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Your boobs are spectacular, OMG your eyes are beautiful. You have come such long way with every thing  Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart

Awww thank you Billie and Ninja. Hug

34th month was truly amazing on boobs, my experiementation will go on as it is for I think next two months without changing anything so I'm hoping for another great one. ^_^ I will stock up on Vitex and EPO, keep topical program as it is and Pio I will continue until I reach three months. Then I'm planning taking a break from Pio, possibly a while off of topicals and slimming phase until end of summer. Then I will resume everything topicals and start another three month run on Pio just before second phase of my surgery. I've read interesting speculation that PPAR-y activation during fat transfer recovery might be helpful for retaining better results and I want to test that theory. If this turns out successful, that's truly something to keep in mind for anyone considering fat grafts.

I had therapy today, so another perfect excuse to learn makeup. I tried a new thing today, doing shadows/highlights already when doing foundation, then detailing it with powder bronzer/highlighter. I wanted to learn how to deal with green eyeshadow because often greens don't work on me, but my eyes are green so it should fit? And it does when done using warm tones. I mated metallic green with gold and the chameleon glimmer thing. Then used a bit extra blush and as the foundation was already warmer than usual, that creates a red/green contrast which is amazing in art, so why not in makeup? Here's how it turned out.

[Image: 19-4-24-2.jpg][Image: 19-4-24-3.jpg]

I thought I might take the shadows & highlights in foundation idea further as its not difficult to do and looks so nice, makes it easier to use the powder stuff to finish it and it stays better. Also I think its bringing out the warmth of my skintone out nicely. Its so much fun, I wonder how will it look like in say about a year? Big Grin

Yes. I agree. I'm would not be too enthusiastic about going shopping with me or helping me do or teach me how to do make up. But I have not asked either. She's talking about painting her toes and I'm thinking about asking if maybe we do it together. She has an at home kit. Or maybe we can go get pedicures together some time. Don't think I'd be able to get away with having my nails painted unless I went with black and became goth lol just to cover up that all I wanted was to paint my nails lol.

(19-04-2024, 02:46 PM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Awww thank you Billie and Ninja. Hug

34th month was truly amazing on boobs, my experiementation will go on as it is for I think next two months without changing anything so I'm hoping for another great one. ^_^ I will stock up on Vitex and EPO, keep topical program as it is and Pio I will continue until I reach three months. Then I'm planning taking a break from Pio, possibly a while off of topicals and slimming phase until end of summer. Then I will resume everything topicals and start another three month run on Pio just before second phase of my surgery. I've read interesting speculation that PPAR-y activation during fat transfer recovery might be helpful for retaining better results and I want to test that theory. If this turns out successful, that's truly something to keep in mind for anyone considering fat grafts.

I had therapy today, so another perfect excuse to learn makeup. I tried a new thing today, doing shadows/highlights already when doing foundation, then detailing it with powder bronzer/highlighter. I wanted to learn how to deal with green eyeshadow because often greens don't work on me, but my eyes are green so it should fit? And it does when done using warm tones. I mated metallic green with gold and the chameleon glimmer thing. Then used a bit extra blush and as the foundation was already warmer than usual, that creates a red/green contrast which is amazing in art, so why not in makeup? Here's how it turned out.

[Image: 19-4-24-2.jpg][Image: 19-4-24-3.jpg]

I thought I might take the shadows & highlights in foundation idea further as its not difficult to do and looks so nice, makes it easier to use the powder stuff to finish it and it stays better. Also I think its bringing out the warmth of my skintone out nicely. Its so much fun, I wonder how will it look like in say about a year? Big Grin

I just can't get over how feminine your face has become your cheek bones look more visible and your lips are every bit a woman's and those green eyes 
WOW Heart Heart Heart

I was bored, so I played with makeup again. Absolutely no reason for it today other than just passing time and trying some new stuff. This time its red and green. There's metallic glimmer stuff that camera once again doesn't want to catch well. Daylight isn't that awesome today as its overcast. Lip contours are absolute pain int he ass to get right, its ok, but I'm sure I can do so much better if I keep practicing. I took the shadows in foundation idea a bit further today.

[Image: 20-4-24-3.jpg][Image: 20-4-24-4.jpg]

Ninja, thanks for your comment. Such a cheer. Hug Interesting about face changes, I know Volufiline and skincare do help, it has plumped by cheeks and lips to some extent. But I'm getting more than that, is this where face changes start to ramp up? Its very common that facial feautures do not drastically change much within the first about two years on HRT, but from third onward for next few, that's when biggest difference often appears, I don't think I'm any different on that so likely its just starting to get better. Face changes are also subtle, maybe I've reached some sort of tipping point? It is a fact that all soft tissues change a lot, that includes everything keeping face bones together and what about all small fat deposits too. All that is getting a complete rewrite and that's the magic of HRT on facial features.

Something to note about NBE stuff. I keep getting growth pains interestingly after dinner, then after applying topicals and early mornings. What does that? HGH boost? Metabolism? Its interesting, they keep hurting a lot lately. Also at least once a day it seems I can lactate quite nicely, its droplets or a bit more. All I changed was replacing black cohosh with moringa I had left over, thought to get rid of them because why not.

I have to say, Didi, you are HOT ?

Hi DiDi,

I didn't know that people were taking black cohosh. It was on many of the NBE lists, but no one talked about it. I had been on my radar for decades as I was reading up about NBE long ago. I remember buying some at a health food store and taking a few then stopping. I also took blessed thistle tea.  

I also have moringa, half a bottle. Maybe I should take it again.


Hi Kay Lady. ^_^ Yea I took it for quite some time but I didn't notice any benefit, no harm either, but I did it on rather small dose so that might have to do with it. Maybe higher dose could make a difference? Anyway, it ran out and I'm instead finishing the Moringa I had lying around. That one surely elevates prolactin, no doubt about it. Big Grin

Quick update as i'm in a hurry...

Hormone clinic was a total asshole to me as expected. They want me to stop my perfectly working HRT and take tiny amount of gel and T blocker instead. They tried to push spiro on me which I refused. They will only give me a tiny drop of gel, no progesterone, they want me to drop my levels below 0.7 nmol/l which would fuck up my mental health, but that does not matter. My body changes do not matter, I told the doctor that look at me, this body doesn't come out of nowhere.

Then the bomb, I will never qualify for SRS in Finland. The BMI requirement has been dropped to absolutely insane 28. I should weight about 90kg to be there, if I do, my abs are showing because my fat % is close to ten when I'm that skinny. So I should sacrifice all my hard work, the EXPENSIVE and painful plastic surgery results, everything that makes me 100% cis passable and feminine just to appease the health fascists. This system is purely transphobic and leave also a lot of cis people out of care.

How do I earn or get donated 15k-20k€ so I can go get SRS abroad? That is my only choise now as I'm too fat to be a woman in Finland. This society is not civilised, it knows no justice or has any sense. I have diagnosed medical need for this care, but I'm being declined on political reasoning. This has nothing to do with medicine, its politics. Thanks to our right wing jesus fascist asshole govt.

Then good news, my plastic surgeon is helping me figure out where and how to do the SRS, he told me my recovery is going really nicely, said that I'm beautiful, that my body shape is becoming very feminine. About boobs he thought about shaping them more rather than adding volume. I told him to do both, just go as big as they get, I wont mind. I mentioned about my weight, said that I might slim down a bit, he told me to take no stress about it as its a non issue and just gives excellent figure to work on. And he's right, this is the difference between private and public sector. Public is transphobis hateful fuck who tells me I'm not even a woman and I have no rights, private asks how do we deal with this?

My second surgery is in September, date I get when they get booked. No idea if I'll ever get correct anatomy as I need money I don't have, but that's my only choice left. Finland can fuck off! This country is hateful discriminatory cunt! I will never give away my results, not my GOLD STANDARD HRT, not the surgery results. I'm starting to love my body a lot and I wont ever compromise that for health fascist bullshit.

Oh and I have a new dress. Hug
[Image: 26-2-24-2.jpg]

(26-04-2024, 08:10 AM)HelloDiDi Wrote:  Quick update as i'm in a hurry...

Hormone clinic was a total asshole to me as expected.

....... [a lot of text removed, because it is readable in the original ost above]

You have been treated in a really shitty way by "the system"! 
And with current Finnish government things like this are getting from bad to worse Angry Gutting health care for sure will be causing catastrophic result. And adding transphobic attitudes to the soup is making possibility of being properly and respectfully treated even more rare.

I feel ashamed because I am also Finnish. I can only say to my defense that I didn't give my vote to those parties currently governing. And will NEVER vote the two now-leading ones! 

However, even if I can give only verbal support, I am 100% behind you and your actions in this situation. Be rested that you aren't alone, there are very many who support and at least try to understand your pain. The only advise I can give: You are a strong woman, and you have  lot of the famous Finnish mental capital called "sisu" (I guess possible to translate roughly as perseverance). You will make it, and you are already a stunningly beautiful woman!

Kiss Hug Teddy

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