to expect.

Anyways I am soooooo happy to have found this site!!

Author Reply
(Login wishfullthinking) what to expect November 13 2007, 2:45 PM

As reguards your program I'd add some red clover. I've been doing a similar program for about 4 months now with very limited results to date. If I were you I'd read the indocution and welcome to new people in another section. But first be patient this takes time. I would not expect any results at all for the first 2 months. Be patient and just stay with your program, don't jump around it takes time for the herbs to work. Start thinking in terms of take herbs now see a reation much latter be patient have faith. Thing you might see in the first few months, some increase in reaction of the nipples, stay hard more often, some minor shrikage of the testes, a small increase of fat deposits on the butt and in the cheast area at 4 to 5 moths maybe so increase in tenderness of the nipple area and the possible development of breast buds. Also remeber every one is different and we all get different results at different times Good luck/

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(no login) Don't forget the progesterone creme November 14 2007, 2:40 AM

A good quality USP progesterone creme would be fine. So far I have not had luck myself. But who knows. But too much Saw P c an cause stomach cramps and bloating.

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(Login traceytparker) Thanks! November 14 2007, 7:20 AM

Thanks Aron and wishfullthinking! I don't expect anything to happen overnite but I am also wishfull thinking too! I rubbed a bunch of fenugreek into my breasts last night with baby oil and it sure felt good. And most was absorbed. I don't think I would like to do it every night though. Maybe three times a week. I heard that rubbing it in works well too.

Anyways thanks again and any additional info would be welcome!! - Traceytee!!

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(Login Davata) Re: Fenugreek and Saw Palmetto November 14 2007, 10:25 AM

Oh gosh..there is so many things that you can do....there are so many herbs that are good for this....

Please look through our past discussions...I know,its tedious to do ,but you will learn a lot....

I will talk to you privately if you like about all the different ways that you can go and I can get more in seems like being redundant if I start going through it all again here.

Mainly....Red Clover....Fenugreek...Fennel.....Sage.....
Saw Palmetto....Hops.....Licorice.....Evening Primrose oil....Kudzu

There are good reasons for all these things on a phytochemical level.....for instance,the licorice has a chemical that mimics estradiol(the biohormone,E2 estrogen)it "binds" to the same cell receptors and activates them.
Licorice is a very complicated herb,it has many effects.
It even blocks androgens.

Hops have a couple of very strong phytoestrogenic isoflavones.
Barley and hops are both traditional breast building plants.

Fengreek has several P-Ests,that are very good traditionally for developing the mammary gland tissues within the breasts.

Fennel and Cumin also. Thay are easy to find and fairly cheap.

Sage is highly estrogenic.

When you are first starting out its best to start slow and wakeup your "female" hormone cell receptors properly.
After a couple of months,then you can start taking more herbs and stronger ones,as your body starts getting used to them and being able to utilize them easier and more efficiently.

There is alot that we have written on progesterone lately,just read the threads and you will learn quite abit there.
Yes,progesterone is important,as it is needed to activate estrogen receptors and makes them more sensitive.

Prolactin hormone will also activate estrogen receptors and promote new ones to develop.It also promotes the development of the gland systems in the breasts.

But without,the phytoestrogenics you wont get proper development as they are needed to prepare the tissues for utilizing all the other things.
All around your body,not just the breasts.

Look into taking Estriol also. Its my little therory that it does help in developing changes in the body. Its available as a cream,without a prescription.

Welcome and have fun!
Just "ring" me up in my email if you would like to talk.


Questing for rounder and curvier.///////Many a quirk have I.

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(Login traceytparker) Thanks soooo much Davilee!! November 15 2007, 7:58 PM

Thank you soooo much Davilee for the warm welcome and the top notch advice!! so many big words! I especially like the andro's and estro's etc. etc.!! They sound so scientific. And feminine!!

Very interesting, especially the info about licorice and sage! Never heard of the femizing qualities of them before.

And yes Davilee I have and will continue to look over the previous posts. Actaully I have learned more from this forum about the subject then I have from all of my previous months of research on the net!!

Everyone on this forum seem to be so friendly and helpful it just makes my heart shine! Thank you all!! And I no longer feel alone in my search for breastdom!!

I have a few more questions I would like some input on. The first one is this...What other feminine qualities can be gained from herbs?

Another question I have is this......I don't hear much about diet. I would think this would be very important in body development. For one I heard protien is good and dairy products, especially eggs, are bad for developing breasts. Does anybody know anything about this?

Oh sooooooooo many questions!!

Thanks a $$$MILLION$$$ again Davilee and everyone!!

- Tracey!!

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(Login Louise1982)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Fenugreek and Saw Palmetto November 15 2007, 9:34 PM

Not sure if it makes a difference if you're biological male / female but I'm veggie so get nearly all of my protein from eggs and dairy and seem to be doing well. I think having protein is the important thing. Also omega 3&6. Make sure you don't have too much sugar and simple carbs as excess turns into testosterone.

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(Login Davata) Further info about nutrition. November 16 2007, 9:09 AM

Oh gosh,,,,I have been studying the nutitional aspect also about all this.

YES* thanks Louise for mentioning proteins...VERY important for the body,as you will have so many different rebuilding "projects" going on in the body.
New fibrous tissues and musculatures,....the further along you go.

Eggs,dairy,beans,fish, other white meats.
Many grains are very good.Whole grains if possible.
Flax I found out actually inhibits estradiol in the body.

Also good fats are a neccesity....your body will need quite abit of fat tissues to utilize into new structures.

Cholesterols are technically what the body manufactures all the sex hormones from.

As to what you can expect....first of all,you probably know that its different for everyone,as to how their body reacts to the phytotherapy.

Personally,I seem to be susceptible to the phytoestrognics influences on my cells....I have quite alot of changes since I started.

A program will,depending on exactly which herbs you are using,affect your fat distribution first....the body tries to shrink down in some places and get bigger in others. Thats the work of the phytoestrogens and progesterone.....they cause fat cells(adipose tissue),to shrink and expel their fats out in some areas and to enlarge and accumulate fats in other areas.

Their is debate about whether there are actually more fat cells being made or not.....I think that there has to be more actual fat cells being made.
The feninisation effects I believe cause new fat cells to be created in some areas.Not all,some cells are just dormant and empty.
This theory is based on science info that I read around.

Anyway, you MAY have changes to your mental to your brain "wiring" resetting into a female brain pattern.
That definitely happens,on either program,phytotherapy or hormonal therapy.
It just happens more thoroughly with hormone therapy(HT or HRT)

**Although*,if you already have a feminine mindset naturally,then you wont really notice so much change in your thought process and such.
This was the way I was. I did notice a less inhibitedness as far as my repressing of feminine behavior,it just made me less active about concealing it. I also had a change in my sexuality,I am pansexual normally..but I am now more attracted to males. Thats just the way it goes sometimes. It was my predisposition for that.

If you have a predisposition for feminising,then you may get behavior and emotional changes earlier.

The emotions will most definitely change for you. The majority of folks do get some mood and emotion alterations. Its mostly a very good thing.
It was for me anyway.

You may get changes to your sexual organs and libido.

You may get some musculature changes to some extent,most will the longer they are on a program. It depends on what you are taking,also.
You may experience degeneration and weakening of your muscles,as they change their cell patterns into more feminine type strength ability.
I have experienced this also,where as I wasnt very masculine as far as muscles anyway, my strength has diminished quite a bit.
I can tell when I try and move and lift things,,things I previously awhile back I couldve moved much easier.

Changes in hair growth. Slim possibility, some new hair patterns on the head,and *maybe some reduction in body hair....but thats not the norm usually.
But it does happen.More so with animal glandular therapys.

There are a lot of supplements that you should consider that will enhance the phytoestrogenics work.

>Vit.C ,will promote the utilzation of the available estrogens and P-estrogenics in your body....something like twice the effective action of the chemicals.
>B-Complex vit.
>Vit.A ,D ,E
Vitamins C,E will inhibit blood platelet clotting.
>Get a good multivit. with micronutrients.Incl. zinc,copper,boron,folic acid,selinium. All good for promoting what the phytoestrogenics,and hormones do.
>PABA,it is produced from Folic acid in your body.
>Iodine, take Kelp or Bladderwrack.
>Cayenne pepper, good for your circulatory system and it also stimulates the herbal items that are taken.
>Essential Fatty Acids, which are like fish oils and evening promrose oil,flaxseed. Omega 3 is the best fatty acid.
>Evening Primrose oil, promotes the utilization of estrogen.
>Soy Lecithin, is great for general fats emulsification,and lowering bad LDL cholesterol.Is good for rebuilding cell membranes of the brain and muscles.
>Milk Thistle,is one of the best liver detox herbs and it promotes blood flow through the pelvis and all fibrous tissue,like the breasts.
It also is a more capable galactagogue when combined with Fennel and Goatsbeard
>Ornithine/Arginine, arginine is made from ornithine in the body.
Arginine is the precursor to Human Growth Hormone.This is important to get enough of,especially when taking on body changes.
Arginine also prevents the degeneration of the thymus gland.
It also promotes production of lymphocytes and Natural Killer cells
It boosts the immune system.

There are more things to take,I will do some more checking and add more to this list when I get ready. I hope this helps.

There is also something to be said for things that *inhibit* breast development and further feminisation.
Caffiene and smoking. Caffiene actually interferes with the absorption of certain isoflavones that are needed in the body.

**Now,some of you are not looking for further feminisation beyond breasts,and I dont mean to suggest that everyone will have all the changes to their body that some of us will. Some males are very resistant to many changes apart from those to the breasts and other fat tissue areas.


Questing for rounder and curvier.///////Many a quirk have I.

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(Login Davata) PS>> November 16 2007, 9:12 AM

Darn it, I wish I could edit my posts....

Add Barley and Buckwheat to the grains.

Soy of course,also.

Questing for rounder and curvier.///////Many a quirk have I.

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(no login) Wow that's alot of info Davilee! November 17 2007, 6:17 AM

Thanks Davilee! That is alot of info! I'm still tryin to absorb it all.

Anyways I figured I'd give a little more info about myself so you know what I'm workin with........I am 6 feet tall, my weight is 158 pounds and my dimentions are 38, 29, 38. I have a pretty good head of multiblond hair. My body hair is fairly fine and not that heavy. None the less I still have to shave from neck to toe.

I guess what I'm sayin is that I have a pretty fem body to start with and have been told so by those "in the know" of my fem side (I am a closet tranny by the way). And I want to remain that way.

Ya know it has only been recently that I have become interested in developing breasts. I'm hopin for A cup or better. But come to think of it I remember way back in the early eighties when I was a teen I used to drool over those old Bossom Beauty ads in the magazines and wish I had some!

Actually I had tits when I was a teen! I remember having "buds" and often painfull, just behind the nipples. I guess they lasted about six months and then they went away. DARN!

My brother also had tits as a teen and so did and does my son (he's 16). Another thing, my sister and nieces all have very nice late "C" or "D" boobs.

I hope that is good news and I got it in the genes.

Do you know Davilee if geneology has a part to play in the development of breasts on males?

Anyways I would if I could post some pics and I would also like to look at some of the other pics posted on this site but DUH!!?? not sure how!?!?

Thanks everyone I'll be back in a few but now I'm gonna go for a refreshing fenugreek booby massage.

- Luv from Tracey!!

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(Login Davata) Re: Fenugreek and Saw Palmetto November 18 2007, 3:24 AM

Sounds like you are very fortunate,like myself to have been born with a feminine body type.

Yes,genetics are VERY important in all this...

The way you describe your family,.....if you take after your mum and female family members then you should have some good results as to breast wish I had been able to start HRT when I was that same age you were because I was the same way...that was the time to start seriously altering the dominate hormones in the body....when estrogens are introduced early will inhibit testosterone very thouroughly....and then its much easier to make transition later...

BUT I didnt have a chance for that ,so here I am NOW going to try my best to change myself further than how I was born.I am sorta inbetween a lesser intersexed condition ;but my testo. was a bit more powerful I guess for a time,not so much in the recent Im stuck with a bit too much body hair and facial hair.

Anyway..the males in your family have a good trait of breast tissue development early on,,then the testo. kicks in and stops it.

Well,Tracey dont despair or get down...I bet you can get some good results once you are on a program for awhile.

About pic gallery..hmmmm.....if you go to the main directory page,and go down to find the photo gallery,there may be info on how to start a page there.Im not sure as I havent decided to do that as of yet.

Id enter that in the search directory and it should show you posts about photo gallery use.

Questing for rounder and curvier.///////Many a quirk have I.

(Login traceytparker) Thanks again!! November 18 2007, 5:12 AM

Thanks Davilee!! If I had boobs like you got brains (and kindness) I'd put Dolly Parton to shame!!

- Tracey!!