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Walking a fine line


Well this last couple weeks have been a roller coaster. I'm about a month and a half in and just recently my body has made some major changes which both have me excited and concerned, or rather maybe confused. First off my breast growth is amazing me on how well I'm reacting to pm. I don't know how often breasts bud (knots form) but I'm on my (as I would say) 3rd round. The knots are rougly as people say walnut sized and starting to fill out, though Ive ran out of pm and the pains are fading. Second I look in the mirror and see a girl figure more than a male. Fat redistribution has my body screaming feminine and my normal clothes are almost impossible to squeeze into. The third fact has me concerned a little.I know this is some what normal but its harder to get turned on by my fiance. I thought maybe I was losing function but then earlier today I realized when I want to grow more or bigger I get turned on? I never experienced this before. I see beautifully shaped women and feel envious where before it never bothered me. I'm sure its brain rewiring but wondering when my pm and rc comes in tomorrow if I should take a week or longer break before continuing or just keep forward walking a fine line?

Welcome too the world of Transgender,


I am lucky I fancy my wife even more when on high doses PM, Im a like a bitch on heat.

As far as women, yep relate too that

I look at one and think yum I want too eat you all over and then

I want too be like you ,

You have a very reactive body which is good that way you can keep her on the edge with small doses,

You can take it very slow and see how you feel or "bang and grow"


get them grown and then just settle on a maintenance dose too keep the new breasts and mental benefits,

Many , many of us here, think some days, what are we doing,

I am still flip flopping a little ie

literally one day praying for breasts with a good shape, then the next uh what ?

Settling down a little at moment though as the PM starts too stabilise the extreme "sine waves",

One thing I do know though is if my wife said stop I would,

grumbly a bit maybe but would,


if your fiance is well behind you, just go form it,


Hello smallfry.

I'm not surprised by the changes you're experiencing. I mentioned the possibility of all of this occurring in one of your threads last month.

(17-06-2013, 05:43 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  Taking pm can do a lot more than just incur breast development. Over time taking NBE herbs like pm may degrade your fertility and sexual functioning. There's also the possibility of brain rewiring. The brain rewiring, (aka mental benefits) gained from pm is oftentimes a blessing for those suffering from gender dysphoria. However, this may have the opposite effect on genetic males who are happy being and living as a male. Lastly, if pm incurs other physical feminization changes other than to your breasts, you may discover that women's clothes fit much better than men's clothing.

I think growing breasts is a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. Its not something that can easily be reversed and may bring about more consequences than you initially anticipated. Even though you don't care about how others judge your appearance, you may find having breasts to be far different than what you thought it would be.

I have had the same difficulties with trying to fit into my male clothing. The only problem I have with feminine fat redistribution is feeling fat when my males clothes no longer fits. It's definitely good how nice women's clothes fits now. If you're going to continue with NBE, I think you have one of two options: either go up in size in male clothing, or get female clothing instead. I suggest the latter as you won't have to deal so much with clothing that fits in some places and is too baggy in others.

As far as whether you should take a break or keep going I think the bigger issue is whether it's in your best interests to continue NBE at all. If you choose to continue with NBE, I think it's probable the fat redistribution, brain rewiring and changes in your sex drive will continue if not also increase. I don't think walking a fine line is much of an option, especially when you have a significant other involved. If you're not feeling content or at least indifferent with a majority of the secondary changes brought about by pm, I think that's a sign it's time to stop with NBE and give serious thought about whether NBE is a worthwhile pursuit for you.

Very well said flamesabre,

Its weird stuff ,

My first time on PM , started too bloom and frightened the life out of me,

This time round adore the changes,

Felt the weight of the girls on top today for the first time as they seem too have jumped a bit, actually felt them swing and bump,

Yes love it now , every moment,

My weight dropped too hips and bum on the weekend and loved that too,

Some girls report here when they come off maintenance dosage all urges and erections come back in force within days ,

So every one seems too vary



Well I guess I kinda mis stated that. Basically I'm happy with the results and my body, just concerned how to manipulate my function I suppose. I get turned on still just by different ways. I want to continue NBE because it makes me happy so I think like julie said i can try to take doses here and there and see. Shopping for women's jeans will be interesting Smile


wait till you have your first female type orgasm
that will blow your mind,
whole body in waves,




(18-07-2013, 02:24 PM)smallfry Wrote:  Well I guess I kinda mis stated that. Basically I'm happy with the results and my body, just concerned how to manipulate my function I suppose. I get turned on still just by different ways.

I can't speak for everyone but PM certainly has the potential to change your sex drive and alter your abilities. You'll have to decide if you like the new or the old sex drive better and factor that into your decision to continue or not. I find I'm harder to arouse but when I need to, everything still works fine and I've been on PM and SP for 3.5 months so far. I doubt a month and a half will have changed anything permanently but maybe a break would be a good idea for you if you want to see if you can revert to the old sex drive and rethink what you might be getting yourself into if you continue. No harm done in taking a break ...possible consequences if you continue.

More importantly though... I can't remember if your fiance is FULLY AWARE and FULLY ON BOARD with what you're doing and what might happen. If you answered NO to either question, you need to stop and have a heart to heart with her before restarting. If "yes" well done!

On the subject of saw palmetto that knocks my function way down

Yet on pm alone and still growing function is still red hot


Yes I have talked to her since because she notices the obvious changes lol. She is still a little bit in disbelief as that what pm can do, but I'm sure she knows because lets say foreplay has changed and such. I'm sure though if I came close to losing function she would have me stop. As of now she doesn't mind, and gets a kick out of hitting my breasts when I joke with her (which hurts like hell! >:/)

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