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That's progress!!


The good ole days being spoke of talks about masturbation, sex, bodily fluids and other inappropriate material, (just go back and check, some of it was barely inbounds) number one thread in this section is nipple orgasms, where was the outrage for that, this has become utter nonsense!

This is a breast growing site,right....That posting to start the ball rolling was more a breast topic than gender issues being discussed all day long!

Pictures are shared everyday about breasts, I don't get it, if it offends you why are you here? You have to give people credit for putting pics up in the first place, some don't even bother, or never intend too!

What makes a someone an expert here, posts?, gold stars?, length of time here, how about results?, our knowledge?, (not proclaiming), Proper grammar or punctuation being used doesn't make one an expert, or spewing their own morality about Neanderthals!

These conversations have become more about gender and less about growing breasts for awhile. Not that I have a problem with talking or sharing about that at all, but let's be clear.

As the popularity of this site opens up, more people join, and so does the personalities with it, so are we not going to share anymore because we don't value the input?, does it matter how it's said or by whom it's delivered from?....some people really need help!, I'd hate to see that this section becomes a close minded club that no one can join!

And that I find is truly offensive!

It's like, I'm not playing here anymore behavior, time to close up the shop? The minority? Of what?, crude behavior?, please, That's ridiculous!


There was some outrage over the nipple orgasm thread, but most of us chose to say nothing in the hopes it would lose momentum and fade away. I found the thread, and especially Wuerstchen, to be vulgar and disgusting so I avoided the thread and anything posted by Wuerstchen.

All I can say is when I first joined, there were a bunch of good people on the forum who shared information, gave advice, and encouraged one another. Now, the forum is seemingly overrun by people who want discuss the sexual aspects of having breasts, er, excuse me, of growing tits. Fine. As my grandfather used to say, "Anyone who talks about nothing but sex has nothing to say." If you think I'm prude, think again. I actually have an interest in BDSM and have several friends in the lifestyle, and even they have interests outside of BDSM and sex which they discuss far more than BDSM or sex, even when we get together to socialize and play.

Wrt grammar and misspellings, it is much easier to read one's posts when the reader doesn't have to keep re-reading things after realizing the wrong word (to, two, or too; there, they're or their; affect or effect, etc.) was used. Nobody seems to proofread any more, and most don't seem to know the difference, regardless, but to those of us who do, it is annoying.

Who condones bad behavior?

If that's what we're offended by, why does it seem like those without sin cast the first stone?

The bitterness is obvious who it's directed at, what is it jealously? As someone who truly try's to contribute as opposed to someone who only has 3 to 4 threads to their credit seems hypocritical?

Where the posts in the past ignored or just tolerated by one individual with all the innuendo?, again where was the outrage?

This must be the minority of a few with bitterness towards new members who posts get ignored because we are so far above them to even get a response?

This close mined behavior is just snobbish, what's next, cast them of to the island of misfits because they don't fit into the grammar club?, what's worse? The misspelling or the sexual innuendo, so what, does that make you superior?

Shouldn't it be the content rather than the context?, really just get over it!

I'm not trying to defend the bad actions of others, or even myself, the call for moderation isn't surprising, but really, if it's not clear that they left it up to us to self moderate than I don't know?


Clearly I have flaws,

But who doesn't?, I think I disclosed that I'm not a literary genius, but to those who are, congrats!

I've never talked about self gratification, having sex and a few other fetishes. That's what's been shared in the general discussions, so again it's the pot calling the kettle black.



I have nobody in my ignore list!

I'm not sure what that means?, but even if I don't agree I still read!

Totally agree with you lotus . As a person who had no schooling beyond age of 14 I could be consideard an illitrate , but it stops me not from conveying my feelings or thoughts sometimes not in so refined / grammaticaly correct manner .
YES . I am a barrow boy so what ? I. Am genuine and honest with integrity which I believe are more important than anything else .
YES. I have come across many who look down their nose because I am not so literate / poor background . SO WHAT ? Do I give a money ? NO
I have never been a YES SIR , NO SIR ,3 BAGS FULL person.
I am more likely to show middle finger Smile

I haven't done too bad for myself -- own property in 3 continents + own business in 2 continents and employ many people . Yet I am quite happy to sit down with my cleaner and share cuppa n bicci Smile

By the way wots this ignore list / names / threads !!

How banal and pathetic !! Sad

That's so cool mymoobs,

My first job was when I was 14 making $1.00 an hour under the table, that was '74

Walked everywhere,no transportation til I saved my money to buy my first car, everything I have came from rolling up my sleeves and getting busy!, never shy to lend a hand, or do the dirty work!

It's in the USER CP,

Look under miscellaneous,

Buddy/ignore list

(13-12-2013, 01:57 AM)Lotus_4(◦)(◦) Wrote:  That's so cool mymoobs,

My first job was when I was 14 making $1.00 an hour under the table, that was '74

Walked everywhere,no transportation til I saved my money to buy my first car, everything I have came from rolling up my sleeves and getting busy!, never shy to lend a hand, or do the dirty work!
Kindered spirits Wink

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