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Nipple orgasm

(11-01-2016, 02:46 AM)BreastsForMe Wrote:  About how far along into breast development do you have to be to achive nipple orgasm? Or is it something that varies significantly from person to person?

Others will have to answer that. I am sure that it must vary from person to person. I developed gynecomastia in my late teens and discovered at age 19 that I could have them--I had never imagined there was such a thing, but it felt wonderful and I kept rubbing my nipples and, bang, I experienced nipple orgasm.

But I know several guys who have never done NBE and don't have gyno who, through regular stimulation of the nipples, developed the capacity for nipple orgasm and now have them easily and in multiples.

Hi BreastsForMe,

I was about four months into my program when I first attempted to have a nipple orgasm. I suspect that I could have done it without being on a program at all, probably a little easier to achieve once the nipples are sensitive though.

It's probably different for everyone but here is what worked for me:
Circling around each nipple with your finger, in the areola area seems to work the best. Alternate that with a circular motion on the tip of the nipple once they become erect. The underside of my nipples seem to respond the best, so maybe try some light scratching motion on the underside of the nipples as well. Use a really light touch, don't try to go too hard.

It's best to relax, close your eyes and concentrate on the feelings in and around your nipples. You will probably also get some erotic feelings in the genital area as well since the nipples and the genitals apparently effect the same area in the brain. Now try not to have an orgasm (You're brain is probably wired to think genital orgasm, this is not what you are attempting) My first inklings of orgasm felt more like a sudden urge to stretch, so if this happens, you are on your way. They get more intense with practice and are well worth experiencing. Big Grin

I also found it worked for me to use thin material between my fingers and my nipples. Satin is good since it's nice and slippery. Oil or lube might work too, but I haven't tried that.

It took me about a week of doing half hour to hour long sessions every day before I could definitely say that I was having orgasms, so it takes a little patience. Now I can achieve several in a session and get erotic sensations all over my body during the buildup.

Hope this helps. Enjoy! Big Grin

Pretty spot on Grew Some.
I discovered nipple orgasms during the budding stage.
I do believe PM effects the feeling of either type orgasm,
More full body and fem in nature.
At any rate it's well worth the effort.

(11-01-2016, 07:14 AM)Grew_Some Wrote:  Hi BreastsForMe,

I was about four months into my program when I first attempted to have a nipple orgasm. I suspect that I could have done it without being on a program at all, probably a little easier to achieve once the nipples are sensitive though.

It's probably different for everyone but here is what worked for me:
Circling around each nipple with your finger, in the areola area seems to work the best. Alternate that with a circular motion on the tip of the nipple once they become erect. The underside of my nipples seem to respond the best, so maybe try some light scratching motion on the underside of the nipples as well. Use a really light touch, don't try to go too hard.

It's best to relax, close your eyes and concentrate on the feelings in and around your nipples. You will probably also get some erotic feelings in the genital area as well since the nipples and the genitals apparently effect the same area in the brain. Now try not to have an orgasm (You're brain is probably wired to think genital orgasm, this is not what you are attempting) My first inklings of orgasm felt more like a sudden urge to stretch, so if this happens, you are on your way. They get more intense with practice and are well worth experiencing. Big Grin

I also found it worked for me to use thin material between my fingers and my nipples. Satin is good since it's nice and slippery. Oil or lube might work too, but I haven't tried that.

It took me about a week of doing half hour to hour long sessions every day before I could definitely say that I was having orgasms, so it takes a little patience. Now I can achieve several in a session and get erotic sensations all over my body during the buildup.

Hope this helps. Enjoy! Big Grin

Here's a description of one of my "classic" techniques. (They have increased in variations over the years):

First strip down and begin by rubbing the full expanse of both your
breasts slowly and gently with the flattened palm of your hand. This
serves to wake up and sensitize this area of your body and your
nipples will quickly become erect.

Now, drag the back of each hand slowly from your armpits to the
nipples, gently grazing the tips of your nipples with your second
and third fingers

You will feel a slight delay as the sensation reaches your penis and
pelvic region. Savor it and wait for it to pass. Then repeat the
procedure several times, each time feeling the sensation rise and
fade in your loins.

Now, softly rub the areola around each nipple with your thumb. As
your nipples become erect, begin rubbing them with your index
finger. As the feelings in your genitals become more intense you
will quicken the pace. And use your fingernails, but always gently.
I have found the underside of the nipple to be more sensitive.

Occasionally stop the steady rubbing of the erect nipples and touch
your nipples quickly and gently, all around the nipple, in short
staccato touches. Feel the waves of sensation in your loins!

If your penis is still soft, position it so that the frenulum rests
against your thigh. The slight friction from movements of your body
will stimulate it while your hand are free to work your nips.

Gradually as the sensation intensifies you will automatically pick
up the pace. As you feel yourself beginning to orgasm, remove your fingers. The
art is to time this so that your prostate has begun to throb in
orgasm but you do not ejaculate. Wait for this "dry orgasm"
to subside, then begin the process again.

This technique can demand a lot of patience. It may take
considerable time before you have your first nipple orgasm, but once
you have the first one, if you do not ejaculate the others will come
more quickly. The orgasms will be spaced more closely together
until you finally explode. I have experienced up to ten this way in
the space of an hour, before the big, very powerful O! Often you
may have built up so much erotic tensions that you can ejaculate
manually twice within the space of five or ten minutes.

Some people seem to like tugging and pinching. These can be
stimulating, but I have gotten the best results over the years with
gentle rubbing and touching. This builds up the tension slowly. AND
DON'T TOUCH YOUR PENIS! In fact you should think of your penis
as something that is not you and set yourself the task of seducing
it, compelling it to orgasm by remote control!

I'm sure the technique for accomplishing this varies from person to person but your advice will be a good place to start. Thank you.

(29-03-2013, 04:16 PM)JennyA Wrote:  WOW. I am getting really close to a nipple orgasm. It connects my whole body. The only problem is that I am trapped in a homeless shelter at Vounteers of America. At night I massage my breasts for growth and the added benefit is the pleasure. If I was somewhere safe and secure I would be able to finally reach a nipple climax, but I can't because where I am I can't cry out in pleasure. It's a really strong test of my will and a great way to force me to get back on my feet asap so I can get on with my transition and be the woman I want to and not hide.

Getting back on PM totally turned my nipples into overdrive btw, I don't know what it is, but they feel sooooooooooooooooooooo goood. if i was alone the walls would crack with my screams of pleasure.

After seeing your new pic of your awesomely gorgeous breasts, I wondered whether you have now started having nipple orgasms. I must say, those breasts and nipples certainly look orgasmic!

More and more I am amazed at the erogenous responsiveness of my breasts and nipples. Even as I grow older (I am in my 70s) they seem to become more sensitive, more orgasmic. Last night I I had a strong desire to make love to my breasts. Within five minutes or so I had my first nipple orgasm, and I just keep rubbing and had another and another and another. By the time I was done for the evening I had probably had between fifteen and eighteen. They leave my body in a state of absolute bliss. What a gift!

I am in complete agreement with you Wuerstchen. I stopped doing the BO a few weeks ago, just to see what would happen, even still I've been getting yet more intense orgasms from my nipples. As of yesterday I reached a point where I started getting a different response, an uncontrollable spasm that happened every time I hit that certain spot on my nipples. That's on top of the orgasms I was already having. So now I seem to be having two different kinds of orgasm, the one that was hitting my whole body, and now a more localized one as well.

It's good to hear that your nipples are getting more sensitive and orgasmic. Since you are in your 70s that means I get at least 20 more years of this, I'm happy! Big Grin

A nice experience this week. Several members here have been in contact with me, seeking advice on nipple orgasm. I have shared accounts of my technique and videos. Two days ago one of them wrote me that he had experienced his first nipple orgasms, without touching the penis. He was ecstatic. Nice to know that I could be of help.

Supple Nipps are a wonderful device for a very special nipple stimulation experience. Once the nipples fill up the cups, or about 90% of them, squeezing the tips of the supple nipps with your finger tips creates a sharp, focused but very pleasurable response in the nipples, which for me goes straight to the prostate. Yesterday I tried this and within five minutes or so I achieved my first nipple orgasm, quickly followed by two others.

So Supple Nipps are not only good for growing your nipples but for pleasuring them as well. Wonderful sensations! Hooray for Supple Nipps!
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