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I am Elain


Hello everyone..

My name is Elain and I am starting a long journey of self rediscovery. As you may (or may not) have guessed by that comment, I am a transgender person. I am also a little on the older side at 50. Having suffered with GD my entire life and done everything I could to deny it, hide from it and run from myself as fast as I could, I reached a point of despondency. Something had to give and that something was me refusing to accept who I really was.

So now I am on a different journey, and that is one of self acceptance and rediscovery. I hope to start HRT either this month, or next month, depending on what my doctor and therapist decide, or at latest in April if they decide to try and stop me from being who I am (at that point, I will start HRT on my own, and only go to my doctor for regular blood work etc).

I stumbled on this website while looking up natural breast enhancement so decided to join. So far I am very impressed with all the information available (my head is spinning and admittedly I am a little confused with some of the information being given as it seems to be contradictory in some aspects, at least on the surface anyway. Further research will clear that up I hope).

So here I am. I hope that I will be a good member of this forum.

~Elain Corrine Moria

Welcome aboard Elain. I am sure you will find solace and comfort here. This is by all means one of the best forum on internet. I hope you will find compatible friends here. Peace and Love, POM

We're so glad to have you join us! There's a place for everyone here regardless of age or destination. And there IS a lot of information here but you may have already noticed that basically, PM is probably the mainstay and you have a variety of secondary herbs you might want to consider. I really think you've fallen into the friendliest forum on the internet for folks with gender uncertainty. We accept you as a sister and look forward to getting to know you better. When I first got here about two years ago, I was really lost. I always knew I was trans but denied it and acquired a lot of baggage over the years until I finally reached my breaking point. I stumbled in here and found this really cool culture. I wrote like crazy and it really helped me sort out my feelings. I encourage you to do the same. I'd love to hear more about you, your family, your life, who knows, what you are struggling with emotionally etc. Tell a little or a lot, you're a friend either way. Smile

Welcome to the forum, Elain! I'm sure you'll like it here!! Don't worry about being bad here, if you are, we'll just take you to the dungeon and chain you up next to the 3-toed sloth. ;-)

(12-01-2015, 08:14 AM)WantAPair Wrote:  Welcome to the forum, Elain! I'm sure you'll like it here!! Don't worry about being bad here, if you are, we'll just take you to the dungeon and chain you up next to the 3-toed sloth. ;-)

Promises... Promises...


Hello Elain.

Welcome to the forum. Smile

Welcome! Hopefully you find what you're looking for. Smile

(14-01-2015, 12:33 AM)Fuego y Hielo Wrote:  Welcome! Hopefully you find what you're looking for. Smile

Welcome aboard. There are a couple members (maybe even former) that started with NBE, but once they went on HRT their development was greatly enhanced.

Start with Emma's threads and you will see what I mean...

Breast of luck on your journey!

Thank you everyone for such a warm and loving welcome. I am now into that journey (as well as a somewhat different and unexpected journey) as many of you know and it is honestly so encouraging and emotionally supporting to be able to log into this site, and talk with, discuss, banter, chuckle, giggle and laugh with all of you. I am learning so much about NBE as well as myself as the days fly past. Thank you. *hugs for everyone*


Let me join in the "Welcome Elain!" This is a terrific resource, and it has some kind of magnetism to it. My best advice is to read and evaluate, and participate in the threads that interest you. One of the great values that pervades here is mutual support, so when you can, lend a hand, and when you need it, do not hesitate to ask.

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