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info from hormone sites (archive thread) - Printable Version

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info from hormone sites (archive thread) - admin - 07-07-2011

In reference to "Finally Some Results".//info from hormone sites
July 20 2007 at 10:18 PM Davilee (Login Davi-lee)


Their are separate cell receptors for both EST.& PROG..
There are three estrogens.E1:estrone 10%,E2:estradiol 10%,E3:estriol 80% Of total production.
EST. stimulates cell mitosis and growth of the ductal systems and causes breast fat accretion.
PROG.stimulates development and differentiation of the glandular tissues,the lobules and alveoli,And it does have some effect on breast fat accretion.
Estrogen BUILDS new progesterone receptors,multiplies their number.
Progesterone is the precursor of 17-hydroxyprogesterone which Glucocortoids and Androstenedione are made from. precursor to Estrone,Estradiol and Testosterone.
The Dr.Lam health site has a leading hormone specialist Dr.Lee on there.
He says that you should apply the prog. mimicking a proper period.
Once a month for several days.
Actually,prog.will block estrogen development in the breast.
HOWEVER,Dr.Lee says that you need to get good amounts of prog.for breast development because lack of it causes fibrotic mammary tissue and conical breast shape and immature areolas.
He recommends that you only find PROG.cream as USP PROG and should have at least 500mg per oz.,Ive seen it up to 2000mg per oz.
I say the stronger the better since you only dose yourself a few days at a time.
He estimates that women produce 20-25 mg per day of PROG. normally.
They produce 300-400 mg/day during pregnancy
Men produce 6-10mg/day of PROG.normally
FOR EST.:women produce 100-200 micrograms/day
So,that gives you some info as to how much you need to boost your hormone production or supplement.
Im going to start taking Tri-Est gel from,because it has all three of the estrogens.i want to develop properly.
That site was the best place I found to get this prep.,it is usally only gotten by prescription.This is prescript. strength prep.
An interesting thing about Estriol(E3)It actually prevents cancer in tissues.
Interesting thing about Progesterone it stimulates P53 Oncogene which causes cancer cells to die in breast & prostate tissues.
I hope this helps folks in someway.
Im still doing study on the interactions of EST. & PROG. and how they work together and work against each other.

Author Reply
(Login Davi-lee) An addition... July 22 2007, 4:16 AM

When I said PROG.will decrease estrogen,I meant that it will affect the breast development if you apply it directly to the breast.
From what Ive read,estrogen lowers somewhat when progesterone hightens during periods and pregnancy.
Actually,if you see my above info.,women dont produce a whole lot of it normally anyway.The greatest amounts they produce are during puberty when their bodies start changing quickly.
Progesterone is produced in larger amounts but most of it is released only after ovulation and pregnancy.
Males do produce E2 & E3.Estradiol is responsible for keeping sperm cells from dying prematurely.E1 & E2 are the most potent EST's.
Males produce PROG.typically half amounts of females.
You probably know this but PROG. is produced in the adrenal glands and adipose tissues,gonads,brain,and placenta during pregnancy.
So,like some of yall were saying,it shouldnt hurt to boost your levels for periods of time IF you are mimicking preg.
Im trying to figure out the exact combos of things that happen that makes a woman breasts develop so quick in pregnancy,because its tricky,IF they have higher levels of PROG. because of the developing baby,HOW are they also growing their breasts with EST.???
From reading the lactation info.on forced lactation site,PROLACTIN isnt really engaged until the last trimester,then when the baby is born the PROG.level drops fast and THAT signals the breasts to really get busy.