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IT MEH BIRTHDaYhelp me fix java ? comments "undisclosed" tried updating,nd restall,



Happy b-day! Sorry, I haven't a clue how to fix it.

Start with a different browser, let us know how it goes and we can take it from there.

Happy birthday!

Can an admin help you with Java? Are you using Windows or Linux? Are you using Firefox?

sometimes it lets me comment other times it doesn't..whenever it does the font box is the moment this comment is shpwing first log in comment or reboot computer lets me comment then it stops from there ='['s time I commented for like over 5 comments then it just stopped again

.I've tried firefox, chrome, and chrome torch =s I also tried using sandbox
only thing I haven't tried is disabling internet security....I'll maybe try it
one firefox java tools is blocked it won't let me unblock it =/ ..says it is an official block

hope this comment goes through =O




There are different programs called "Java". A toolkit (Java Deployment Toolkit) is usually for developers to test their programming code. Programs like that are a security risk, because it allows hackers to have tools without them having to install them on your computer. Another one is "development" files which usually don't conflict, but are only needed to install a program from scratch.

So some installations are unnecessary for the average user. With browsers, "Javascript" is typically what's needed for certain textboxes. Javascript is a completely different program than other Javas. You could message an admin, and ask them what Java you need.

My guess is that when all of the programs are starting up, you are able to use the browser until the program that stops it from functioning properly finally starts.

With the information you provided, that said the program was blocked, the java program probably didn't crash, as is what happens on windows. On Windows, drivers interfere with programs sometimes, but in that case it wouldn't even work temporarily.

If it were linux, I'd say an old version and a new version conflicted since the older version can be difficult to completely clean out.


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