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Well I thought I was turning the corner but It really hurt this morning Sad I did get some sleep though and thats been hard to come by lately so thats good...

No it was as swollen and numb and sore as ever this morning Sad I had to go back on a full dose of Oxycodone, that helps but it also just knocks me out ... Still only 5 days post op though so I should expect to be hurting!!!

It just seemed a lot better yesterday, hopefully later on today the swelling will go down some more... Im back to my ice packs but at least the moaning has stopped so it is getting better or Im just getting used to it WinkRolleyes

FFS sounds extremely awful. You're scaring me off of it Eva. Which may be a good thing lol.

It'll get better. I don't mean to be negative. Smile

Hey Sarah It unfortunately has been a total nightmare so far and Im not kidding... This SUCKS big time Sad

OK so Im bored here and I have absolutely nothing better to do just sitting alone in my hotel in such a miserable state... I guess I will write a bit about where Im numb... The Oxcy takes care of the pain well enough I guess, as far as I know it does nothing for numbness and swelling though... I was under the impression that ibuprofen is a blood thinner and an anti inflammatory... Well Im definitely inflamed here, I really wish I could try it but I wont until I hear its OK from my doc.... Tylenol has always been worthless to me but Im gonna take it anyway...

So I decided to leave the ace bandages off for awhile after having them on for a while... Sometimes tighter has seemed to help, but its been nice for a while now to take them off and just let things get some good circulation...

From the top behind the incision on my forehead its completely numb for an inch or two and it gradually has feeling out to my crown area... It feels almost normal right below it and just a little sore... All across my forehead and eye sockets is numb but there is some sensation there it just feels weird... It is totally smooth and flat there with no lumps at all so thats probably good... My upper nose is hard to tell with the splint still attached but Im not perceiving any pain from there... There doesnt seem to be much swelling at all up there....

Under my eyes is bruised but no numbness or pain there at all... from the middle of my nose down its just mildly numb but not really swollen too bad... Im not even having much trouble breathing through my nose which is kinda surprising... My Cheeks feel totally normal... so from the bottom of my nose up its really not bad at all...

My upper lip however is still very sore and swollen :'( I dont perceive much pain from the incision under my nose but my lip itself is just blown up like 2-3 times normal size... I had a lift and "augmentation" with a mixture of tissue and fat from my face lift... The swelling and numbness and pain extends out into my cheeks to my jaw... M lower lip is only mildly swollen but it is pretty numb, there is an incision and stitches in my gums in front and on both sides of my lower jaw... There is surprisingly only mild discomfort from these stitched up areas....

My chin and jaw however ARE VERY swollen and painful... My chin is completely numb and my jaw is mostly numb all the way back...
The numbness feels a lot like the anesthetic I had with my orthodontist in my lips... Its not pleasant at all and it hasnt really improved much at all... I started to yesterday but it all came back as bad as ever today :'(

I can also feel tightness, swelling and numbness around my face and neck lift scars... I had lipo under my chin and its sore there as well... I try not to move my head much but its sore and tight on my neck....

Hopefully I can look back and read that soon and say... "Oh yea that sucked, Im so glad thats getting better" :'(

While it may seem these were all minor surgeries individually, you really had a lot of concentrated work done. Surgeries of any kind tend to be painful for a while. Facial work can be especially painful. You should start feeling better soon though. The swelling might take a while to go down but I have little doubt that over the next few days the pain will start really reducing and the swelling and bruising will go down. Numbness may take longer to vanish and there is always the possibility that some areas may not regain normal feeling, though they usually do.

In this.. patience is going to be the one thing you will need the most of right now. You can do it, and you are already well on the way through it. *hugs* I really really can't wait to see you dolled up. You are going to be smokin hot!


Reading your account today, Eva, I'm feeling good about having less done than you next month. I've been advised that chin and jaw work is not necessary, nor will I have face and neck tightening done at this time. Still, I expect to have an uncomfortable week post-surgery. I'm glad that my spouse is coming along to baby me and help me overcome boredom while I'm shut in our apartment for days.

If it's any consolation, you, at least, are now done with FFS, unless some corrective adjustments are needed. I will be doing it again in the fall for the face and neck lift, blepharoplasty, and fat grafts in my cheeks.

I hope you experience some relief soon. In the end it will all be worth it.


(01-03-2015, 09:10 PM)ElainMoria Wrote:  While it may seem these were all minor surgeries individually, you really had a lot of concentrated work done. Surgeries of any kind tend to be painful for a while. Facial work can be especially painful. You should start feeling better soon though. The swelling might take a while to go down but I have little doubt that over the next few days the pain will start really reducing and the swelling and bruising will go down. Numbness may take longer to vanish and there is always the possibility that some areas may not regain normal feeling, though they usually do.

In this.. patience is going to be the one thing you will need the most of right now. You can do it, and you are already well on the way through it. *hugs* I really really can't wait to see you dolled up. You are going to be smokin hot!


Thanks Ellain, yes Im looking forward to getting past this and maybe actually being pretty Smile That blows my mind actually considering were I came from!!!

(02-03-2015, 05:46 PM)EvaMarie Wrote:  
(01-03-2015, 09:10 PM)ElainMoria Wrote:  While it may seem these were all minor surgeries individually, you really had a lot of concentrated work done. Surgeries of any kind tend to be painful for a while. Facial work can be especially painful. You should start feeling better soon though. The swelling might take a while to go down but I have little doubt that over the next few days the pain will start really reducing and the swelling and bruising will go down. Numbness may take longer to vanish and there is always the possibility that some areas may not regain normal feeling, though they usually do.

In this.. patience is going to be the one thing you will need the most of right now. You can do it, and you are already well on the way through it. *hugs* I really really can't wait to see you dolled up. You are going to be smokin hot!


Thanks Ellain, yes Im looking forward to getting past this and maybe actually being pretty Smile That blows my mind actually considering were I came from!!!

Ahh lovey, you were very pretty already, now you're gonna be hot! I am just a tad bit jealous of you and Clara. FFS is well out of my price range. Even doing individual surgeries is out of my budget. I can't wait to see how you both look when your faces have settled and normalized. You are both going to be so beautiful!

*hugs hugs hugs*


(02-03-2015, 05:39 AM)ClaraKay Wrote:  Reading your account today, Eva, I'm feeling good about having less done than you next month. I've been advised that chin and jaw work is not necessary, nor will I have face and neck tightening done at this time. Still, I expect to have an uncomfortable week post-surgery. I'm glad that my spouse is coming along to baby me and help me overcome boredom while I'm shut in our apartment for days.

If it's any consolation, you, at least, are now done with FFS, unless some corrective adjustments are needed. I will be doing it again in the fall for the face and neck lift, blepharoplasty, and fat grafts in my cheeks.

I hope you experience some relief soon. In the end it will all be worth it.


Well your lucky then for sure... The chin and jaw has been the worst followed very closely by the lip lift/augmentationSad Its hard to tell how the face neck lift plays into all this but Im sure your gonna have it easier than I haveWink I'll be watching and rooting for you here on the other side!!!

This has been fucking brutal so far and it sucks even worse than I imagined it possibly could Sad

I did manage to get about 5 hours of sleep last night so that's an improvement... I try to sleep sitting up to keep the swelling down and thats tough to do Rolleyes

It always seems worst first thing in the morning and this morning was no exception Sad

Its really starting to bug me, my entire right side of my face has seen the swelling and numbness go down dramatically and thats great Smile The problem is the entire left side is still VERY swollen Huh My upper lip looks almost normal on the right side but swollen huge and numb on the left SadBlushRolleyes Same with my jaw very swollen but only on the left side Huh With the swelling comes pain and numbness so Id be really happy if the left side would get it in gear and get with the program here!!! Shy

From what I can see of my right side Im going to absolutely LOVE the results of this!!!! SmileBig GrinCool

I just talked to my docs resident assistant and she said Im doing OK and to just keep doing what Im doing and give it time to heal... Im very happy I was cleared to start taking Ibuprofen, that stuff work wonders for me so Im hoping to see a nice improvement there Smile

I think Im gonna get all bundled up and go far a nice walk around Boston and hopefully get my mind and body in a better place Smile

It won't help you at this point, Eva, but I wanted to make others aware of the use of Hilotherapy for controlling swelling and bruising post facial surgery.

The Facial Team in Marbella, Spain incorporates these cryo masks during the two-day stay in the hospital post surgery.


Here's a shot of one of my surgeons (Dr. Daniel Simon) and a patient who had forehead reconstruction:

[Image: Cryo%2BMask.jpg]

I'm told that I will have one of this placed on my forehead for two days before being released to my apartment. It will provide optimal cooling of the affected tissue to minimize swelling and, in so doing, pain.

They have masks that fit the jaw as well.


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