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Is it just me?


Or is anyone else having trouble with the text editing buttons? I keep having to write in the coding myself, it's very inconvenient. Do I maybe have something on my browser set wrong or are other people also having this issue? I just switched from Firefox to Chrome, but then back to Firefox because Chrome sucks, but I don't know why that would do something like this...


I just use my IPad and it doesn't seem to have any issues. The more I use Apple products the more I like them and I've been a life-long PC user.

Maybe it's just my computer then...

Anyone know how to fix it??? I keep having to edit my posts because I don't realize it keeps putting in undefined instead of any actual tag...

This is a problem with Firefox 16. Good news -- it should be possible to eliminate this problem at some point

Seriously? Wow, that sucks. Firefox is all I'll use. Couldn't figure out Chrome for the life of me. xD

Thanks Eve.

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