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mammary gland how to develop them


I have a good question mammary gland how long does it take to develop them I have been taking pm over 2 weeks now I take one pill in the morning and one before bed time. The nipples are starting to stick out more . I get a itching feeling but when i go to scratch the nipple it does not itch. The feeling must be deep in back of the nipple. Also when I pitch or rub them I get a very deep sexual feeling that gets stronger with each touch. Has anybody experienced that yet. I would like to know in the next couple weeks what else will I be feeling or seeing. In both my nipple I have a growing mound that feels like a rubber pellet. Its seems like in back of my nipple it keeps getting deeper also. Smile


Hour much is each pill (mg wise)? You could bump it up to 2g a day which would help a bit, but don't go crazy. It takes time. I've been on about the same as you have and have seen a little growth in nipples and breast shape. Be patient and persevering! I would suggest getting some SP (saw pamento, it whatever it is) to help block the conversion of testosterone to HRT. I have found my nipples to be more sensitive and a lot more fun to play with a well.

Thanks for the response I do have SP I was afraid to mix them . Its put out by ainterol rure d 500r1 100 500mg its very strong my nipples are getting very sore. So any help that would be great. So far the feeling Is getting stronger . What do you think of product from ainterol I would like to know what people think about it.


I am sorry if either of you will be offended, but all the information you have been asking is available in many places in this forum. It becomes frustrating when the same questions are asked repeatedly, usually by new folks who haven't taken a minimum of time to do some reading or searching here. Please do so? Patti

No problem sorry for the repeated info. I just felt everybody is diffrent with the effect from pm I just wanted personal help on questions . I think it is so nice helping people and getting help also I do not want to say the wrong things on here.

Like I said, I was not trying to offend. When one needs detailed help with an issue, then, of course, ask. But, when the same old-same old general questions are asked, it shows that the time wasn't taken to look through here a bit. Loads of basic info here, and a lot of not-so-basic as well. You'll find answers to questions you didn't even know you had yet. Take care, Patti

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