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Still a bit scared and confused, but continuing on


Hi all

Yes it is frightening a little but the "consciousness " now of the world is more liberating

Yes I believe they can be hidden especially if we are not conscious of them

I spend quite a bit of time breast watching when I am on the pm and it's truly amazing the size of breasts on some men and nobody bats an eye.

Yet when I am not on pm I do not notice breasts at all ?

I have been experimenting this week and being a little blatant by making my breasts look like moobs

As we know pointy jiggly breasts don't look like moons so I got a thin band of nylon hose and wrapped very lightly round the nipples and my body, this flattened the girls considerably , then donned the tightest possible tbshirt I had and flounced out.

Now last week I could not hope too wear this t shirt as pointy girls came right through like traffic lights, with the hose wrap nobody gave even a second or first glance

Cracked it

On the subject of girls who like men with breasts , you would be very surprised at th amount that do

There is a little bit off lesbian in all

Additionally if you meet your lifelong partner , two little extras are not deal breakers,

Harder admittedly if you break the news when married, but if you meet a lady and she likes playing or pinching your boobs, then keeper on the cards.

One positive to be pointed out , who would ladies find more faithful, on the booze piss head out every night or the devoted loyal partner who adores her because she adores him ?

Just my thoughts


Good morning...I don't post much but felt I had to with this thread..I have ALWAYS felt that breasts were missing...thinking way back in early teens used to put on my mothers bras and wished they would fill out....I am a man enjoy being a man and have no desire to change that..but the nagging desire/need to have breasts has grown increasingly strong and over last 5 years have taken different things and have acheived some moderate growth...still fairly wedge shaped...but when I put on a bra and wear its a remarkable feeling within me that this is how I should be...I can look down and see slight projection and to me, in my head this is right...this is how I am supposed to be.....Born this way hits the nail right on the head you see as i am also divorced and came out gay 5 years guess I have multiple issues in the 3rd gender thing...Now to find an accepting partner who would like a guy with breasts.....Thanks for this site is so comforting to know that I am not the only one out there that feels like we all do...great place to come

JulieTG - As usual, I like your thoughts. I would go a bit further - it seems to me that our society's attitudes towards men with breasts is undergoing a sea change. Gynecomastia has become so prevalent in at least teenaged boys and 40+ men, if not all men, that such males are now mainstream and thus in most cases not prime targets for remark let alone persecution. I think this is more due to a long period of general prosperity, over indulgence and bad diet than the undesirable tampering with food products that has undoubtedly taken place. Very recently I was looking at a collection of old school photographs from two boys-only schools in England that I attended in the 1950's, and the thing that now strikes me is the apparent total absence of obese or even overweight boys. One boy that I remember got a hard time at the first school for being 'fat' certainly does not look so in the photographs. In those days and in such schools one tended to be known either by your surname or a sometimes cruel nickname. At the second school one boy was generally known as 'Nipples' even though any enlargement always seemed to me very slight, and I can't remember anyone else with that problem.

Fast forward to the present day, when a substantial proportion of teenage boys are supposed to develop gynecomastia at least temporarily, and I am coming to the conclusion that most are not a bit abashed by it My step daughter's partner's 16 year old and distinctly pudgy younger son has a pair that make mine pale into insignificance, but they certainly don't seem to bother him: his problems at school don't seem to have seem to be due to them but rather to his parents warring over his education. Living by the sea here and on those rare occasions when it is warm enough for people to strip down, the beach becomes an exhibition ground of jiggling male boobs whose owners whether teens or middle aged seem totally unconcerned. The same applies on the lakes around my stepson's place two thousand miles west.

Of course there is always the risk of getting into a social situation where you will be perceived as a potential victim, but you don't need breasts to run into that sort of misfortune (although they might add fuel to the fire).


Well said indeed

For those very fortunate amongst us who have long nipples they can use silicon nipple covers

Friend of mine on evenesce site sent some photos too me

Omg she has the most incredible set of perfect large a breasts all grown on herbs

But the nipples I kid you not are what seems over an inch long when raised and alert

Sends shivers down my spine every time I look and spurs me on

Literally week at the knees and I instantly have too take another pm capsule


#25're exactly the same height and weight as me. 5'9'' 130 if that.

And I live in rural Alabama! So it could be worse lmao...I don't think anyone I know would be accepting aside from one person tbh. Which makes me hate pretty much everyone secretly ;p

Caring what these people think seems silly, they are so fucking ignorant and brainwashed. Hell, just with long hair and no southern accent, I've always caught slurs, I can't imagine the violent reaction noticeable breasts would provoke lmao. (I plan on moving)

Anyways, about your for friends, if something like physical appearance would change their opinion of you, they aren't really friends. Same with a significant other, as far as I'm concerned.

Employment is a bit rougher, but I'd say just conceal them as much as possible until you get hired, then let em free if you want. If they fire you, you have a lawsuit ;p

But yeah, I'm not trying to downplay your fears. I have the same ones, but your desires are not going to go away, so try to stay positive.

We all simply live until we die anyway, all these worldly stresses will eventually become meaningless, so enjoy yourself and don't worry so much!

LOL, if I wasn't taking PM there is no way I'd be this positive. So yeah, whatever consequences there are it beats being miserable with no hope for any future improvement of that mindset.

Oh yeah, and I'm with you on the bra in public. Without one everythings fine....if I wore one they'd be SO obvious to everyone. Maybe it's just our height/weight.

I am in agreement regarding with prevalence of generally overweight men and the general lack of response to those with prevalent breasts, I have noticed this as well. The problem for me personally is that I am not, and very likely never will be overweight. As a matter of fact, it is unlikely that I will even be a normal weight. I am underweight, quite skinny. I realize that this is enviable for some, and I have no desire to be overweight; however, this presents a unique problem as it does set me apart visually from those others as a male with breasts. It is not your typical "oh he's just fat" type of thing in my case. I notice men with prominent breasts on a daily basis, but not a single one is skinny like me. Basically, mine have nowhere to hide, as it were. I know what the solution is to this dilemma, own it and be myself, but for me that is a process I am still struggling with.

Doodlebug mentioned giving the gyno excuse, which I have always thought I would use as well. I believe this would be fine if someone is asking you about the reason you have breasts, but in the realm of public perception, I highly doubt anyone besides those very close to me are actually going to ask. Most would be likely to simply stare and draw their own conclusions.

I am very thankful for all of the great discussion so far, and I hope to see more. I don't want any of you to think I am repeatedly trying to shoot down your suggestions either. On the contrary, I am either trying to clarify my exact position on the matter, or in some cases, just playing devil's advocate to spur the conversation onward. Great stuff so far, it is very enlightening to get all of your own feelings on these matters and gain insight into your thought processes.

Yeah...I've never been able to put on weight either, even after I quit smoking. I'm 33 so I don't think I ever will. Oh well, I think fat is pretty gross anyways ;p

As for the're right, no one is going to ask. They are just going to obviously stare and make their own judgement, then make jokes about it behind your back with the other idiots, or they will scream insults and want to fight you.

It's just how people are lmao....sickening. Am I really supposed to live my life in constant fear of what these apes think of me?

Fuck them, their opinions are completely invalid. I really need to move before my faith in humanity is completely destroyed.

Although....posters on this board are ok, so I guess there are some decent people out there.

(14-07-2013, 05:28 PM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  But yeah, I'm not trying to downplay your fears. I have the same ones, but your desires are not going to go away, so try to stay positive.

We all simply live until we die anyway, all these worldly stresses will eventually become meaningless, so enjoy yourself and don't worry so much!

LOL, if I wasn't taking PM there is no way I'd be this positive. So yeah, whatever consequences there are it beats being miserable with no hope for any future improvement of that mindset.

Oh yeah, and I'm with you on the bra in public. Without one everythings fine....if I wore one they'd be SO obvious to everyone. Maybe it's just our height/weight.

I completely agree, one of the things that often spurs me onward is the thought that this life is my only chance to do this, and I deserve to be happy. I am also much happier and more balanced thanks to pm. I feel like I have regained at least some control over my stubborn brain!

Bra in public, you nailed it in my opinion. Being overweight is somewhat of an advantage in this case, at least in my opinion. With no extra weight to help conceal things up top, there is only one place on my torso where anything sticks out! Even an unpadded bra, which is not the easiest thing to come by in a B cup, is no longer an option for me in public, at least not as long as I remain concerned about other people's perception of me.

(14-07-2013, 05:47 PM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  As for the're right, no one is going to ask. They are just going to obviously stare and make their own judgement, then make jokes about it behind your back with the other idiots, or they will scream insults and want to fight you.

It's just how people are lmao....sickening. Am I really supposed to live my life in constant fear of what these apes think of me?

Fuck them, their opinions are completely invalid.

You nailed it again. This is EXACTLY what I was trying to say. My goal lately has been in working on the "fuck them and their shitty opinions" part of the deal. I actually am making progress on it. Their opinions ARE invalid, and I will take it one step further. When you really break it down, their opinion of me is a private thought that they are having. Do you know what a stranger's private thoughts are? None of my business! That's the theory anyway, now to put it into practice.

Edited to add: yes, there are decent people out there, and I agree that those on this forum are some of the best examples of that!

Yeah, not caring about what others think is easier said than done. I suppose I care to some degree myself or I wouldn't be ranting about how what they think doesn't matter!

Sorry to vent in your thread there lol.


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