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saw palmetto shrank my penis and testicles


the problem is I have try TRT but testosterone does not work on me.My body does not respond to T any more.
But again my point is how many of you have got shrunken penis and testicles and how many of you have gone back to normal after stopping your regimen. OR once you get shrunken testicles you can not reverse it?

(19-11-2014, 12:44 AM)sp2000 Wrote:  the problem is I have try TRT but testosterone does not work on me.My body does not respond to T any more.
But again my point is how many of you have got shrunken penis and testicles and how many of you have gone back to normal after stopping your regimen. OR once you get shrunken testicles you can not reverse it?

You will need to stop all herbs that are either Anti-Androgens Aromatase and or estrogenic/progesterone in nature. See if that helps your situation in like 30 days. You may have to, after that, see a doctor and explain to him/her what you were doing.

I am past worrying about procreation and the size of my penis never was a real concern so I would have no basis in how long to reverse the situation. I wish you luck.

I have stopped everything (basically saw palmetto that is all I took) long ago, 4 years ago but got no improvement at all. My body is stuck. I have seen some 12 doctors and 6 Endos. I am scheduled to see more endos in near future.But Drs/Endos have no idea. They are dumb about side effects caused by Finasteride or saw palmetto. if you want to know more about side effects of 5 alpha reductase inhibitors (saw palmetto, Finasteride etc) then visit hairloss forums or

Dr.s not knowing is real surprising to me. NOT! ! ! I think you are heading In the right direction, but may I suggest a Herbalist??? He/She will have a lot more knowledge in such things than a supposed "Real Doctor". It may be a good idea, besides, at the point where you are right now, what could it hurt??

iaboy thanks for your help but question remains the same.
I know there are many males on the is forums who have taken Estrogenic substances and have got their testicles shrunken on purpose. If they want to go back to male boy sometimes in the future would it be possible for them?[/align]

Fertoomid. Related to Clomud I think. Used in post-cycle steroid cycles. Couldn't recall the name before. But it works to get mr. Happy at full mast. Is a simulator for the leydig cells, so "everything" Will come back.
That doesn't mean testicle size, necessarily. But fidelity and virility should return.

Notes: you can find this at online pharmacies. Sorry, won't pay them here, Uncle Shithead is working too hard already too shy them down - pm if you need advice.
It is actually a weak estrogen, used medically by women trying to get pregnant. Causes eggs to marture and be released from the ovaries. It will do the equivalent in men, by stimulating the FSH and LH production, improving sperm production via signaling leydig cells.

I don't know how I've experienced anything so soon ... maybe this is my natural gift .... but in one week I've seen considerable shrinking. Check my posts for what I'm doing thus far but I'm no expert. I love and want it to keep shrinking.

(14-11-2014, 01:41 PM)Wuerstchen Wrote:  
(14-11-2014, 05:58 AM)iaboy Wrote:  Hi SP, I used I have used sp almost exclusively for a year. But I also have peripheral artery disease which effected the situation as well. But yes, It did shrink my testicles as well.

I wouldn't mind shrinking mine, which are quite pendulous. I would also like a smaller penis. Saw Palmetto is the one thing I've tried, because I read that it was good for prostatis, but i found it made me seriously nauseated so I stopped.
Wuerstchen,, Likewise ive got pendulous balls about the size of tangerines,,one is larger and the suckers get wracked all the time,, due to the clinch they often get in with sitting and rising and even walking if things arent just arranged right.

Im presently looking into the very same thing, need them reduced in size,,I found an article that said contact with aluminum causes shrinkage,,? lol yea for real!,,, and i read also there wasnt any cancer danger mentioned,, but thats just one article,,,

Im taking saw palmetto have been constantly for the last year and frankly i dont see any change. i started it for prostrate health as well,
Of course im only taking two gel tabs a day,, it might call for a higher dose,,
What was the amount you guys( were /are )taking ?

besides testicular atropy (which may not be reversible) it sounds like you have a pre-existing condition that is causing a vasoconstriction.

you will need something that is a vasodiolator, such as Yohimbe route, or the like.. you definitely should see a dr.

however i suspect that at that dose you were taking, it would not do much in the way of anything.... go see a dr.

and yes, bovine ovary suppliments are a potential testicle -atrophying agent...

could be that your body is aromatizing Testosterone into estrogen.. if i may ask, have you grown breasts? or are feminized? if so, then that could be whats going on. you would need an aromatizing inhibitor.

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