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How has it been for you?


I'm new to this whole thing, and I'm trying to research before I start anything, so I just want to ask a few simple questions?

1) How long have you been working towards your growth?
2) What, if anything, did you use? (not dosage, method, routine... just the names)
3) How has your progress been?

I'm trying to figure out a general list of what works, how well, and how fast, for more people.

Hello Demon Lord Etna.

Welcome to the board.

I've been working on NBE for about seven months. For the first four months I used FG, SP, RC, PABA and Progesterone Cream. For the last three months I've been using PM and PABA.

I think my progress has been pretty good so far. My nipples and areola has enlarged, and I definitely have hard lumps behind my areola. I've posted some pictures of my progress a few weeks ago. You can check out my profile if you're interested.

1) almost 7 months
2) Early on FG/SP, last 6 months PM/SP(on and off SP lately)
3) It's going pretty well, growth is slow at times, but can definitely tell a difference in pics, they're posted in the picture section, dood!

Nice choice of a handle there, made me smile lol

Thanks, Sarah. I thought it fitting, considering how flat chested she is.

So what are all those? I know fg is fenugreek, but what about the others?

(06-06-2012, 05:15 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  Hello Demon Lord Etna.

Welcome to the board.

I've been working on NBE for about seven months. For the first four months I used FG, SP, RC, PABA and Progesterone Cream. For the last three months I've been using PM and PABA.

SP- Saw Palmetto
RC- Red Clover
PABA- kind of B vitamin
PM- Pueraria Mirifica

(06-06-2012, 05:15 PM)flamesabers Wrote:  I've been working on NBE for about seven months. For the first four months I used FG, SP, RC, PABA and Progesterone Cream. For the last three months I've been using PM and PABA.
I looked at your photo page. Your chest from the front looks like a male chest with woman nipples and areola to my eyes. From the side view it looks like you have the boobs of a fourteen year old girl.

But wow! You have *insane* nipple growth and areola growth.

I wonder if it was the progesterone cream?

Did you notice nipple growth/areola growth during the period where you were taking it?


(07-06-2012, 02:32 AM)xxd Wrote:  I looked at your photo page. Your chest from the front looks like a male chest with woman nipples and areola to my eyes. From the side view it looks like you have the boobs of a fourteen year old girl.

But wow! You have *insane* nipple growth and areola growth.

I wonder if it was the progesterone cream?

Did you notice nipple growth/areola growth during the period where you were taking it?

Blush Thank youBlush

I think the nipple/areola growth really started to kick in once I ramped up on the PM, at which point I stopped using the progesterone cream. And when I was using the progesterone cream I applied it to my wrists and not my breasts. I probably did get some nipple/areola growth when I was on the weaker herbs and the progesterone cream, but since I was starting out it probably won't have been real noticeable. I also did some noogling when I was starting on the PM. Maybe that was helpful with the growth.

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