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Does rubbing PM creams onto the skin work as well as pills?


I have gotten very nice result with PM using Booby Stacked. I just wonder, is cream a good way to get the PM absorbed or would pills be better. I do my breast massages with the Booby Stacked cream.

From what I've read, there are pluses and minuses to topical application.

Plus is that the PM enters the blood stream directly without being processed and weakened by the liver. This has a side benefit of reducing stress on the liver.

Minus is that you cannot be sure of how concentrated the topical cream is; it could have a drop of PM to a quart of "cream".

If you do go topical, please let us (ok, me Blush ) know how things work out for you.

You might want to check out Jen Smithy's post (it was post #9) on this thread:


To be fully effective, PM needs to be processed through the liver . The miroestrol in PM mimics estrone. In the liver, miroestrol becomes the more powerful deoxymiroestrol, so you are better off with the capsules.

I did try one tube of PM cream and it had absolutely no effect on me whatsoever.

Thanks Pansy. I guess certain meds and herbs work better when swallowed. Would the same be true of sub-lingual (under the tongue) PM extract drops? Normally one uses a much smaller dose sub-lingual than oral because of the direct to blood stream situation.

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