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Why sp ?


Some of us take saw palmetto too reduce testerone

Why do we do this ?

Is it for max growth or too rid ourselves of gid

My situation may be somewhat unusual as may have too take it even when I don't want too ie

On pm alone I am getting fast growth , but it's sending my sex drive though the roof as I am getting turned on very much by my breasts growth and Making my gid worse

After looking at the latest development pictures by michelle, it was omg I want those,

Now that was not the plan

Now I know that when my t levels fall , all this stops and I switch back too male mode

So looks as if I will be reaching for the sp bottle unless anybody has any other ideas or suggestions,

Rather hott one,x

I don't think it reducesT; it stops it from converting to DHT. You can try it and see what it does for you. Most supermarkets, drugstores, etc sell it. personally when mine runs out I won't be in a rush to get more.

It may be slightly off-topic, but the reason why I'm taking an anti-androgen (spearmint) is for brain rewiring. If you feel sp isn't working for you (as far as reducing libido), why not try another anti-androgen?

In regards to your conflict between GID, wanting larger breasts and having a higher libido, maybe there's a psychological component to it?

For example, I don't consider myself as having a "male mode" and I've always been at odds with my persistent libido long before starting NBE. In other words, with me, putting my libido in a hibernation like state is something I welcome. Perhaps your libido is much more resilient than mine, or maybe NBE simply has a strong erotic element for you?

Oh yes
It has a strong erotic component without doubt

That's why I have always thought I am an


Seems to be correct so far

Which is not exactly good news as most ts who transition are supposed too suffer autogyniphila

But I have a huge strong male side so maybe not ?



(08-09-2013, 09:26 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Oh yes
It has a strong erotic component without doubt

That's why I have always thought I am an


Seems to be correct so far

Which is not exactly good news as most ts who transition are supposed too suffer autogyniphila

But I have a huge strong male side so maybe not ?


Uhm. WTH? I assure you I am not autogynephiliac, but I AM a TS, and I AM transitioning. They are totally not the same thing, not even close.

IF autogynephilia even exists at all, which I'm not entirely convinced it does, (but I'm also not going to necessarily say it doesn't, only that it's disconnected from my own experience) it would be a rarity among those who transition and likely many of those who regret and possibly even attempt detransition. And in the larger picture the regret and detransition stats are very low.

I do hope you the best and hope you can find some way to be happy... But PLEASE do not try to say things like what you just did. They are wrong and they are hurtful.


No offence

I agree they are two completely seperate conditions or states and absolutely not to be confused

I am only going on information gleaned from a particular site who stated that
Auogynephiliacs thought they were ts and transitioned and regretted it, also for some it was the only way forwards.

Please do understand I was absolutely not saying and ag and a ts were the same

But there are late onset transsexuals ie 50 plus who then really do confuse the issue and I hope I am not one ?

Perhaps then a

Autogeniphyliac transgender person may be more accurate

Problem is nobody knows there all "moving" labels


(08-09-2013, 09:50 PM)julieTG Wrote:  Abi

No offence

I agree they are two completely seperate conditions or states and absolutely not to be confused

I am only going on information gleaned from a particular site who stated that
Auogynephiliacs thought they were ts and transitioned and regretted it, also for some it was the only way forwards.

Please do understand I was absolutely not saying and ag and a ts were the same

But there are late onset transsexuals ie 50 plus who then really do confuse the issue and I hope I am not one ?

Perhaps then a

Autogeniphyliac transgender person may be more accurate

Problem is nobody knows there all "moving" labels


Oh ok. Sorry for jumping like that then.

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