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Weight loss with breast growth.


I'm sure this is a common question, but I think in my case it's a little different, too. ;-)

Objective for this year is to lose 52 pounds of fat. FAT ONLY.

But, how will that work with PM, especially? I'm all for bigger breasts, and in the state where I'll "Deal with the consequences."
I've only been interested in this since somewhere before I was 7... ;-)

Fat loss is more important than anything else, ESPECIALLY muscle hypertrophy - that's 100% in opposition to my goals for the year.

Now, I figure if I keep the weight steady or increasing (depending on abilities), this should allow me to work on fat loss by:
1. Maintaining lean muscle mass.
2. Building the missing butt muscles (Gluteaus medius especially, that WILL need hypertrophy.)
3. Also Yoga and HIIT, daily.

Three days a week of a decent strength program (heavy on squats to induce HGH production), and daily bursts of moderate- to high-intensity activity, plus time in the gym doing intervals, plus more walking.

80%is dieth, though, and that's still in flux. I want to get to a high protein, lowish fat, very low carb type diet. Semi-Paleo, in that I'm more apt to leave out greens and fruits.

Now, with a 1 pound per week fat loss goal, I believe that should be possible. But is there any physical value to using PM? Or would it likely make the most sense to keep the dosage low, look for the mental release from GID*, and after the fat is burned off and I can look towards burning Lean body mass (LBM), THEN pursue PM in breast-growth dosages?

*: As an experiment, I'm about 3 weeks now without ANY anti-androgens, letting the body "reset." I'm not fond of the loss of male function; I AM fond of women. I AM envious of their form and features, including the mental (even when they're meshugganuh, which is seemingly 100% of the time. ;-) )
but the reasons for the "Reset" were to address / document GD. I was happy on the "no testosterone" setting. I don't miss Morning Wood. I don't miss spontaneous "tenting." I always envied girls their smooth fronts... And I had "moobs" from about age 10 or so, and a defined waist... Must've looked VERY funny, running along the sidewalk, holding my chest... :-P

the point of this aside? GD is back to about 90% or so of "normal," I'm not happy I'm losing strength still, but I don't give a about male function there, and I'm busy looking at bras and panties online to see what i'd (hope to) look good in...

This is coming off siterone, mind (IIRC the name. the one that shuts down the testicles; not 17b-E, nor Spiro, nor Dutas, though I was taking Dutas as well, until I realized it was a waste.)
Now, for that part, a trip to Fenway is in order.
For the overall mental health, losing 52 pounds is in order.
For the feminization...?

PM before, during, after? And cycling or not, as per AbiDrew's "Hammer" routine? (Will PM Lotus on that, but answers anywhere make sense.) :-)

If I can get the bodyfat percentage to 20% or less this year, and NOT look like a bodybuilder while doing it, I'll have a good year.
If I end up with 40DD or better, without the underarm flab?

Well, then who gives a %$@# what the counsellors say? ;-)

Last note, I currently am:
230# (-10 in two months - no gym time)
5' 9"
Genetic Male (I believe, never checked on mosaic or chimera, and sometimes, I wonder!)

37% body fat

Deadlift: 240#
Squat: 140#
OHP: 110#
Row: 140# (Max to date - don't know the current capacity!)
Bench: 140# (as above).

If the row and bench drop, no big deal. Overhead Press (OHP) I'd like to keep up there. Deadlift and squat aren't bad, for a female - and I know, personally, a few who are MUCH better. So yes, I feel pathetic there. :-)

But even if that stays the same, and the fat goes away, that's what matters most (for now).
I'll be a "strong gurl" then, as long as I don't Look like a female Troll, I think I'll manage. I need to grow butt and hip size, though. (We've covered that in its own thread of course, won't rehash exercises, just thought they'd be helpful WRT the question of using PM effectively.)

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