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Samantha's Program

Lotus - he just dos not seem interested in the PM. I have described it to him and he just nods... I think herbs are just way outside his paygrade...LOL
And I don't think my facial hair has changed much. It has slowed a little in speed of growth, but I never had a dense beard or one that grew quickly anyway. I last shaved my face Saturday afternoon, and I have a slight five o'clock shadow today... less than a milimeter... maybe less than half a mm. And that is in more than three days. Don't hate me, girls...Tongue
LittleMiss - Yeah, staying the course on E, but maybe adding a little T back in just to see what happens with my bits...Blush
He said normal T for a woman should be roughly 89 so, at 0.1, I can safely experiment with reintroducing a little just to gently reawaken function, if I want. Have not decided that just yet.
I love this doctor. Tee hee.Tongue

Congratulations! Smile

Yeah, I'd say you have plenty of room to bump that T level up into the GG range. Wink

I'm so excited for you Sammie (and maybe a little know me, the worrier..LOL). My wife asked me if I was attracted to you as a transwoman. Wow! That took me by surprise. I assured her that we were just friends, but it goes to show how this life of ours can cause all kinds of insecurities in the one's we love.

Clara Wink

Funny, Clara... I guess I never stopped to consider that kind of reaction.... I confess, I am still coming to terms with the idea that to some I might seem pretty or attractive...not being disingenuous I assure you... just my insecurities showing...Blush

So Doll, will you take T to boost it or will you cut down on the PM and try to do it naturally???


(02-04-2014, 01:00 AM)LittleMissS Wrote:  So Doll, will you take T to boost it or will you cut down on the PM and try to do it naturally???

Ha, not even sure I need PM now, what with the estradiol. Ironically, right before I got the E scrip I had purchased six fresh bottles of Ainterol PM. I wonder if I should offer to sell them to someone...?


(02-04-2014, 01:48 AM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  
(02-04-2014, 01:00 AM)LittleMissS Wrote:  So Doll, will you take T to boost it or will you cut down on the PM and try to do it naturally???

Ha, not even sure I need PM now, what with the estradiol. Ironically, right before I got the E scrip I had purchased six fresh bottles of Ainterol PM. I wonder if I should offer to sell them to someone...?

Nope, just the E please! Tongue

lol... no shortage of that either. He gave me a new E scrip today too. LOL I still had some left and the old scrip allowed for up to ten

So I have been thinking about my next steps all night, following the new blood work yesterday. Puzzling over it might be a better description.
Obviously, the last month has shown that with the high levels of E and phyto E I have been ingesting, T has fallen so low as to possibly even be too low for good health. At 0.1 I am insanely far below even that of a normal gg (89).
My doctor, knowing I am not currently interested in full transition and SRS, has suggested boosting T slightly with a low supplement. Others have suggested simply dropping my herbs entirely now, and simply continuing with the 4mg daily of E.

So...who has a suggestion. Having volunteered as a human guinea pig in this crazy hormonal experiment, and with an endo who is more than helpful, I am in the unique position to try either approach this next month.
While in no way do I want to slow or cease breast growth, I must confess, it might be nice, either way, to gently reawaken my...ahem...boi bits...once more. It has been a good six months or more since anything happened down there. Just for old times sake, a little "reaction" might be nice. I do seem to vaguely remember it as nice...tee hee.

Thoughts? Cast your votes now!Tongue

Like I said the other night, you should drop one of PM/E or lower both imo.

Personally, since E will show up on lab tests directly as estradiol, I'd drop the PM. Why try to do things via guesswork when you have access to something that can be clinically measured?

Others may disagree, of course.

On a side note, since your lab results seem to confirm what I've read(that after awhile E itself will keep T low and an AA isn't needed), I'm going to just do 4mg of E and a DHT blocker for awhile and see how the T looks the next round of tests.

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