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Are you a twin?


Are you a twin?

I found this interesting study about transsexuality among twins.

It would be interested in how many of us are twins.

I have a twin brother.

Transsexuality Among Twins: Identity Concordance, Transition, Rearing, and Orientation
Dr. Milton Diamond of the University of Hawaii, School of Medicine.

Quote:Please help if you can! Are you a twin? Are you transsexual?

It is now understood that among twins, there are sets in which both have transitioned gender and other sets in which only one has switched. Will you please help us try and find out why the differences?

We are looking for twin sets, male or female, identical or fraternal, where one or both have transitioned F2M or M2F. You are needed for a research project to answer a set of questions about your background and your twin’s condition and transition. The questionnaire will ask about your development and the circumstances surrounding your and your twin’s switch. Some of the questions will be personal but most are neutral. Even if you are the twin that didn’t change and your twin the one who did, your answers would be of value. We are trying to find out those features among twins that have or have not led to gender change.

The survey will consist of a set of questions we will mail to you and your twin with a return postage-paid envelope. Answering the questions will take about one to two hours of time. Twins are welcome from outside the USA as well as within. Everything will be confidential and nothing will be identified with any particular person.

When the survey is completed the information gathered will be compiled, analyzed, and distributed to those in transsexual self-help groups and, via professional publications, to those in the helping professions. We desire to improve the lives of persons touched by the condition.

If you are willing to help, please get in touch with Dr. Milton Diamond of the University of Hawaii, School of Medicine. By mail: 1951 East-West Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA; By email: Many, many thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't have a twin, though there have been a few occasions when people told me they saw someone who could be my look-alike.

Apparently I have a couple of twins which I have never met. Unfortunately, the police are looking for them. Twice, now, maybe thrice, I've been picked up by the police for crimes I've NEVER committed and let go once they found out I was not the guy they were looking for. Last week I read an article in the paper about a guy that was actually arrested and put on trial AND in jail for a crime HE never committed, only to be let go later once it was found out and proven that he's NOT the guy they were looking for, but he closely matches the description of the guy that DID it. so, I'm thinking seriously about dressing VERY differently just SO I can stand out and be COMPLETELY unmistaken for these guys that the police are looking for!! I'm talking about ALWAYS wearing very colourful skirts and shirts and even wearing, or just growing, my tits in a big way, so that they can NOT mistake me for the other guy!! What I find QUITE odd about it already is that there seems to be at least one other guy in this area that is 6' 9" tall, has long brown hair and three teeth missing!! WHAT are the odds of there being just TWO guys in the same town that look exactly like me, let alone 4???? A month ago, some guy on a bus told me there's another guy that also rides the bus a lot that looks exactly like me!! Poor guy!!

(31-07-2014, 12:35 AM)flamesabers Wrote:  I don't have a twin, though there have been a few occasions when people told me they saw someone who could be my look-alike.

Ah the doppelgänger affect. Smile Smile

I know one of my doppelgängers. My brother is in the next room. But stranger still is several friends have thought they have spotted me out and about when it was not me or him.

I got a text from a friend when I was living in New Zealand asking why when she waved at me, I didn't wave back. My reaction was, Wow I did not know you were in NZ? When did you get here? lol. Confusion ensued. I checked with brother in UK and it was not him and she knows the difference between us anyway. She was adamant it was me and I had to prove I was 12 time zones away on the other side of the planet. lol.

Bless her, she never understood how I could be 12 hours ahead but we could still talk on the phone. I really did not help when I phoned to wish her a happy new year. lol. Freaked her out thinking she was talking to me from the future!! lol

(31-07-2014, 04:00 AM)Missed Miss Wrote:  Apparently I have a couple of twins which I have never met. Unfortunately, the police are looking for them. Twice, now, maybe thrice, I've been picked up by the police for crimes I've NEVER committed and let go once they found out I was not the guy they were looking for. Last week I read an article in the paper about a guy that was actually arrested and put on trial AND in jail for a crime HE never committed, only to be let go later once it was found out and proven that he's NOT the guy they were looking for, but he closely matches the description of the guy that DID it. so, I'm thinking seriously about dressing VERY differently just SO I can stand out and be COMPLETELY unmistaken for these guys that the police are looking for!! I'm talking about ALWAYS wearing very colourful skirts and shirts and even wearing, or just growing, my tits in a big way, so that they can NOT mistake me for the other guy!! What I find QUITE odd about it already is that there seems to be at least one other guy in this area that is 6' 9" tall, has long brown hair and three teeth missing!! WHAT are the odds of there being just TWO guys in the same town that look exactly like me, let alone 4???? A month ago, some guy on a bus told me there's another guy that also rides the bus a lot that looks exactly like me!! Poor guy!!

Identity parade would look like this.

Smile Wink Tongue Cool Big Grin

You could also try high heels to make yourself taller? Tongue Lol

OMG that is crazy! I've had friends of my brother talk to me and I've no idea who they are. Even had a strange girl run up and give you a hug but getting arrested?!?! That's messed up.

Like your big boobs idea to make a difference, great idea! Big Grin


For the longest time, I had this guy I would see on a bus quite a lot who thought he knew me, hadn't seen me in a while and just started right in with chatting me up and insisted my name was Kevin!! I have NO idea who he was, but, just to be nice, I just played along with it. I think, one day, after many years, he found out I WASN'T his buddy, Kevin and he stopped talking me! Lol.
Close to 10 years ago I was on my way to see Fishbone and I turned the last corner before getting to the venue and, there, on the street a few feet from me was Angelo Moore, their singer. I went over and shook his hand and whished him a great show and he said he thinks he knows me from somewhere! That I look VERY familiar to him!
Another guy, when I had my hair permed in the early `80's, told me I looked like Bill Walton! I'm guessing Bill was a basketball player.

I "Had" an apparent twin once that I never met.

Found out about him when a relative saw an ad in a newspaper (& panicked that it was me) that a guy that had the same exact first & last name and oddly looked nearly identical was hit & killed by a bus while crossing the street.

(It was Kinda Creepy)

what is odd is giving birth to your twin also known as a paracitic twin:

sometimes the twin is absorbed and can cause genetic anomolies such as a third nipple and/or extra appendige or dual sexual organs ,etc.

Another interesting story of transsexual twins.

Identical Reared Apart Twins Concordant for Transsexuality


(30-07-2014, 09:03 PM)Denita Wrote:  Are you a twin?

I found this interesting study about transsexuality among twins.

It would be interested in how many of us are twins.

I have a twin brother.

Transsexuality Among Twins: Identity Concordance, Transition, Rearing, and Orientation
Dr. Milton Diamond of the University of Hawaii, School of Medicine.

Quote:Please help if you can! Are you a twin? Are you transsexual?

It is now understood that among twins, there are sets in which both have transitioned gender and other sets in which only one has switched. Will you please help us try and find out why the differences?

We are looking for twin sets, male or female, identical or fraternal, where one or both have transitioned F2M or M2F. You are needed for a research project to answer a set of questions about your background and your twin’s condition and transition. The questionnaire will ask about your development and the circumstances surrounding your and your twin’s switch. Some of the questions will be personal but most are neutral. Even if you are the twin that didn’t change and your twin the one who did, your answers would be of value. We are trying to find out those features among twins that have or have not led to gender change.

The survey will consist of a set of questions we will mail to you and your twin with a return postage-paid envelope. Answering the questions will take about one to two hours of time. Twins are welcome from outside the USA as well as within. Everything will be confidential and nothing will be identified with any particular person.

When the survey is completed the information gathered will be compiled, analyzed, and distributed to those in transsexual self-help groups and, via professional publications, to those in the helping professions. We desire to improve the lives of persons touched by the condition.

If you are willing to help, please get in touch with Dr. Milton Diamond of the University of Hawaii, School of Medicine. By mail: 1951 East-West Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA; By email: Many, many thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a twin and several older male siblings. My twin, fraternal, is not TG and I am.

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