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Question on Saw Palmetto


Hey everyone I've been taking 1000mg of Ainterol PM R1 (Don't know if it's a low dose as it has had effects on me). But I've been taking saw palmetto standardized extract 320 mg daily. I read on here recently about saw palmetto lowering estrogen, and I didn't know if it hinders the PM a lot or anything.

I mean I still have results (Have been on PM for four months now), and I was mainly curious because about a month after getting on saw palmetto it seemed like things were slowing down. (I'm in young twenties) figured I should add my age for general idea. So I was wondering do I need to up my dosage in PM or lower the saw palmetto to 160mg? Any help is appreciated. Big Grin

1000mg is a low dose, typical doses seem to be between 2000-3000mg, in your shoes i would gradually increase my dose, try 1500mg for a month and see how you feel, then if nothing 2000mg the following month, saw palmetto does lower e levels yes but is better than nothing, i used it while taking pm and it did work for me but i was taking 2800mg of pm and 1800mg of saw palmetto each day, White Peony Root Extract is generally thought to be a better bet

Thanks for the reply! =) I honestly think I'm a bit sensitive to estrogen in general so I will try the 1500 mg dose and so far I've had various fat redistribution such as hips and all of that good stuff. I'm also a very small build thankfully lol. Oddly I haven't seen much fat redistribution on my face other than a fat chin lol.
But seriously thanks for the advice. =D

Sorry missd that, you could just drop the saw palmetto and see how you go on pm alone as a lot of people have got results that way

I mean the results are there. But I just feel as if it slowed down compared to what it was and I was just wondering if it was due to the saw palmetto. =p I was mainly wondering if I needed to back off of saw palmetto some. I don't know if 4 months is long enough for the fat redistribution to start softening the facial features. (Probably not consider synthetic is around 6 months.) I was mainly curious because of me getting any type of results on a low dosage like this. But still thanks for the help. =)

I agree with Bobie. Up the PM and drop the SP. There are better anti-DHT herbs you can add later -- Pygeum, Reishi, or Chinese Skullcap.

Clara Smile


I'm probably going to start with PM taking it from 1,000 to 1,500 (to be on the safe side) since my body actually had some results from 1,000. I may get rid of the saw palmetto eventually I'm going to see how the 1,500 mg on PM treats my body over the 1,000. =P It's a good start anyways. So I appreciate your help. =D Both of you. =p lol

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