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Progesterone Cream On Or Off The Breast (archive thread) - admin - 05-07-2011

Fennel - Progesterone Cream On Or Off The Breast
February 4 2008 at 11:03 PM
Tinhorse (Login tinhorse)


Ok, I have been looling at the forum for some time now. I am beginning my third bout of BE. The first was with herbs. I had good success. Last summer I tried the synthetic kinds, and did not like the way they made me feel. Now I am back on trying herbs again.

I am finalizing my routine with the help of my wife. She is an herbal consultant. I know that it will be with herbs. Mostly SP. Fenugreek, and red clover. I will also take GABA. I am making a cream with my own fenugreek extract, and my wife is making an infusion oil of anise and fennel. I may also take some wild yam.

Ok with that a side, here is my question. I want to occasionally 4 to 7 days a month use a 500mg progesterone cream. The instructions on the tube says apply to under arms, legs, ans so on. It also says to change places each time.

So here is my question. I read on the forum here that some people say to apply the cream directly to the breast, and others say to never do that. I would like know your opiniln on this.

Author Reply
(no login) Re: Fennel - Progesterone Cream On Or Off The Breast February 5 2008, 7:46 AM

Usually, instructions on the product will tell you to apply the cream where the skin is thin, as in the places you mentioned. That is because it will absorb better in those areas. However, progesterone and estrogen seem to "like" a rather fatty environment for optimal effectiveness. If the chest area has thin skin I guess you can kill two birds with one stone and get good penetration as well as direct transport into the fatty tissues of the breast. I would think any steroid cream whatever the active hormone is will do its job if applied according to what the package says.

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(Login Ann5)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Fennel - Progesterone Cream On Or Off The Breast February 5 2008, 5:09 PM

Tinhorse, If you dont mind me asking (since you mentioned your wife was a herbal consultant) is it better for me to take saw palmetto extract or just the fruit, is there a difference? Is the extract better for prostate because of the fatty acids, thus the fruit would be better for BE?

Also, I've been taking alfalfa (not for BE purposes) and read up a bit about it, it states that it shouldn't be taken with saw palmetto and red clover (because of blood thinning). I am currently taking saw palmetto, and want to add the red clover in a few weeks. My question here is, if I'm not going to have a surgery is it really a risk to keep taking the alfalfa?

(no login) Sorry to "butt in" here... February 5 2008, 8:43 PM

But I thought I'd just point out a few things.

The saw palmetto extract is made out of the berries, so both extract and berries contain the fatty acids. The extract is more concentrated than the berries though.

The Alfalfa/Red Clover problem:
Even if you are not having surgery, the blood thinning effect from this combo could be really bad. What if a blood vessel in your brain would rupture and you got acute brain hemorrhage? If you can't stop bleeding like a normal healthy person it could cost you your life. Same if you were in a car accident or anything where you would bleed a lot. Not worth taking that risk.

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(Login tinhorse) Re: Fennel - Progesterone Cream On Or Off The Breast February 5 2008, 9:04 PM


My personal preference is to use the encapsulated dry fruit. I do not know if you are using the extract topically or internally. It can be taken internally mixed with a tea or externally massaged into the skin with the aid of a carrier oil or cream. As mentioned, I would use the encapsulated berries as my primary source, and possible supplement with extract.

Alfalfa is a great herb with a lot of benefits and uses. This is why it is sometimes referred to as the "King of Herbs." However, one of its many properties is as anticoagulant. This means that in large amounts, Alfalfa can thin the blood. It is usually highly recommended not to use this with any other blood thinners; including aspirin. It should not be used in cases of pernicious anemia or when drugs to increase the viscosity of the blood are being taken.

As you may know already, Saw Palmetto has more uses than just BE. It supports the Adrenal glands, male reproduction system, prostate, the respiratory system, the skin, the stomach and the uro-genital tract. It has been used for many ailments and conditions. Breast enhancement in women, type 2 diabetes, poor digestion, hypothyroid problems, Muscular Dystrophy, Prostate problems, wasting, and as a weight gain aid. I do not know of any contraindications with Alfalfa. In fact, as SP saids in poor digestion, and Alfalfa is a digestive tonic, I would think that they could compliment each other.

Red Clover is also a great herb. With so many uses. I will not even try to name them all. Red Clover is a blood purifier. There are no real warning on using it, but it is listed to possibly increase the effect of blood thinning agents. This is not completely document though. I suspect that it in this case it might increase the blood thinning properties of the Alfalfa. For myself, I would have know problem combining the two.

OK, here comes my butt saver. As you know, as an herbal consultant and natural supplement retailer, I am not allowed to prescribe to you. I can only tell you what I would do for myself. If you are truly concerned, you should consult a medical practitioner.

Sorry had to put that in there. Now for myself, I would not have a problem combining them. I just would not use any other blood thinner.

(Login tinhorse) Re: Fennel - Progesterone Cream On Or Off The Breast February 5 2008, 9:12 PM

No problem Fennel, you are not butting in. As always, you have good advice. there are always those concerns, and they are things that should be taken into considerations. Also, what other medication the person is on. Many other over the counter products such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen also thin the blood. Everything must be taken into consideration on a holistic point of view.

(Login tinhorse) Re: Fennel - Progesterone Cream On Or Off The Breast February 5 2008, 9:34 PM

Fennel, How are things in Stockholm. I used to live in Smaland. Just wondering if there are any semlor in the bakeries yet. Wish I could get them here.

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(Login tinhorse) Alfalfa and Red Clover February 6 2008, 2:54 AM

Anne, Just a quick thought. If you are worried about the interaction with Alfalfa and Red Clover, then you can substitute Kudzu Root and/or Dong Quai Root for the Red Clover.

Fennel Fairy
(Login fennelfairy)
SENIOR MEMBER Small world! February 6 2008, 7:16 AM

So you've lived in Småland of all places?!!?
There are plenty of Semlor in the bakeries.
I have already had three this year! :-)

(Login Ann5)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Fennel - Progesterone Cream On Or Off The Breast February 6 2008, 4:47 PM

Tinhorse and Fennel, your advice is much appreciated. I guess I'll go ahead and drop the alfalfa for now.