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So the dairy is open for business again. (archive thread)


So the dairy is open for business again.
November 4 2007 at 2:02 AM
Morticia (Login moonstruck61)


I knew it would happen.
It was just a matter of time.

Yep. I began lactating today.

For the past two days my tits have been real tender, just behind the nipple.
So tonight I started actually trying to feel what's going on in there and started squeezing them.
It hurt. Like OUCH! kind of hurt. So I squeezed some more then started way back and grabbed one with both hands and really squeezed hard. JACKPOT!! Fluid is coming out of both nipples now.
Not much though.. Mind you, this is day one. It takes some time to get the equipment up and running ..

I know this because I've been there, done that. A long time ago I was able to squirt milk a distance of about 6 feet.
Did it before, I'll do it again and it's started as of now.

Now that I know for a fact that it's started up again I'm going to work at it to get them up to full production.
Some time back I mentioned I bought an electric breast pump. I sort of haven't been using it much lately.
Haven't really done anything lately except take my whore-moans for some time.

Been really depressed lately but this sort of renews my hopes a little.
Don't know how long it will take but I already know what I need to do now. I have to work on them several times a day now. I already have a routine planned..

Took some pics but now I have to figure out where to post them as photobucket and imageshack get all upset over certain types of pictures.

This pictures explains their policy -->

Author Reply
(Login Davata) Re: So the dairy is open for business again. November 7 2007, 7:31 PM

Hey Morticia,LOL!!...Thats so great! :-)
I guess boosting your estrogen is going to help with that.

Yah,a while back when I mentioned I thought I was lactating,well,it was just my areola glands exuding a lot of oil I guess.
BUT sometimes my nipples do ooze just a little moisture.
Still,that was sorta weird,but,I guess i shouldve expected that to happen.They still do it when I'm squeezing them when massaging.

Hey,does your blog have your current experiences with your new program?
I shall have to read it.

Questing for rounder and curvier.///////Many a quirk have I.

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(Login braslip) I'm impressed November 9 2007, 4:13 PM

Wow what a dream to have come true. You have no idea how I wish I was also able to produce milk.
I even bought a breast pump a couple of years ago and used it for weeks hopeing something would happen. of course this was befor I found this site and fully unstood all that has to go on befor you can produce milk. So please keep us informed as to the full proccess of your milk production so we can live our dream through you.

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(Login Davata) Re: So the dairy is open for business again. November 11 2007, 11:59 AM

Hi, yes,I know a couple of friends who are interested in this also.
Im currently trying to plan a herbal method for inducing lactation.
It may have to involve some drugs also.

I can tell you to look back at Morticias lactation thread,I wrote a website name in there for a program that induces lactation,but it involves hormone drugs,and domperidonefor prolactin stimulation.
Morticia also posted info,about that drug in the thread under Oxytocin info.
She listed some links also.

If you cant find it,then ask me again,and I'll look it up.

Questing for rounder and curvier.///////Many a quirk have I.

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: So the dairy is open for business again. November 14 2007, 9:51 AM

MAJOR tit pain. Seriously hurting now. Swollen and tender like never before.
This isn't just little sharp pin point pains, it's like there's a large mass in there about the size of a handball and it hurts to touch.
I bumped them a few times and it made me cry out it hurt so much.
I talked to a girl who now is DD from pure hormones only, no boob jobs, and she told me that this is a GOOD sign that breast tissue is really kicking into gear now. Not just little girly titties but now this is the stage where they begin to become real womanly female breasts. Play time is over, this is the real thing now.
For the record, I started HRT in early Jan of 2007. So I guess that puts me at about 10 months on HRT now.
Plus I'm taking synthetics too. Lots of stuff is changing rapidly. My body shape is obviously female now.
The male body is gone. The "twig and berries" are pretty much useless and withered away now to the point of they are not noticeable. The berries are almost gone. They went from the size of two large pecans to the size of two marbles and still going down each week.

I can't wear mens jeans anymore, they do not fit and they make me insane. I have to wear women's jeans now. Smile

I'm a respectable B cup now and they are plumping up, becoming rounder and moving from that immature conical shape to plump globes. Still pointy though but obviously head that way.

I no long have a male body. It can't function in male ways. My muscle is gone, I'm weak now.
I used to lift things 200-300 lbs. Now things 20-30lbs task me.

There's a lot more too but I'm out of time for now. My son is coming home to stay for a week so I will be gone again for awhile. I just haven't posted much lately because of I've been severely depressed and I'm having major mental health issues. I'm at the ragged edge of a nervous breakdown. But things may change for the better this week. Maybe.

Later girls... Big Grin

My stash:

This message has been edited by moonstruck61 on Nov 14, 2007 9:52 AM

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(Login Davata) Re: So the dairy is open for business again. November 14 2007, 10:30 AM

WOW!! Thats so great! You make me charged up to really accomplish something....WhooHoo!!!

OMG! she has DD from the hormones..that would be awesome....

That is just so cool that you are changing so well now....

Have you really felt a change since getting on the synths??

Questing for rounder and curvier.///////Many a quirk have I.

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(Login Davata) Re: So the dairy is open for business again. November 14 2007, 11:25 AM

Oh so are you taking the EE *and the botanicals or glandulars together??

Please tell me about your mixing if thats what you are doing,that is very facinating to me....Im just wanting to learn from you.

What you have been doing all along is going to help me figure out a plan for myself.

I can write to you in another place if you like.

Sounds like your milk sinuses are filling up, is there a problem that you cant empty them??
Try some of those oxytocin herbs,or...well...I guess "let-down" isnt your problem is it.

Take Sage tea Morticia,it will reduce your milk production.

Also,apply a strong sage tea topically to your breasts in a warm cloth and that should help some.

Sage and Jamine are milk inhibiters.

You can always add progesterone cream to them and that should inhibit it some.

Questing for rounder and curvier.///////Many a quirk have I.

Morticia aka Dee
(Login moonstruck61) Re: So the dairy is open for business again. November 14 2007, 7:06 PM

BTW, I'm working towards replacing my FAKE (obviously) screen name with the name that will very likely become my legal name at some point in the future.

One upon a time I went by Diana but it's been over 16 years since I went by that. For now I'm somewhat uncomfortable with going back to that name.

For the immediate future Dee (D. is my actual initial) will suffice. It may make it easier for family and friends to call me D. (Dee) as far as they are concerned. It's and initial and it also works as a female name.

So if you see "Dee" being used here or at my adopted home, Transhouston, that's me.

This is just one more step forward for me in my transition, to stop hiding in the shadows and to become a real person.

Just to clarify.

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