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Samantha's Program


So, the program is somewhat back on track as of today ( least that aspect of my life is on track...LOL).
I have replenished my supply of Spearmint tea to hold me over until a new capsule form arrives. As of today I am also starting on a capsule form of licorice to compliment the Peony. We will see how that goes. Next week on Monday I plan to reintroduce Maca in one large morning dose.
Day by day. Rolleyes
Thanks to all for the support.

Edit: much self indulgent bs removed upon dawning of better judgement...I blame the scotch.Rolleyes

Sarah had to look up what TLDR meant. She's a little insulted by the insinuation that she can't be bothered to read anything past a few paragraphs, so buckle up for some bluntness.

LOL, It was Too Long but I Did Read it. The how and whys behind why I am the person I am ceased to interest me long ago, and I'm happier for it....but everyone's different, so maybe they'll yield some constructive answers for you(and others). To me, it just doesn't matter anymore. My gender issues predate any perceived trauma. I am who I am, and searching for the ever-elusive "cause" only seems to imply there's a problem with who I am. Kinda the reason I steered clear of the Mother thread. I currently have the type of mindset where finding out the motive or reason why(if there even is one) doesn't change the result. So why bother?

Hehehe, I still love ya though.

(13-02-2014, 02:46 AM)SarahSchilling Wrote:  Sarah had to look up what TLDR meant. She's a little insulted by the insinuation that she can't be bothered to read anything past a few paragraphs, so buckle up for some bluntness.

LOL, It was Too Long but I Did Read it. Seems like a bunch of personally relevant psychobabble to me. The how and whys behind why I am the person I am ceased to interest me long ago, and I'm happier for it....but everyone's different, so maybe it'll yield some constructive answers for you(and others). To me, it just doesn't matter anymore. My gender issues predate any perceived trauma. I am who I am, and searching for the ever-elusive "cause" only seems to imply there's a problem with who I am. Kinda the reason I steered clear of the Mother thread. Always been the type of person who believes that finding out the motive or reason why(if there even is one) doesn't change the result. So why bother?

Hehehe, I still love ya though.

Yeah, sis, I know, and it wasn't meant to offend anyone, though I can see how it might, now. Still, just my rambling trying to come to terms with what I am going through. To me, I do want to understand the why, because it does in my mind, right now, affect so much else. But I also understand your point. We all deal with things according to our own immediate needs I guess.
Besides, you were exactly who I was thinking about when I said the bit about those to whom nature played a dirty trick placing them in the wrong body. For many of us, the answer is not so simple or straightforward.
What works for me is different than what works for you. Rolleyes
"Psychobabble" hurts a little though...ouch.

(13-02-2014, 02:59 AM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Yeah, sis, I know, and it wasn't meant to offend anyone, though I can see how it might, now. Still, just my rambling trying to come to terms with what I am going through. To me, I do want to understand the why, because it does in my mind, right now, affect so much else. But I also understand your point. We all deal with things according to our own immediate needs I guess.
What works for me is different than what works for you.

You're too nice! Tongue

I used to spend many sleepless nights trying to find out the hows and why of events or situations that were outside of my control. PM/hormones changed that habit, and I couldn't be happier for it!

You need to get a stronger anti androgen.....or not ;p

That kind of thinking was an endless rabbit hole for myself, but like I said maybe it'll provide some clarity for you. Hell if I know.

Edit: I edited psychobabble out. Too late I guess. We're even for TLDR now, then! lmao...Sarah feels bad now Sad

Thank you so much, Lisa. I also found your post both illuminating and immensely helpful.

When I think about it, the essence of marriage is a union between two very different persons, and a successful marriage is full of accommodations relating to many different issues, some arrived at only painfully, but most such issues are not as big as an elephant, let alone a pink elephant. I'm hoping that my wife and myself can complete an arrangement to accommodate the elephant but we still may have a way to go. Your warning not to allow things to fester is well taken.

On a lighter note, and by a strange coincidence, the Landrover in which I drove to Pakistan so many years ago had had what appeared to be pink elephants blazoned on its front doors, though these had been more or less painted out by the time I bought it. It had previously been driven to Burma on an expedition Second Overland, by two members of the first expedition (First Overland) to drive overland from England to Singapore, in search of a rumoured white elephant, which in the event turned out in fact to be a real live PINK ELEPHANT.Big Grin

Hugs again from Annie for you and Sammie.


Annabel, Not to hijack Sammie's thread, but thanks for the kind comment. In my travels I have known way to many people in some form of relationship who let a disagreement destroy the relationship, when all they needed to do was discuss it, listen to the other person's position, and accept and respect it... Yes, that's a simplistic explanation, but you got my drift. It ain't rocket science, just simple human relations. I am a flaming liberal in most things, yet my family and most of my close friends are very conservative Southerners (aka Rednecks!), but they know my position and I know theirs, and we still love each other and get along with each other!

That is a cool anecdote on the elephant BTW...

Good luck with the wife!

Sorry Sammie, as they say... Now back to our regular programming! Big Grin


Lisa, you can hijack this train any time! LOLBig Grin

Well, for any of you still following this little drama, here is the latest installment...
The good news is that my dear, wonderful wife does indeed still love me. For this I am grateful, and my best hopes are realized. She is not leaving, nor am I packing my bags. We, neither of us know what the future may hold, and she may yet, in the future, opt to do so, but for now, nothing will change. Our kids, we agree, must not know about delightful, ditzy Samantha, and must be allowed their own solid start in life unencumbered by that little tidbit of trauma. Additionally, for a variety of reasons, there is no advantage to her leaving, and a huge raft of problems such a difficult split would entail for all of us. Most importantly, we are still, above all, best of friends, and she is already coming to terms with and accepting the news that her man is not all male after all. It has been a huge shock, from which she is still recovering, but her heart is great, and in time... well, time will tell. Day by day. The love, after all these years, is still strong.
I once observed, in the egotism of artistic youth, that I wanted simply to live a life in which I experienced as much of life as I could, with little regard for financial success, but that, before I died, I hoped to at least have the opportunity to know, even if briefly, what it felt like to be rich, and even if this was later followed by subsequent hardship. Though, we have never achieved that goal financially, I have realized now, looking back at the past twenty five years with my wife, that I have nonetheless achieved my goal. I do indeed know what it means to be rich, whatever else life may hold in store.
I am scheduled to meet with a TG counselor on Tuesday. From that, I expect to begin some sessions with a therapist. I am of a mind to make an appointment with an Endo. No, not to begin transition, but rather because I think it wise to have my hormones checked, along with a few other tests, to determine just exactly what state my system is in after the massive amount of change my body has undergone over the last four years. Knowledge is, hopefully, power. I also foresee that I may take a break from my program entirely for a period of time to monitor how that affects my mood and desires. While I do not expect to find a great change, I think it only wise to be certain before going any further, that my desires are real and not merely the pink fog engendered by years of heavy doses of E. I believe a decent and properly monitored break may tell me a lot.
But I currently doubt I will feel differently. I am feeling strongly that I want more than anything to find opportunities to appear somehow publicly en femme, if only within the safe environs of a TG friendly gathering, just to realize how it feels. An event such as Lisa's fabled Southern Comfort looms large in my imagination, not only as a goal toward which to work, but also as a possible opportunity to actually meet some of the beautiful friends with which I have been blessed through this amazing site where we all meet.
I still cannot for the life of me envision wanting to fully transition. The difficulties and challenges that go with that prospect at my stage in life appear far more daunting and difficult than my needs require. Other options exist, I believe, to adequately deal with my dysphoria, without nearly the difficulties. The prospect of dealing with the real world at 61 and older, and at nearly six three without heels and in a size ten dress and size 14 pumps, holds little allure. But...
Ironically, having just explained to DW this afternoon that women of my height were so rare as to instantly create a vision sure to provoke keen observation along with the potential for massive humiliation, we encountered this evening at the local mall not one but TWO different GGs each of whom matched or exceeded my height without heels. It was surreal, to say the least. LOL
So that is where we sit tonight, sweethearts. This has been a difficult week for Sammie. To those of you who have offered your mean more to me than I can ever say, and more than I can ever repay. Thanks. Smile

Samantha you welcome me with both arms and treated me like one of the family.
You have a very big caring heart that beats for every one here. You are like are caring
Owl that over see's the big picture and knows exactly what to say to make some one feel better. I wish you luck on your journey and God bless you. Keep yourself safe and always look after youself.

(16-02-2014, 04:40 AM)Samantha Rogers Wrote:  Well, for any of you still following this little drama, here is the latest installment...
The good news is that my dear, wonderful wife does indeed still love me. For this I am grateful, and my best hopes are realized. She is not leaving, nor am I packing my bags. We, neither of us know what the future may hold, and she may yet, in the future, opt to do so, but for now, nothing will change. Our kids, we agree, must not know about delightful, ditzy Samantha, and must be allowed their own solid start in life unencumbered by that little tidbit of trauma. Additionally, for a variety of reasons, there is no advantage to her leaving, and a huge raft of problems such a difficult split would entail for all of us. Most importantly, we are still, above all, best of friends, and she is already coming to terms with and accepting the news that her man is not all male after all. It has been a huge shock, from which she is still recovering, but her heart is great, and in time... well, time will tell. Day by day. The love, after all these years, is still strong.
I once observed, in the egotism of artistic youth, that I wanted simply to live a life in which I experienced as much of life as I could, with little regard for financial success, but that, before I died, I hoped to at least have the opportunity to know, even if briefly, what it felt like to be rich, and even if this was later followed by subsequent hardship. Though, we have never achieved that goal financially, I have realized now, looking back at the past twenty five years with my wife, that I have nonetheless achieved my goal. I do indeed know what it means to be rich, whatever else life may hold in store.
I am scheduled to meet with a TG counselor on Tuesday. From that, I expect to begin some sessions with a therapist. I am of a mind to make an appointment with an Endo. No, not to begin transition, but rather because I think it wise to have my hormones checked, along with a few other tests, to determine just exactly what state my system is in after the massive amount of change my body has undergone over the last four years. Knowledge is, hopefully, power. I also foresee that I may take a break from my program entirely for a period of time to monitor how that affects my mood and desires. While I do not expect to find a great change, I think it only wise to be certain before going any further, that my desires are real and not merely the pink fog engendered by years of heavy doses of E. I believe a decent and properly monitored break may tell me a lot.
But I currently doubt I will feel differently. I am feeling strongly that I want more than anything to find opportunities to appear somehow publicly en femme, if only within the safe environs of a TG friendly gathering, just to realize how it feels. An event such as Lisa's fabled Southern Comfort looms large in my imagination, not only as a goal toward which to work, but also as a possible opportunity to actually meet some of the beautiful friends with which I have been blessed through this amazing site where we all meet.
I still cannot for the life of me envision wanting to fully transition. The difficulties and challenges that go with that prospect at my stage in life appear far more daunting and difficult than my needs require. Other options exist, I believe, to adequately deal with my dysphoria, without nearly the difficulties. The prospect of dealing with the real world at 61 and older, and at nearly six three without heels and in a size ten dress and size 14 pumps, holds little allure. But...
Ironically, having just explained to DW this afternoon that women of my height were so rare as to instantly create a vision sure to provoke keen observation along with the potential for massive humiliation, we encountered this evening at the local mall not one but TWO different GGs each of whom matched or exceeded my height without heels. It was surreal, to say the least. LOL
So that is where we sit tonight, sweethearts. This has been a difficult week for Sammie. To those of you who have offered your mean more to me than I can ever say, and more than I can ever repay. Thanks. Smile

I can see your dilemas . It is more important how you feel inside . Heightn weight,shape is irrevent .being happy within is .
We are all diffrent sitting in the spectrum somewhere and here we accept them all for what ever they happy with.
I for one know that I do not wish to cross over the fence . All I want is some feminisation . Would love to cross dress but that is goal too far.I don't like rocking the boat at my age . Marriage + buSiness + son at uni etc situation can turn disastrous just being selfish.
But here I feel at home as none are judgmental and except for who we are. Rambling again Sad
Anyway wishing you best of in what ever you decide to do . What ever you do don't burn. The bridges , family is the best support mechanism

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