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The Name of this Forum is "Natural"


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but this forum is a subset of the "Natural Breast Enhancement" forum.

It has always been possible to feminise using powerful, potentially lethal, pharmaceutical hormones. It seems to me that the purpose of this forum is to discuss Natural ways to feminise either by using a physical method (vacuum), glandular extracts, or herbs.

I don't think it is in the scope of this forum to encourage people to transition using state medical methods which are entirely at odds to this approach, endangering the lives of participants and ultimately, perhaps, their mental health and certainly their marriages.

I think it is a wonderful thing for people with disorders that make them want to feminise as much as possible to be able to do that in a safe and natural way without the aforesaid dangers, and I would encourage this as much as possible; but I do think we should remember the scope of the forum.

There are squillions of self-help forums for people who want to follow the "state/medically approved" way of transitioning to an all-female lifestyle.

My opinion, FWIW, is that such encouragement would work better on one of those.



I think I am about to follow Beverley. If this is a forum about twats who want to get tits and keep their pricks, fully functioning; I am off; bye bye,

(27-11-2011, 12:53 AM)chrissie Wrote:  OMG,
I think I am about to follow Beverley. If this is a forum about twats who want to get tits and keep their pricks, fully functioning; I am off; bye bye,

Well, if it means one less victim like Beverley, perhaps that won't be so bad.

I'm really disappointed. You and Beverley did a lot to help me come to terms with being a TS. I did not realise that you had a major drive in life to encourage TSs to go through to full transition.

You talk about "how far we've come" from the days when TSs were mocked by society, yet you are every bit as locked in the sociological norms of the 50s and 60s. To be a man, you have a dick and no tits. To be a woman you must have tits and no dick.

Don't you see that it is as fascist and abusive to mock someone like me as it would be to say that your friends in the Daily Mail look like a couple of ugly old men in drag?



Victim of bullying, mayhap.
To believe that your point of view is the only one is a bit closed minded.


(27-11-2011, 12:53 AM)chrissie Wrote:  OMG,
I think I am about to follow Beverley. If this is a forum about twats who want to get tits and keep their pricks, fully functioning; I am off; bye bye,

I find this post rather rude and offensive and i do have to agree that this forum is about breast development, not a transgender specific board. It would be nice if the line didnt have to be so distinct as you make it out to be, that defeats the purpose of evolving as a society.

siento decirlo, primero mire con algo de preocupación, pero luego de leer todos los foros, casi me estoy riendo, que salgan del foro por que queremos nuestros penes funcionales ? y yo pensé que ustedes eran las de mente abierta y comprensivas ...

(27-11-2011, 07:35 PM)blackwings76 Wrote:  siento decirlo, primero mire con algo de preocupación, pero luego de leer todos los foros, casi me estoy riendo, que salgan del foro por que queremos nuestros penes funcionales ? y yo pensé que ustedes eran las de mente abierta y comprensivas ...

per google translate:
sorry to say, first look with some concern, but after reading all the forums, I'm almost laughing, leaving the forum because we want our functional penises? and I thought you were open minded and understanding

(27-11-2011, 07:51 PM)dargona Wrote:  
(27-11-2011, 07:35 PM)blackwings76 Wrote:  siento decirlo, primero mire con algo de preocupación, pero luego de leer todos los foros, casi me estoy riendo, que salgan del foro por que queremos nuestros penes funcionales ? y yo pensé que ustedes eran las de mente abierta y comprensivas ...

per google translate:
sorry to say, first look with some concern, but after reading all the forums, I'm almost laughing, leaving the forum because we want our functional penises? and I thought you were open minded and understanding

oh sorry Smile i am not speak english very well, so i use google to traslate and then copy and paste, and i did the wrong copy this time =)...

kindness regards, blackwings

(27-11-2011, 07:37 AM)dargona Wrote:  It would be nice if the line didnt have to be so distinct as you make it out to be, that defeats the purpose of evolving as a society.

Almost nailed it. Actually the line IS NOT so distinct as that. This is one person's OPINION. I am sorry, but if you are going to be that closed minded, self righteous, high and mighty, etc. then good riddance to you. Based on your behavior, I would have to say that you were a lot nicer and understanding person as a man, ironically. Sorry if that's harsh, but that is my OPINION. Saying garbage like what you said above is EXACTLY the kind of hate that ALL tg are trying to fight. I am shocked to see such closed-minded hatred coming from such an unexpected source, but I don't care who you are; if you are going to be that way then I for one don't want you here. bye bye, we'll talk about you, but you won't be missed. If you are so desperate to impose your own arbitrary rules on everyone, why don't you start your own forum? Then any "twats", like some of us apparently are in your eyes, could be easily banned by you.

I have watched your posts slowly grow more closed-minded and hateful, even as you have slowly become the person you want to be. Was this part of your plan? PM has created a monster in this case, I'm afraid.


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