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YAY!! Protein at Target! (archive thread)


YAY!! Boobie fuel at Target!
August 21 2007 at 12:54 AM
Morticia (Login moonstruck61)


Stupid Walmart doesn't have it nor does the local grocery stores but Target has it.

BTW, do NOT mix the stuff with water. YUK! I think I'm going to buy some of that Silk Vanilla Soy "milk" to mix it with.

Another girl on Susan's said that about a week after she started drinking this stuff she began feeling tingles and pains again after having stalled out. She confirmed that taking the Whey Protein drinks DID help re-stimulate growth. YAY!!

Author Reply
(Login wishfullthinking) whey vs soy August 21 2007, 1:56 AM

I'm doing a daily protien drink is whey better than soy. With Soy I thought I'd get both the protien and the benifit of soy isoflovens.

(Login Davi-lee) Re: YAY!! Boobie fuel at Target! August 21 2007, 8:14 AM

Whey protein isolates are superior to soy for strictly health reasons.
There are cancer hospitals in Sweden and China(traditional medicine),that cure people almost exclusively with whey.
You can get it in dairy or egg white derived.
It is high in quality protein and at the same time free from fat and lactose or milk sugar.
It helps to build lean muscle mass and its been found to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells and protects against "free radicals"and enhances the immune sys.functions.
I was trying to find info. on soy but will have to add later.

(Login mbe1) Whey and Soy August 21 2007, 8:23 AM

At Transfemme's website they suggest making a protein shake using whey protein and soy milk.

I take this everyday. I use to add a little ice cream, but lately I have become more calorie conscious and leave it out. At the same time that I drink my shake I usually take a kelp tablet for iodine and L-Tyrosene which helps hormones to work more effectively.


(Login moonstruck61) Re: YAY!! Boobie fuel at Target! August 21 2007, 8:34 AM

Awesome! I have to go get groceries tomorrow so I'll be picking up these items too.

Must grow boobs.
Must grow boobs.
Must grow boobs.
Must grow boobs.
Must grow boobs.
Must grow boobs.
Must grow boobs.
Must grow boobs.
Must grow boobs.
Must grow boobs.

(Login Davi-lee) Yes,yes you must you must! August 21 2007, 8:49 AM

HAHHA!...Oh yeah..thats the best way I think is to blend them both together.
Thats what Ive been doing. Part soy and part whey.
I buy that giant bin of SUPER WEIGHT/MUSCLE GAINER,and get the vanilla whey mix. You'll get a load of protein with that combo.
Heres what I do....Whole milk 1-2 cups(I vary amounts),the mixes(I vary the amounts sometimes),and a little ground flax seed.

(Login Ceciliaptgirl) with your current mantra August 21 2007, 9:33 AM

I doubt you need any of this stuff to grow boobs, Morticia. Maybe it will just happen through sheer will.

Sincerely - and with love,


(no login) Re: YAY!! Boobie fuel at Target! August 21 2007, 2:01 PM

I know on alot of the tubs it says to mix it with water or fruit juice, I use milk with mine,2% actually. It cuts down the fat intake and you still get the full benefits. Although mixing it with fruit juice makes a nice tasting drink for a treat every once and a while. I use the vanilla powder with orange, strawberry and banana juice from Tropicana. Nice treat.

(Login Davi-lee) Re: YAY!! Boobie fuel at Target! August 21 2007, 11:30 PM

Oh yeah...most of the time I mix part soy milk and part whole or 2% milk......Mmmmmm.. Love the dairy cow hormones in commercial milk..HAHA

Jim Gulyas
(Login oceanfish)
SENIOR MEMBER what is this stuff ? June 16 2008, 4:40 PM

Dear Moonstruck61:

I this product really called " Boobie fuel ", ? and where in the store will I find it ? My third question is: How much does this product cost ?


(Login moonstruck61) Re: YAY!! Boobie fuel at Target! June 16 2008, 5:38 PM

No, of course not silly! There's no such product as "Boobie Fuel".. I was referring to the Whey Protein drink mix.

(no login) YAY!! Boobie fuel at Target! June 19 2008, 7:51 PM

I usually use either a low-fat or non-fat milk or soy milk with the chocolate flavored whey, but from time-to-time the vanilla is good with the V8 Fruit Fusion stuff. Makes a great tasting drink and gives your body some healthy fruits and veggies in the process.

I also use only the all natural gold standard whey. Most of them are loaded with artificial sweeteners and I don't think they're good for you -- plus they are way too sweet. I'd rather get the all natural which only has a small amount of fructose. It's more expensive, but much better, IMO, than putting all of those artificial things in your body.

Usually order mine online, where you can find it about 1/2 the price than locally and usually with free shipping too.


(no login) Protein = Boobie fuel?? July 10 2008, 1:45 PM

Please feel free to link to any thread that's already covered this.. But protein builds muscle mass. As I'm still trying to lose biceps (not bodybuilder type, but much too prominent for my liking) I've been actively seeking to avoid excess protein.

Moreover, breasts are fatty tissue -- there are no breast muscles. Sure you can develop your pectorals, and that may give your breasts more of a lift, but it could also cause your breasts to appear smaller if the breast tissue is pulled taut across overdeveloped pecs.

So I'm a bit confused as to how it is reasoned that taking protein supplements "fuels" breast enlargement at all. Again, I may be overlooking something, and I greatly appreciate any information already posted which explains this idea.

(no login) Whey protein July 10 2008, 2:35 PM

That's very true. I may not be popular for saying this but, whey protein from what I know from being a body builder at one time, is pure egg white protein. That's all. I drank the stuff by the gallons, which basically help lean me out. A caution though, with excess protein intake, you need to drink lots of water preferably. You can build up kidney stones!
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