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Can I scream yet?


Lol, maybe an air-horn sounding off over the phone would feel like the appropriate amount of justice was served huh?. Big Grin

(05-02-2015, 09:23 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Lol, maybe an air-horn sounding off over the phone would feel like the appropriate amount of justice was served huh?. Big Grin

Oh! I like the way you think!



(04-02-2015, 11:49 PM)ElainMoria Wrote:  
(04-02-2015, 11:45 PM)iaboy Wrote:  The first question I would of asked was "Why the F%^&k did you cancel the scan. Then, my next statement would of been "Be prepared to transfer all my records to my new Doctor.

I told them I have never seen such incompetence in my entire 50 F&*&^%$ years of life and that they were F*&&% lazy, backwards and need to get their F**&^^ Sh*& together. Then turned around and walked out the door before they could call the cops on me. I think I dropped more F-bombs in the 4 minutes I was in the office, than I have in the last 2 months. I DETEST incompetence, especially in the medical field. Had I not shown up for an appointment they'd charge me, but it's ok for them to waste my entire morning following the dietary requirements for the PET scan (no food, no coffee etc). I'm seriously not happy with them right now. I wouldn't really be as mad as I am if this was a one off shot, but they have done this more than once. Sheer incompetence.


Make another appointment with them, then refuse to show up! When they send you a bill for it, tell them to shove it!!

(05-02-2015, 08:14 PM)ElainMoria Wrote:  Cordless home phones are just not NEARLY as satisfying to hang up on some prat with as the old clunky wired phones. It's hard to make your point when all you can do is press a button to hang up with instead of slamming the phone down into the receiver cradle. *grumbles angrily*


I know!! It's like if you're pissed off and you need to throw something and all you can find is a Nerf ball!! It just don't make it!! Same with swearing, "Oh, SUGAR!!" just don't make it!! It's just GOTTA be, "FUCK!!". First off, the F in fuck allows you to vent some steam, especially if you drag it out a bit. "Fffff". The U allows you to exercise your vocal chords, almost like a scream of anger, like yelling, "AAAAAAA!!!!". And the final two, CK, said hard enough, hit that final "CK!!" REAL hard!! It'll give you that lovely slamming-the-phone-down feeling! CK!!!! Try them separately and see. Fffff, AAAAAAA!!!!, CK!!!! What a nice release of stress!! :-) "Fuck" is the perfect word to get your frustration out!! I don't know WHY people think it's so terrible!! Those that think that have never said it and enjoyed the pluses, the release, FROM saying it the right way!
"AWWW, FFFFUUUUCK!!!!! [Sigh] Okay, let's go buy some shoes."

By the way, here's something else you really should see!!

(03-02-2015, 05:24 AM)myboobs Wrote:  Consider hemp ( marijuana oil ) .

Weed cures EVERYTHING! Big Grin



So the Lung doctor at the hospital has referred me to an infectious disease specialist in the Portland area at OHSU (or is it OSHU?) who is supposedly one of the top guys in the nation where MAC is concerned.

This means I have to somehow find a way to get to Portland w/o a vehicle to make the appointments. Taking a bus is out of the question as the route here is really bad and a 200 mile trip would take me 2 days to travel due to how the routing is done. Not to mention buses trigger anxiety attacks in me. The Train is one possibility but I'd still have to overnight in Portland and take cabs to and from the train station to a hotel, then to the doctors office, and back. Financially... that would tax my resources in a major way. Probably not something I can do unless I can find a hotel REAL close to the train station.

I am no longer using my original GP and have transferred my care to a new Doctor in Ashland who is knowledgeable about TG care and understands what is involved with it all (meds, therapy etc). I have my first appointment on the 24th. I have also contacted a Therapist in Ashland that is also familiar with TG issues so I now have things rolling in the right direction for me.

As for this MAC infection... my understanding is they want me on 4 extremely body harsh antibiotics for a year. I risk having permanent Liver failure/Kidney failure/Hearing loss/Eye sight loss from those antibiotics. The cure leaving me with a grossly reduced quality of life, and even then, no guarantee the MAC infection will be successfully wiped out. I am honestly debating refusing to do any treatments and simply take what life is left to me and run with it.


(06-02-2015, 10:58 PM)ElainMoria Wrote:  As for this MAC infection... my understanding is they want me on 4 extremely body harsh antibiotics for a year. I risk having permanent Liver failure/Kidney failure/Hearing loss/Eye sight loss from those antibiotics. The cure leaving me with a grossly reduced quality of life, and even then, no guarantee the MAC infection will be successfully wiped out. I am honestly debating refusing to do any treatments and simply take what life is left to me and run with it.


So the Problem "Might" be Cured but the Cure has a equal chance of killing you or rendering your life miserable....

um yeah, i think i would look for some alternatives on that....

(05-02-2015, 09:33 PM)ElainMoria Wrote:  
(05-02-2015, 09:23 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Lol, maybe an air-horn sounding off over the phone would feel like the appropriate amount of justice was served huh?. Big Grin

Oh! I like the way you think!


See, I knew there was a kinship there somewhere. LOL ^5 Lotus

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