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question about hair growth


ok to make this short, im on hops currently which supposed to do two things:
raise E and drop T. however as i've been taking it for awhile im beginning to see new hair growth on my legs and some growth on my chest which is not much at all but it looks like its spreading and it really irritates me. matter of fact its something i've noticed with hops and SP and my theory for that is what i would call the "sling shot effect", which means that after u consume either of the herbs for a period of time u then lower some of your T which then leaves some of your T receptors unused. Then as soon as u take a break from the herbs, T levels go up and hit the unused receptors as they are more sensitive now that they haven't been used which causes more hair to appear. also true for my facial hair which is not that bad. after all im almost 25 and my leg hair stopped growing when i was about 23. whats going on?

however, there maybe a few reasons to why i have new hair on my thighs. one i think is because i was smoking weed everyday while taking herbs. and weed "balances everything out" whatever that means?? maybe it also balances your hormones back to what they are supposed to be which is also why i didn't really get much breast growth. which i stopped now, or that im outside alot in the sun getting lots of that vitamin D that converts it to T??

(19-07-2012, 01:26 AM)Alexis Wrote:  one i think is because i was smoking weed everyday while taking herbs. and weed "balances everything out" whatever that means?? maybe it also balances your hormones back to what they are supposed to be which is also why i didn't really get much breast growth.

I can say without a doubt, at least in my case, that smoking doesn't prevent growth. If that were the case I would have nothing at all at this point! haha (currently a 34B, I average about 1/2 to 3/4 ounce a month smoking) Blush


I think your right. matter of fact i just woke up and looked at the mirror and what i've noticed is that my aerolas are bigger and a pinkish color. well then if anything it probably is that my body still produces lots of T since im outside a lot and its really hot. ok then thank u for the feedbackSmile

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