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I've been hearing bad things about soy


For the past couple months I've been using a soy-based lotion for lack of anything better as part of my daily massage. Today I was browsing BN and saw some bad rap about soy and NBE, so I ask; Should I stop using the soy based lotion?

Gamer, Soy has an effect on thyroid. Genistein, which is in soy and other nbe products (PM) has potential risks, the biggest is breast cancer.

These are general soy controversies , we all metabolize differently, some may have sensitivities while other don't, it's trail by error with supplements. You have to find what works for you, it's not easy. great question, thanks.


I read up on a few different articles, including Genistein in my searches, and it seems pretty inconclusive. While some articles praise Genistein, others condemn it. Seems that way with just about anything though. My own diet contains very little soy, so I'd think that the lotion wouldn't really have as much of a negative impact, but maybe I should just play it safe and switch lotions.

I was vegetarian for 8 years and ate soy alot. and nothing happened

o except my eyes got lighter really light brown . but like breast growth not much . side effect nothing much did give me some tummy cramps .

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