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Does the boob pain go away? (archive thread)


Does the boob pain go away? (plus a warning to all)
November 22 2007 at 8:32 AM
Morticia aka Dee (Login moonstruck61)


Ok, so now I'm in a phase where major change is going on. I can feel quite a bit of breast tissue forming and it HURTS..
I can barely touch my right tit and my left tit is starting to hurt too, it's about a week behind the right side.
Before they were simply fat. No real breast tissue, just fat. Not so anymore.
Before, quite a few months back I got a few sharp pains and tingles but not much.
This is waaaay different. This is serious growth kicking in.
I'm just a about to start month 11 of my HRT aka transition.
A long time ago when I first started taking herbals back in January of this year I had said I was only going to grow a little secret boobie and stop. No more than B cup I said.

Ha! Right. So now I am a definite B cup. Plus a lot of other things have changed too. But I'm not stopping, I'm going forward and whatever size I can achieve then so be it. The bigger the better. I want whoppers. I want to make hooters girls jealous.

Another benefit of my HRT regime is that I've reached the point of no return in many ways, including chemical castration.
Everything has shrunken and become a fraction of what it was in addition it's all non functional now. Doesn't bother me though because I also have lost all sexual desires. It simply isn't an issue for me. I just don't even care to think about it anymore.

So be careful if you want to keep your plumbing in working order. It's very easy to shut it all down and disable it, FOREVER unless you're very careful. This is no joke, I am not kidding you.
Your "stuff" WILL wither away and it will become useless for anything.

Anyway, I wanted to throw those warnings in because I can tell you first hand that there is a real danger that you can render yourself not only permanently sterile but permanently unable to "preform" and you'll reach a point that you will not care in the least about sex, it will become a non issue. Sex will become as important to you as the bird eating french fries in the parking lot of McDonalds. Understand?

Ok, that said.

Now back to the question. Has anyone else had major breast pain? Not sharp pains, but breast tissue that make your entire tit hurt 24/7 like a huge bruise would hurt. And it you bump your tit it hurts so bad you'll cry.
That kind of pain. Has anyone gotten there yet? And please do tell me that it eventually goes away, that it's just a growing pain, a stage you go through as they mature. I wonder how long this will go on? A week? A month? A year?
I hope it's not permanent.

Dee aka Morticia
My stash:

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(Login cavemanzog) Hi Dee! November 22 2007, 5:43 PM

I don't have any answers but just wanted to congratulate you on all the growth! You are pushing beyond the B cup! Terrific! My only concern is the plumbing not working. I gather the non-functioning Mr Johnson is due to HRT? I doubt herbs would do this. But you said you were taking the serious stuff now. If you reduce the dosage a bit, will functioning come back? I just want you to always be healthy. You are one of the most Free-ist of Spirits on the board and your posts are joy to read.

May I ask why you didn't stay on the herb routine? I know the Yahoo groups think herbs is a waste of time. Maybe it is, but I enjoy hearing both sides of the arguments.

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Morticia aka Dee
(Login moonstruck61) Re: Does the boob pain go away? (plus a warning to all) November 22 2007, 8:47 PM

Hmmmm, let me try to answer these.

Ok, I guess first thing is as to the plumbing status. That it's all but useless now, makes me happy. I hope to have an orchi (castration) soon, as soon as I can come up with about $1,000. But in the meantime I've basically been chemically castrated but there's still a little left. I want it gone. As for what would remain, that unfortunately has to remain intact until the moment the surgeon turns it inside out during SRS/GRS. I hope to have that done in the next 2 year at most. But I need to come up with about $10k for that. And with the dollar about to go belly up, SRS in Thailand is likely to double soon, and it's likely that they will soon refuse to take the dollar as some countries already are.

Anyway, bottom line it, I don't want or need the plumbing. That it's becoming more and more useless is a bonus in my books.

As for the herbals, I still take a little here and there on occasion. I knew full well I could grow boobs with herbs but I wanted to up the pace dramatically. I was getting results but things stalled, it was intermittent, and slow in general.
If I was 20 years old that may have been OK but I'm 47 years old and time is running out for me. I had to get things going here. That's why I more or less adjusted my regime to the more serious stuff.

When I was taking ONLY herbs I was getting opposite results. The plumbing was not only working, it was working better than it ever had, even better than when I was in my prime, say 18-22 years old. Orgasms were insanely intense but really, that's not what I really wanted. Plus it was causing me pain and swelling in the um, round things. Pressure build up that had to be relieved every few days. If I had been of the mindset where I had wanted to keep the plumbing intact and operational, that would have been the answer to my dreams. But it was a constant and painful (literally) reminder that things are not as they should be down there. I wanted that to go away but the opposite was happening.
The part of relieving myself of that pain and pressure was um, highly pleasurable but that's not what I live for, that's not what's important to me.

Every little thing I can do to excise the "male" out of my life is good. I want nothing to do with anything that has "male" stamped on it. I can not be free until there remains no more "male" in me. It is an anchor around my neck that drags me down and I'm drowning because of it. I can't breathe, I need air, I have to cut that anchor chain loose from around my neck so I can rise to the surface and be free to breathe and be me.

The only way to do it is to "kill the male" with female hormones. The male must die. The male is dying. Thanks be to the giver goddess of estrogen for that.

So to clarify what I'm doing so anyone else considering the same route or to those that want to avoid this route, here's what I am doing at this time.

Some months ago I got some Ginette-35 from here,
I did some research after reading the package insert where they include a warning that high doses of vitamin C BOOSTS your estrogen levels. So I read up and sure enough, it's true. So I added that to my regime.
Also, thanks to Fennel Fairy, I had also begun to dabble with Bovine Ovary. The company switched from bovine to porcine (pig ovary) out of public concern over that mad cow stuff (I guess).

I pretty much laid off on the herbals and gave the synthetics a chance for a few months. I started seeing some pretty amazing results. My entire body shape began to take on obvious female appearance. Hips, thighs, everything. It's a dramatic change from say a year ago. Dramatic. I had originally planned to do only the Ginette but then I started slipping the PO in at night.

So as it is now, in the morning I take,
(1) Ginette-35 ( sublingually )
(2) generic aspirin
(1) Motilium ( )
(1) 1000mg vitamin C with rose hips
(1) 500mg calcium
(1) generic multi-vitamin
(4) Saw palmetto caplets (these are certified to contain like 85% or more of something. I forget my research told me that if they don't say on the bottle that they are certified to contain a certain percentage of something then you're not getting the good stuff.

At night before bed I take the following,
(1) Motilium
(1) 1000mg vitamin C with rose hips
(1) 500mg calcium
(4) Saw palmetto caplets
(3) Porcine Ovary caps ( )
(2) Fenugreek caps

The Fenugreek and the Motilium are supposed to promote lactation. Which I have achieved though it's still on a small scale. My son was home for a week and I wasn't able to work them with him around. He just left and went back to Oklahoma so now I can resume my duties to try to "exercise" them and get the milk flowing again.

I've been doing the above regime for about two months now, religiously. I do not miss my meds. I take them every single day without fail. I've stocked up on them for the long haul. Everytime I get some spare $$$ I send off for a six month supply each time. I have enough stockpiled now to carry me well into next year but even so I plan to order another six month supply soon.

Plus I'm also getting ready to order some Spiro soon,
to add to my regime.
So as you can see, I'm quite serious about all this. I have reached the point of no return.
What has happened to my body is now irreversible. The hips and thighs might go away if I stop but the tits won't, they are obviously female breasts now. Only way they are coming off is with a surgeons knife. And believe me, that won't be happening. The er, gonads, that's a done deal. They are about 1/5 the size they were six months ago. They more or less don't even exists anymore. All the connecting tissues are larger than the gonads are now. And that will be coming out in a few months when I can get an orchi. So that also can not be reversed now. I took it waaaaay past that point.

Bottom line, my body shape has change pretty dramatically. There is still a long way to go yet but I'm well along the path.
In another year's time I expect that the changes will be even more dramatic. As they should.

I've achieved this all in about 11 months. I started this HRT journey in Jan of 07.

I don't know and I can't say, but I think it's safe to say that everyone will have different results.
It depends on how far you want to take it and what risks you are willing to take, what you are willing to give up and what you want to gain.

For some of this, you have to give up a few things in exchange for others. IF you want to push it beyond the simple "I just want some secret little boobies" phase.

Please be aware that I am carrying this all the way through to the end, SRS/GRS (sex/gender reassignment surgery) so what I am doing is probably not what most of you would want to do. So don't start taking the stuff I am taking then freak out when one day you realize your "stuff" doesn't work anymore and that you don't even care if it works.
HRT will likely cause you to lose interest in sex. HRT also rewires your brain in many ways, far more than I can list here.

Each of you know what is right for you. Don't play games unless you know what you really want. If you're not sure, DO NOT DO IT......

I hope this helps shed a little light on things. Do realize that I am also not following the sacred "standards of care" and am a total renegade doing this totally without the supervision of a doctor of any sort. This also is not advisable but it is what I am doing, it's my way. I go against the system and I write the rules to the game I play. I am gambling with my life doing this but what the hell, if I wasn't doing this I would have to kill myself because I can not live in a male body and I can not present the false male image. My world was (and still is) crumbling away rapidly. HRT is my life preserver. Without it I will perish.

I must go now, I have some things I have to do today.

Dee aka Morticia
My stash:

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(Login Iminadaze) For Dee November 23 2007, 12:06 AM

When I first started the herbals i got some (fat) growth, I say fat cause it does not even compare to how things are now. before my boobies got a little rounder and tingled a little, now I take estrofem and spironolactone and the difference is night and day, I really have tissue growing in them not just fat, and they are growing totally different than with the herbals, with nodules behind the nips that just keep expanding. I have passed the tanner II stage and it is so exciting. to answer your question about feeling, YES I am having the same pain as you are... I mean it hurts like whoa!!! DO NOT TOUCH, even my shirt grazing them lightly causes discomfort and that is an understatement. I did get nervous at first cause the pain was strong but after seeing the growth I can understand why it hurt (no pain no gain) I am now very happy with the changes I'm going through unlike having doubt whether or not the herbals were working, I know the synthetics are doing the job. It's like switching from a chevette to a corvette and I'm glad I did.

WARNING: for everyone else thinking about switching.
Dee is absolutely right in saying that it totally wrecks your plumbing and your sex drive will take a permanant vacation I gave it alot of thought and knew the risks before going the route of synthetics, cuz face it your not just growing boobies you are changing completely, even lifestyle. so if you think your just going to grow boobs and be the big man stud, well thats not likely going to happen. even my emotions get the best of me, imagine this. I was sitting with my girlfriend watching one of our weekly shows when something sad on the show took place I got this emotional rush totally out of control which caused me to burst into tears, my girlfriend laughed at me calling me girly (which is true and actually felt good to hear from her) but the reality of it is that a year ago something sad on the t.v no less, would not have affected me at all, and I have only been on synthetics for 2 months.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here.....hope your turkey's are perky

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(Login Iminadaze) some food for thought November 23 2007, 1:20 AM

you chose ginette over an estradiol based pill. I have learned that ethinynlestradiol 17-alpha-Ethinyl-17-beta-estradiol is a compound created as a BCP that could pass through the liver without losing the estrogen so it don't need to be taken under the tongue and it has a longer half life than than just 17-beta-estradiol also. but the downside to the ginette is it only contains 35 micrograms or .035 milligrams of 17-beta-estradiol. the typical hormone reg. is anywhere from 4-8 milligrams under the tongue with some sort of antiandrogen daily. anyway my point is you could benifit even more if you put the dosage levels more in that range, but not with ginnette because those levels could cause DVT as they were designed only to be a BCP not HRT.

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Morticia aka Dee
(Login moonstruck61) Re: Does the boob pain go away? (plus a warning to all) November 23 2007, 5:19 AM

I went with the Ginette because it has an AA in it too.
Yes, the dosage is low but I've been led to believe that EE is more powerful than simple E so even though the physical measurement of the chemical is lower it's still strong stuff in comparison, as far as mileage you get from it.
In other words it is like putting a higher octane fuel in an engine. 1 gallon low vs 1 gallon high. Both will make the motor run but the higher octane gives it a little more punch. Yeah, that's a dumb comparison but it's what I have been reading on some of the TG forums.

BTW, I do it sublingually because I've read that it's easier on the liver, it actually bypasses the liver.
I'm old so I need to be gentle on my system.

Considering that it has an AA in it, that helps the situation. Plus, I'm taking high doses of vitamin C which as proven to boost estrogen levels. Here's the package insert I scanned that was in the Ginette. Check the part out about vitamin C under
"drug interactions" (this is the side with the C statement)

It says specifically that taking large doses of vitamin C turns a weak estrogen into a super estrogen.
So I'm cheating and getting more bang for my buck by boosting the octane level, so to speak.

Could I be using something better? There is no doubt of that what-so-ever. I'm not sure what exactly would be better, perhaps something at might be a better option but what I'm doing now seems to be giving me pretty good results and it's pretty affordable.
When I ever get ahead a little and get some spare cash I want to buy some better stuff and I want some of the mega-AA's. I want the best stuff there is. I want the body hair to fall out in a week. Whatever.. But that stuff is *expensive* and I'm poor.
I can afford to buy this stuff in 6 month supplies.

Plus, also consider I'm also supplementing with the Porcine Ovary. I don't know what the levels of estrogens are in it as it doesn't say but I can tell you this, when I started taking that stuff, things started changing. The doubts were removed, something was happening.
With the herbs only, I had my doubts. I was always wondering to myself if anything was really happening or was I just getting fat.
No doubts now.

As I'm doing it now, I've had no ill effects that I am aware of. I feel fairly safe doing this. Especially since I'm doing it without medical supervision of any sort.

As for what it does to your head? Woa-boy! I fall apart at the drop of a pin. Don't shed a tear anywhere near me because I'll burst into tears right along with you. I've become *highly* emotional. I do not think the same way at all about anything anymore.
A year ago I had no emotions. Many things have changed radically. None of the changes that have happened to me are unwanted. I consider everything that's changed on me both physically and emotionally to be an *upgrade* and a major improvement.

I can't begin to list all the mental and emotional changes. Let's just say that it's extremely difficult to maintain the old FALSE image that people had grown accustomed to being around. I can fake it for very brief intervals but I just can't be around anyone for more than about 10 minutes before the facade begins to crumble and people take serious notice that I am not the same person they once knew.

Well, got to dash, got to wrap some stuff up and get my blog done I want to get to bed early tonight, it's been a very long day and I'm dead tired.

bye bye for now!

Dee aka Morticia
My stash:

This message has been edited by moonstruck61 on Nov 23, 2007 5:21 AM

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(no login) Re: Does the boob pain go away? (plus a warning to all) November 23 2007, 2:38 PM

<< causing me pain and swelling in the um, round things >>

You can get that with herbs I found out. And then either the SP or Fennugreek was causing me stomach aches so I had to back off. When going back, it did the same thing again. I don't think this is working for me. I might be hypersensitive to the herbs.

I wouldn't mind asking the doctor for low doses of E, but I don't want to lose the functioning plumbing. What about BCP's? Isn't that lower dosage?

Also how can guys get gynecomastia and grow to B cups with no feminization? Or are they only getting boobs with no milk ducts? There has to be a way to replicate true gyne for the people who only want the breast growth. Do I have to go directly to Fennel Oil, Lavendar Oil, or Tea Tree Oils? How do you replicate true gyne?

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Morticia aka Dee
(Login moonstruck61) Re: Does the boob pain go away? (plus a warning to all) November 23 2007, 6:21 PM

Black Cohosh will cause you serious stomach grief if you take too much.
I haven't had any problem with any of the other herbs.
I take large amounts of Saw Palmetto without any side effects at all.

As to growing boobs only, that's a tough one. I've never really put any research into the subject since I want full feminization.
I know for a FACT that Prilosec and many of the other reflux OTC's (Zantac, ranatadine, cimetedine, etc) are documented to cause gyne. I probably spelled those wrong btw.

I took large quantities of all of the above (and more) stomach meds for years and years and I'm pretty sure that's what jump started my gyne. When I finally decided to resume my transition it was pretty easy to get things going by adding herbs.
Herbs alone were giving me tit growth but it was mostly fat with very little breast tissue and the plumbing was not only still functional, it was working better than ever before.

I'm sure that had I stayed strictly on the herbs I would have continued to have (slow) tit growth and the plumbing would have remained fully functional.

Do be aware that there is no scientific roadmap to doing this stuff, it's different for everyone. The herbs are the safe way. They are slow acting and you can back of and things will reverse if you start to notice adverse effects with little chance of irreversible change.

The herbs are taken by people to improve their health, not to feminize. Feminization is a BONUS. If you take the herbs in small amounts you have nothing to worry about. If you take them in large amounts you still have little to worry about, your body will tell you what's happening, you just have to pay attention to it.

You can take this to any level you want. From "secret boobies" to full feminization. It just depends on what you want to do.
It takes time. It won't happen overnight. You don't have to worry about taking herbs then one day you wake up in a woman's body. That's not going to happen.

Try it and go slow. When you get to where you want to be, stop. You'll be fine. If your boobs start to go away then take some herbs again just to maintain them from time to time. And if they do go away all you've done is get some fat up there, not breast tissue.

Really, it's no big deal, there's a TON of information in this forum, just read.
Good luck!

Dee aka Morticia
My stash:

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(Login Ceciliaptgirl) Congratulations November 28 2007, 12:10 PM


I have been reading about all your changes lately and I have to congragulate you. I also should thank you for sharing all your experiences with us and making them so entertaining. Good luck with your efforts.

About your warning. I do not think I will ever try synthetic stuff because I need my plumbing to work and my wife will not accept it otherwise. Herbals are working for me for what I want.

Still, it seems some people use HRT and estrogen without T blockers at low levels and achieve some good breast growth over time. This is a lot slower, but I have corresponded with a couple of people that have been doing this for 4 to 8 years without any loss of male function. It is still scary but maybe it CAN be done.

Was there any point in your development when you knew you were starting to lose your plumbing function and could have pulled back if necessary? It seems to me that maybe at some point one could see what is happening and just stop or reduce dosing. What is your thinking on this?

Does anyone else have any experience with this?


Sincerely - and with love,


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Morticia aka Dee
(Login moonstruck61) Re: Does the boob pain go away? (plus a warning to all) November 29 2007, 1:59 AM

Well it seems like when I was on herbals only (and that includes the BO/PO) it seems like it was not only working but as over active. I was getting pressure and swelling and had to relieve it every few days because it was painful as hell. Now I may have already been sterile at the point, I have no way to know that but it was like being a teenager again but 10 times more than what I was able to do back then. Despite the fact that the orgasms were insanely out of this world and just really beyond description, I found it annoying and I really wanted to be free of that very, very male function. Not only was it physically painful (the buildup) but it was emotionally painful to have to deal with that thing down there. Now, had I been of the mindset that I wanted to keep it all functional and wanted to continue to enjoy that, there would have been no problems.

Honestly I think that I began to lose it without noticing it. The pressure buildups just stopped without me noticing. And since I really don't think about sex very much anyway, I just sort of went on without noticing. I guess the Ginette was what really did it, it has an anti-androgen in it plus EE. And I'm boosting the EE with high doses of vitamin C. I guess after a few weeks of Ginette use I just forgot about everything down there. It just became a non-issue for me.

Now it's about 4 months I've been on Ginette and it's all pretty much over with down there. The, um, round things have gone down from the size of very large pecans to maybe the size of two marbles, and continuing to shrink. I suspect in a few more months they will simply be gone, if the trend continues..

I suspect that my T level is pretty much non-existent at this point. And I am 100% certain that I've gone way past the point that it could be reversed. I'm quite certain that down there, it's game over. Fine with me. About 30 years late but at least it's finally done now.

As for my boobs, it's shocking what's happened in the past weeks. I've literally gone into a boobsplosion phase.
They are swollen and extremely tender to the touch. I feel a large amount of actual breast tissue in there now, not FAT as it has been for a long time. Now they are rounding out and becoming mature looking, not like little pointy girly tits, but mature, adult woman's breasts. I walked past the mirror yesterday (and I usually try to avoid looking) but I caught a glimpse and I had to stop, back up and look to be sure I wasn't seeing things. I was shocked to see how they are rounding out from below now which I can't see when I just look down at them. I was like "Damn! Now that's *real tits* !" I thought to myself. I see no reason why I couldn't hit a full C cup in a few more months if things continue on as they are now, maybe even sooner. Hard to say because I haven't had this sort of growth before. Before it was simply fat accumulating up there and giving the appearance of breasts. This is the real deal this time.
I'm hoping that this is going to be just the beginning of some substantial development and not just a momentary glitch.

The other thing is that the rest of my body is reshaping itself in radical ways. To look at my body in it's current state, you would have to be on drugs to see any resemblance to a male body, providing of course that the offending bits are hidden out of sight.

If things continue as they are right now, I would wager than a year from now I would have a hard time passing as male. At least that's my hopes.

Bottom line, I would say that the thing to watch out for, loss of interest in sex. If you find yourself disinterested in it then it's likely you're on the border line. And check the size of your, parts down there. If you notice shrinkage, you're in deep.

I would say that going the light and slow route may be the safe way to do it if you want to keep the plumbing operational.
Light doses done over a looooong time should be safe. IF you take large doses you better keep a close eye on things.
If nothing else, go to a doctor and get a hormone test. And I would stay away from the synthetics unless you plan MAJOR changes in your life. Even the Bovine Ovary or now it's been replaced with Porcine Ovary is strong stuff. I would suggest avoiding the PO stuff too unless you want to take the chance of major change. In my case I'm taking some of everything because I WANT major change.

Hope this helps..

Dee aka Morticia
My stash:

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(Login Ceciliaptgirl) Re: Does the boob pain go away? (plus a warning to all) November 30 2007, 5:24 AM

Thanks, Dee.

That was great help. I will keep it all in mind. And really, I do not need more than I am doing. But it certainly has been fun reading about your experience. I am also very happy that you are getting such good results.


Sincerely - and with love,


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(Login Davata) Hiya Dee..and all! December 2 2007, 1:35 AM

Wow!..good things happening for you in the body dept.
Thanks for talking about it Dee. Its very helpful to me.

Im getting many of the changes you are just on herbs....Im thinking that my modifications are an uncommon result now....And I shouldnt use myself as any sort of bencnmark for, I will stop commenting on what Im doing,and what Im taking,as it probably isn't going to do the same thing at all for others.

I've had the low to nonexistant libido for quite awhile now....I know what you mean as to it goes ...and you dont care.
Well,thats not exactly true..I do care some because I have "persons of interest" my life and would like to be able to enjoy time with them.
But,my libido has shifted to emotions and feelings...I want someone to prove they really care for me and care about making me feel good.
Its not so much the sheer pleasure lust at all...although I havent really ever been like that but you know what I mean,....I dont care so much about orgasms....its all about the cuddling and touching and caressing..I find all the sensations related to my skin and breasts and bottom and thighs...are so amazing...I dont really need the male orgasm(which has degenerated to nothing anyway)...I have another belly orgasm,thats like in my pelvis,which is like a female orgasm..which is superduper...I love it.Somehow related to my probable female organs I have.

I have actual breast tissues in my breasts,they are firm and stout...they are still small though..but they are getting bigger slowly.
I want big ones too Dee!

Ya know,,..I cant wait to get on the stronger stuff now....I should get some very quick results if I take some real estradiol.
I'd like to get my breast growth boosted up.If Im doing well with the herbs,then I should really do well,on the drugs.

Its all in using your common sense,as to dosing and how your body feels.

I have another TG friend,and she had started on the stronger .35 EE,and got scared....but now she takes one pill every other day and she says she is doing very well...she's getting a lot of growth in the breasts.

Ive not ever heard of anyone taking >>4-8 mg's<< of estradiol a'd be overdosing on it....Ive heard of people taking >>10mg a WEEK<<...and 40mg a MONTH..but not 8 mg a are going to have all sorts of estrogen dominance physical problems....just like the women who have that problem.
You'll have liver problems for sure.....

All the info. on TSDoItYourself Group..has always matched up with the doses I said above....some take a more than that but not too much more.

The info also tends to say that the EE is more potent than other E valerate....there are several types of estrogens.
You have to know which one you are dealing with in what products.

So,I dont know now....I'm getting a lot of body changes..but perhaps its only augmenting what I already have..and not changing me that much.
So,what I tell people about the herbs..may not be correct FOR they most likely wont have the same results I have....

I guess I'll give up the advising stuff. Mind my own business.
It's better than unintentionally misleading people.

The one thing I hate is the body seems to be increasing for awhile,so I dont like that at all and am going to get on drugs for that reason strongly ..among others.

I think that I will sorta phase into the strong estrogens,and leave behind the herbs.
Thats just how I feel the only way Im going to be able to fuction in life to progress more radically into the hormone body development.
I want to be as fem looking as possible.

However(related to what Dee was saying)..I do think that the herbals and glandulars really do help prepare your body for taking the stronger hormones.
The weaker ones (in my theory),wake up and develop the cell receptors,,,so when the strong hormones are started they REALLY start working good.
Just a theory...but its based on some anecdotal evidence relating to several people that Im in contact with.
Again Thanks Dee for your candor,and truthfulness.

Questing for rounder and curvier.///////Many a quirk have I.

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(no login) Re: Does the boob pain go away? (plus a warning to all) December 2 2007, 4:45 PM

Hey Davilee - you're kind of a special case anyway as you may well have more female stuff that you realise. I have to say I had about 30 slightly more obvious hairs in the midline of my chest (I know this is disgusting!) I've had 2 cycles on Dianette (same as Ginette) and waxed it once about 2 months ago - honestly nly 1 hair has grown back!!!! Still have a few round the belly button but the gynaecologist is really pleased and is giving me another 6 months before changing me to something weaker. If you're more female this may work well for you but depends on whether you want to keep the male bits too. Don't think it's done much for my sideburns but hardly have a moustache and that's been about 6 weeks since the hairdresser waxed it.

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: Does the boob pain go away? (plus a warning to all) December 3 2007, 6:10 AM

It's been fun but it's time for me to go.

This message has been edited by moonstruck61 on Dec 3, 2007 6:10 AM

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(Login Davata) Re: Does the boob pain go away? (plus a warning to all) December 12 2007, 7:35 AM

Hi Louise....yep...somethings amiss.....HAHA...Im looking into what Dee is taking..the same or similar as what you are taking I guess.....
Im going to go slow with it at first....see what happens....
Sorry,I havent been around.....have a love interest now.....Whenever ya wanna talk just drop me a note at my Yahoo or Gmail addy.
I'll be around ,but probably not as much.
See ya~

Oh bye Dee....I'll maybe talk to ya sometime around TH.

Questing for rounder and curvier.///////Many a quirk have I.

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Morticia aka Dee
(Login moonstruck61) Re: Does the boob pain go away? (plus a warning to all) December 12 2007, 10:50 AM

eh, I may stay around after all.
Just realize I'm very unstable right now, I run hot and cold from minute to minute.
Depression is a damn hard thing to live with.

More later. Major happenings. Major boobie growth going on. Lots of changes in my life.

Dee aka Morticia
My stash:

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(Login Boob-Dreamer)
SENIOR MEMBER Good to have you back. December 13 2007, 3:02 AM

Nice to hear from you again Dee. I hope the dark clouds lift quickly and ease the depression. You have a lot of friends on the forum who have missed you.

Also nice to hear from you again, Fennel. Like Dee you have a lot of friends here and you have been missed.

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