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Pumping Parties: Nothing to Celebrate (archive thread) - admin - 09-09-2011

Pumping Parties: Nothing to Celebrate
June 29 2008 at 9:35 AM Unknown Sheep (no login)


News Report: Tuesday, June 24, 2008

No, they're not breast-pumping parties...they're soirees where women get their boobs boosted, lips plumped, and sometimes even get more junk in their trunks.

But a 22-year-old Miami man was just arrested for injecting women's butts with illegal silicone injections, shedding light on the fact that these "doctors" are not always what they seem.

Anthony Donnell Solomon was arrested for throwing a "pumping party" where for $500 a pop, women could increase the size of their butts by taking illegal silicone injections. Police charged the man with unlicensed practice of healthcare, a third-degree felony (punishable by up to five years in prison) and/or a $5,000 fine.

Sounds scary? It's no fluke--pumping parties are more common than you think. Here's how it works: A group of women gather together at a private home or hotel room and a person with no medical training (read: anyone from your neighborhood dog walker to a school teacher) administers silicone injections to their breasts, butts, lips, anywhere they want to plump up.

"Women frequent these parties because they're seduced by the low cost," says Stephan Baker, M.D., a spokesperson for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. "Sure, for only a few hundred dollars, they can have their breasts done, but the consequences are too often fatal."

Here's further proof: In 2004, a transgender woman experienced convulsions and died after attending such a party. And in 2001, a 53-year-old grandmother from South Florida died from a lung embolism after silicone leaked into her bloodstream. The biopsy showed damage to every vital organ in her body and 36 puncture wounds in her hips and butt.

This is why the FDA won't approve the marketing of liquid silicone for any cosmetic purpose, even the treatment of wrinkles. "Currently, the FDA prohibits manufacturers or doctors from advertising or selling liquid silicone," says Baker. "The problem is, people are buying industrial grade silicone--the kind you use to caulk a bathtub--at Home Depot, and injecting people."

And it's no wonder this practice is outlawed: "The injected liquid can--and usually does--spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream, causing infections, blood clots to the lungs, cancer, immune system disorders, and death," says Baker.

However, despite the death toll, business is booming and unlicensed "doctors" are estimated to earn up to $1 million a year. People of all ages and income levels are lining up to be injected with this illegal substance, in the hopes of looking more youthful and beautiful.

"If you want to have plastic surgery, never, ever visit one of these parties," says Baker. "Instead, do your research: Find out where your doctor went to school, and make sure he or she is board-certified in plastic surgery."

If you want to have a cosmetic procedure, find a doctor who is board-certified.

Author Reply
Fennel Fairy
(no login) Re: Pumping Parties: Nothing to Celebrate June 29 2008, 9:43 PM

Well, anyone that goes and has this done to themselves is an idiot. It doesn't take much intelligence to realise the danger factor. I hope people who perform these kind of "treatments" get to spend a lot of time in prison.

(Login moonstruck61) Re: Pumping Parties: Nothing to Celebrate June 30 2008, 10:46 PM

extremely stupid and dangerous as hell. You have to have a death wish to do this crap.
And this is extremely common in the US and the transgendered community.

(no login) Re: Pumping Parties: Nothing to Celebrate July 1 2008, 6:02 PM

To have industrial quality liquid silicone injected in the body while being aware of how silicone breast implants have leaked and caused serious danger for women, is a brilliant way to show off that single digit IQ... It's not silicone they need to inject. It is brains.

Well it is good of you to post a warning here anyway, in case any potential victims might be able to read this. Most people have enough common sense and intelligence to not do this ****.

(no login) Pumping March 5 2009, 1:03 AM

I wish that these girls would exhaust all of their options instead of continually looking for quick fixes. I have a girlfriend who is like a sister to me and she loves her pumped breasts. Every time she goes for a session, I am scared to death that something will go wrong. I've shown her photos of silicone gone bad, and still she gets it done.

Pumping is not safe, not cool, and not cute. How many horror stories need to be told before it stops? How many girls need to die?

I too feel that the bastards that are doing the pumping need to go to prison for as long as is possible. The downside to that is that the girls who are desperate to have work done will only find someone else to do it. And the cycle will unfortunately continue.