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Bruce Jenner


By the way, apparently some woman wrote a hateful nasty column for the paper the other day about Caitlyn Jenner. I forget what the title of it was, but, today, there were a number of long letters to the editor complaining about that columnist and her terrible article a few days ago!! I hope/expect to see more in the very near future!! I don't bother to write them anymore, I've written 5 or 6 VERY well-worded and VERY civil and intelligent letters to the editor and NONE have EVER been printed!!! So, fuck `em!!!! I got better things to do with my time, like, picking the lint out of my belly button, combing out my fur-lined sink, refueling my gasoline-powered turtle-neck sweater and polishing the dog!
If you want, I can give you a link to the paper, but I can't copy & past JUST the letters or article.

Some guy just sent me a friend request on Facebook. I have NO idea who he is!! But, when I clicked on his name, his page opened and the very first thing he had posted at the top of the page were rude comments about Caitlyn, that she's doing this for publicity and money!!
My guess:, somehow, he saw the posting I put on my page about and he's asking to be "friends" so he can ridicule and debate me about it!! FUCK HIM!!!! I don't need friends like that!!!!! I got enemies that'll do that job quite nicely!!

(07-06-2015, 06:20 AM)WantAPair Wrote:  Some guy just sent me a friend request on Facebook. I have NO idea who he is!! But, when I clicked on his name, his page opened and the very first thing he had posted at the top of the page were rude comments about Caitlyn, that she's doing this for publicity and money!!
My guess:, somehow, he saw the posting I put on my page about and he's asking to be "friends" so he can ridicule and debate me about it!! FUCK HIM!!!! I don't need friends like that!!!!! I got enemies that'll do that job quite nicely!!

Best thing I ever did to help me avoid negativity and hate was deleting my facebook account. No lie. However, I do go to a specific conspiracy theory website and I just had to stop going there at least until this whole thing blows over. Every other thread there was just a giant circle jerk of hate on the issue with pages upon pages of people agreeing with it. It really knocked me back a couple steps when I saw it. And this is coming from people I have daily discussions on things like spirituality, feminine divine, relationships, and corruption. And of course some of my writings. It really makes me sad as I kinda miss the conversations. And you know if there ever was some grand agenda it is working by dividing us and just creating more hate and the sheep eat it up and get led around like the sheep they are.

(07-06-2015, 06:33 AM)Rayve Wrote:  
(07-06-2015, 06:20 AM)WantAPair Wrote:  Some guy just sent me a friend request on Facebook. I have NO idea who he is!! But, when I clicked on his name, his page opened and the very first thing he had posted at the top of the page were rude comments about Caitlyn, that she's doing this for publicity and money!!
My guess:, somehow, he saw the posting I put on my page about and he's asking to be "friends" so he can ridicule and debate me about it!! FUCK HIM!!!! I don't need friends like that!!!!! I got enemies that'll do that job quite nicely!!

Best thing I ever did to help me avoid negativity and hate was deleting my facebook account. No lie. However, I do go to a specific conspiracy theory website and I just had to stop going there at least until this whole thing blows over. Every other thread there was just a giant circle jerk of hate on the issue with pages upon pages of people agreeing with it. It really knocked me back a couple steps when I saw it. And this is coming from people I have daily discussions on things like spirituality, feminine divine, relationships, and corruption. And of course some of my writings. It really makes me sad as I kinda miss the conversations. And you know if there ever was some grand agenda it is working by dividing us and just creating more hate and the sheep eat it up and get led around like the sheep they are.
Damn straight!! All they want to do is fight and spread their vile bullshit!! I just got to the point a few hours ago where I'm not even going respond to those fuckers anymore when they try to prove to me that I'm wrong with their fairy tales and rhetoric!!!! I have better things to do with my time than to try to teach the braindead!! Things like, removing the dangleberries from my dog's ass, teaching cats to drive a car, applying for a job on a mayonnaise farm. Y'know, REALLY worth-while stuff!! But, most often, I never get any of that on my FB page (only YT) and, if I do, I just delete it and maybe eventually them!!

I actually have two responses which "sort of" fit here.
This one's the more political/religious complaint-ridden and vitriolic.

Next one's more personal.

(07-06-2015, 06:33 AM)Rayve Wrote:  [...]
Best thing I ever did to help me avoid negativity and hate was deleting my facebook account. No lie. However, I do go to a specific conspiracy theory website and I just had to stop going there at least until this whole thing blows over. Every other thread there was just a giant circle jerk of hate on the issue with pages upon pages of people agreeing with it. It really knocked me back a couple steps when I saw it. And this is coming from people I have daily discussions on things like spirituality, feminine divine, relationships, and corruption. And of course some of my writings. It really makes me sad as I kinda miss the conversations. And you know if there ever was some grand agenda it is working by dividing us and just creating more hate and the sheep eat it up and get led around like the sheep they are.

I have to agree. It seems that some people just remove their head from the rear end sometimes.
I get that all the time - the Left thinks I'm Conservative, the Right thinks I'm a Liberal.
All I want is to be left alone to mind my own business and live my own life, WITHOUT everyone in my face and up my @$$.
Seems like we're surrounded by Fascists, mostly - whether right wing or left wing is irrelevant. Both sides want more government over "us" (e.g., gearheads; body modders; motorcyclists; entrepreneurs; small businesses; inventors; innovators; musicians; homeopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine practitioners; chiropractors; car manufacturers; software engineers; hackers, crackers, phreakers; psychics; homeowners; renters; manufacturers; small / family farms; chemists; physicists; teachers; media, especially alternative media - such as THIS SITE, yes it can be considered alternative media; etc, etc, etc, ad infinitum.)

Somehow, no matter who wins he election, America (the ideal of freedom) dies a little more with each successive regime.

They are passing laws now about body mods such as dermal implants. Can only be done by a DOCTOR licensed to perform such modifications....
Yoga pants, one town is trying to outlaw that (it makes for improper thoughts in a man's mind...)
Another wants to use the law to force people to pull their pants up....
Others against tattoos, or piercings...
And in our little community - the "drugs" we use re strictly regulated, and if we import them, we face prison. Not that any of us would break the law (Holy Government Writ of God).

Steroids are illegal, schedule 3 drugs... Worse than a few that are outright illegal, mind. (IIRC, Codeine is only schedule 2, which was a LOVELY little clusterf*ck when the girlfriend was sick - and the pharmacy wouldn't fill the prescription without the doctor's FDA number on it. The doctor's office wanted the pharmacy to call and get it, but the pharmacist refused, stating it would render the prescription void... the problem wasn't that it would be handwritten, mind, but that THE DOCTOR didn't hand write the number. And of course, the doctor doesn't want that number "in the wild" because then you can forge prescriptions... It makes almost as much sense as paying people to NOT farm corn, when we're facing FOOD SHORTAGES because the corn is being used for ETHANOL - which destroys engines, attracts water, and doesn't burn as well as gas, causing you to burn more fuel to go the same distance.... Again, CLUSTER...)

I really have begun to lose my faith in human beings. Or, perhaps, I'm gaining "negative" faith because we've encouraged the shallow end of the gene pool to thrive, while punishing those who save and prepare for a rainy day. (Not talking preppers - but did you know there was a law signed about a year ago, if there's a "state of emergency" declared, and you have "stockpiled" goods - e.g., food or paper towels - Uncle Sam believes it is his RIGHT to take that, WITHOUT paying for it - he's confiscating for the greater good. And what's the meaning of "stockpile"? You have enough food to last more than a week. Guess what? It includes hormones and the "drugs" like PM, RC, Vitex, SP, maca, etc.)

Whose business is it if I want (to be vulgar) tits? Between me, my lover, and God, if such a thing exists (and cares.) For that matter, if I have terminal illness and want to die, shouldn't that be MY business? Not the Government's? Not the Medical Establishments? (Multiple cases up here in Boston about the Children's Hospital, where even pre-existing diagnosis wasn't enough to prevent CPS from being summoned, because the child was OBVIOUSLY experiencing psycho-somatic symptoms, and needed a different course of action.... Removal of the home unit, the family - and being quarantined and force-fed drugs, while her condition declined, and IIRC 6 months later the family won a lawsuit and they finally wheeled out the child in a wheelchair... She had WALKED in, mind. Not unique...)

And then the "Moral Majority"... OH SO OUTRAGED we would DARE change the hardware that isn't working for us! "God don't make mistakes!" OK, well, religious warning, but:
If God doesn't make mistakes, he made Lucifer... So that's part of "the plan."
Yet, God is supposedly omniscient. And Omnipotent.
So God made Lucifer - an angel, who does NOT HAVE free will - KNOWING there would be a rebellion. KNOWING of the fall. KNOWING that when God created Adam and Eve, Eve would fail. And Man would follow, BY CHOICE. And he was going to punish us for that failing, too.

So there really IS no free will, and we're being punished by a 2-year-old's temper tantrum, stomping his Army Men because they didn't move when he said to (and they're fixed plastic, remember.)

He inserted us into abusive families. Gave us conflicting gender issues, maybe helped by he family - which he KNEW would do "X" to make things harder. And we're going to be held accountable for that - and our actions.
Remember (for Christians), Christ said, "If a man lusts after a woman, he has already committed adultery with her in his heart." So even the sinful THOUGHT shall be punished.
This from the creature who couldn't control his angels, which did not have free will.

I was raised a Catholic. My parent's big complaint about my schooling? Not enough nuns and corporal discipline. I.E., I wasn't Beaten enough.
The ruptured testicle from one of the bullies didn't matter. No, they'd get theirs on Judgement Day.


(End religion)

Those who claim to "accept diversity" on the left? Go home to their gated communities, mostly white. Living with mostly millionaires or better. C-level execs, high-ranking military (maybe), they insist WE LITTLE PEOPLE accept the MS13 gang-banger and the 'hood rat (complete with prison tats) as equals. And do so without any "weapons" (e.g., a rat-tailed comb, forget even a knife.) But they send their children to schools with armed guards and security details. So F*($ them.

But the forgiving, tolerant Right? Those who pray for strength, demand more police, preach LawNOrder, and forgiveness of sinners? Mostly middle class, mostly white, Asian, Jewish, or Hispanic of some sort....
THEY believe we should be stoned to death for existing. After all, WE are an abomination unto the Lord, and we're mentally defective, and hurtful, and only want to lead children to lives of sin and damnation.
So F*($ them.

What's left...? Where do we go?
Yet here, and on a Libertarian site I frequent, everyone is tolerant, mostly rational (I fail the most), and mostly we JUST. WANT. TO. BE. LEFT. ALONE.

We'll take care of ourselves, earn a living, have a life - no government or permission slips or special blessings required, from anyone.

But _WE_ are the problem. WE are the corruption. WE are the example of (fill in the favored bogeymen of whomever is talking.)
For God's sakes, we're considered TERRORISTS. By our government.

So I guess that accounts for over 80% of the population, as it's the Left, the Right, the Religious, the Government, and the Power-mad busybodies who must control us "for our own good."

Why can't we get to interstellar travel? I'll take an Ark Ship, a generational ship going somewhere. Anywhere - provided man can be free.
Oh, one last note: Most people are sheep, they don't want to take any chances, or face any consequences - so this isn't the first time we're seeing this cycle. Rome, Germany, China, Byzantines, USSR... We're overdue.


And another reason for the bitterness:
Reminder of background:
(07-06-2015, 06:33 AM)Rayve Wrote:  [...]
Best thing I ever did to help me avoid negativity and hate was deleting my facebook account. No lie. However, I do go to a specific conspiracy theory website and I just had to stop going there at least until this whole thing blows over. Every other thread there was just a giant circle jerk of hate on the issue with pages upon pages of people agreeing with it. It really knocked me back a couple steps when I saw it. And this is coming from people I have daily discussions on things like spirituality, feminine divine, relationships, and corruption. And of course some of my writings. It really makes me sad as I kinda miss the conversations. And you know if there ever was some grand agenda it is working by dividing us and just creating more hate and the sheep eat it up and get led around like the sheep they are.

So... I told my SO what I was (Transgender) Before she moved in.
We were supposed to be a temporary relationship, too - no-strings-attached sex.

So, it's a decade later, a bankruptcy, foreclosure, multiple moves, multiple jobs, my sister won't talk to me (specifically because of the SO), my mother never sees me (combination of hates the SO, and now I'm in Boston while she's in Jersey - and somehow, there's never money left at the end of the month), and also because I'm with her, my dad died estranged from me.... I was disinvited to the Repast, because the SO and my sister got into a screaming match in church (while I was outside waiting as a pallbearer, so I don't have details, only hearsay.)

Also, I earn VERY well - when employed. That's not a given, being a contractor. I had over $30K in the bank and other accounts, courtesy of inheritance from my aunt.

That's the background.

Recently, I've been poking her obliquely about a few things. I've watched the Jenner interview (Meh.), she didn't. Talked to her about what a woman brings to the relationship - the SO is a bossy (ahem.) I WAS a more nurturing type. But any softness is a weakness she can exploit... So I stopped caring any more, and I'm probably just this side of (verbally) abusive at times. (In my defense, we're talking about a woman who though it OK to talk about my penis size, and is embarrassed about the size of my chest, that I crossdress, that I want them bigger and sensitive - and will twist the nipples "as play.")

The current mess is, I have to go through our rent checks and confirm what we owe from the last place we rented from. (We apparently even had an order to vacate the premises, which I never knew of.)

The woman is a control freak. She'll check the bank account several times a day. I USED to keep a running tally in my head, and use the credit card to pay everything, then write a check to the CC company, the rent check, and utilities checks, as needed. Monthly expenses itemized, income vs. output, and a few checks each month to balance.

So, now the MEAT of the mess:
She views herself as a girly-girl. She's 255, 45%+ body fat, tattoos. Ready to rumble with the boys. But she's a "girly-girl."

She never went to college. Won't change a thing about herself to improve her job prospects. Won't conform to the employer's wants and needs. She's quit several jobs... And been fired from a few others. And always lands back on my generosity.

She's aggressive in everything, including the bedroom - but then wants to be ... Let's just say, "done right." (If I could figure out when he switch was thrown from her being dominant, to wanting to submit, MAYBE I'd have a prayer. It's somewhere after she stops grabbing my crotch and yanking him like a handle, pardon the TMI.)

She doesn't like lingerie, doesn't even wear underwear... (which is a lovely thing, now... Well, the women will know, giving birth, and then sneezing...? Except she had a C-section, so WTF? No excuses, I think.)

I'm sorry, I'm getting too ranty.
So, she knows I want to look feminine, but demands I be as masculine as possible. She's not "intolerant," exactly - but she wants a relationship so much, she will define the terms of it, and then enforce them - no give and take.

So... I want breasts. I want grace and fluidity of movement. I want beauty. I want to BE a beautiful woman, and sleep with a beautiful woman.

She refuses to even watch the Jenner interview. Kept deleting it, in fact, off the DVR. (she knew I wasn't finished watching it, too.)

I guess it just shows the meat of the other rant, that some people just can't be reached.
She KNOWS, knew ahead of time - but if I'm not plowing ahead under the direction SHE thinks is meaningful, she assumes it's not happening.

How do I arrange to break things off, when we own a house together and I'm the one keeping her financially alive?
I'd started taking cash out and kept it around; she started using me as an ATM. (And she almost always has cash, too.)

I need an out, I just can't find one. The term psychic vampire comes to mind.

But, I've managed to start a little... SP, Vitex, RC, and a blend called "Change o life" (no typo). So far, nothing much happening, even with some Siterone in the mix. But it's also not like I can be consistent with massage, and I'm wearing a sports bra all day, every day. (She had to make that concession. she was more embarrassed by them swinging free...)

Maybe I'll get to a progress update soon... But I'm half tempted to just hit up Inhouse again (if I can find them, again, FedGov making you safer...)


Last thought:
WTF is it with people calling Bruce, now Caitlyn, "Brave" and "Courageous"? She's a multi-millionaire who doesn't HAVE to give a d@mn about anyone's opinion of her. Also, a gold medal winner, IIRC. And has a show to finance anything still needs to be done.
How about those who come out to their family, and are kicked out? End up turning tricks or selling drugs to stay alive, and MIGHT, eventually, get their hormones and be able to transition?
What, are they NOT courageous?

Get a grip, ESPN. (et al).

Damn, I didn't even realize you had posted such a lengthy response to my post. I will my best without to offer a good response.

Get rid of your significant other ... NOW. I don't even care what it takes. She is literally abusing you as a human being and it's up to you to stop it. You have that power. There are many many wonderful women out there but a great deal of them will use you, hurt you, and threaten you to keep it all going. I promise if you continue on she will bankrupt you and ruin your entire life. It is all too common these days. If you are married be prepared to lose half your stuff and maybe paying out some income. Laws are just designed to help women and screw men ... just how it is. It's actually kinda dangerous to even get married these days.

You gotta do it for you.

Okay, now that I have that done I will post on the rest on politics/religion/whatever which I actually swore I would never do on here again. So if anyone attacks me or bullies me just for sharing what I think I promise I will get very upset.

You sound like a libertarian which is what I am. I consider myself left leaning but I believe people should be able to do what makes them happy as long as it is not hurting other people. "In my opinion" <--- even quotes lol ... Liberals and Republican are just opposite sides of the same evil coin. They are both full of so many contradictions and control tactics because they fear anything they do not agree with. It is mind boggling. And yes, even the "tolerant" left. Tolerant as long as you agree with them. The only real difference is if they will help women or push to go to war or push laws to hate certain sub sections of people.

As far as religion, fuck em. I am not religious but I have studied pretty much every single major religion out there including Islam. You just gotta take the what you need from each of them and make it your own. No more, no less. Never blindly follow anything and critically think for yourself. The fastest way to receive hate is to find a religious fanatic and say you're an atheist. See what happens .. it's sick.

About the brave comment I agree with you. It takes away from people that struggle with their gender on a daily basis to including those who have taken their own lives. It has put it in a spotlight that has the world mocking and laughing at us. If anything, I think it has done more harm than good.

My advice. Get out of your abusive situation. Quit obsessing so much over what other people think and live your own life. Live it for you. And to hell with anyone else and their "opinions". You will never ever make everyone happy and it is pointless to even try. Negativity is very contagious so if you surround yourself with it you will be consumed by it. Sometimes I have send my own mother home when she is visiting because I don't allow that environment around me. You know that isn't you. Deep down you know what the right thing is to do and remember there are good people left even though we are few.

There, hopefully I don't get my head bit off Dodgy.

To Dianna1395:
We ARE surrounded by fascist! This is nazi-America! On the back of the dime, there's two fascai, when you see Congressional (I think) hearings on t.v., there's two huge fascai on the wall behind the main podium. Henry Ford, the Bush family and many other rich Americans funded Hitler, then, when he "lost" the war, they brought all the nazi scientists here via Project Paperclip. The "American" eagle is a nazi symbol.
I hope they DO pass a law about pulling yer pants up!! I don't know of ANYONE that wants to look at someone else's underwear!! I'm sick & tired of seeing it and it only gives people in the shallow end of the gene pool the green light to continue to be stupid and even become stupider!
It's nobody's business but yours/ours if you/we want to grow tits! The girl with the huge bizarre tattoo on her neck this afternoon didn't check with me to see if it was okay for her to get that tattoo, nor should she have to, it's her body!! So, why should I have to check with anyone else if I want to grow tits? It's MY body!!
There's no such thing as god or jesus, neither ever existed. All those people that died in the holocaust, those that died on Sept. 11th, those 20 people beheaded by Isis and those that died in all the other horrific tragedies in the world as well as most (if not all) of their friends, family and total strangers that cared about them prayed that they be saved. Did it do any good? NO! And, IF those horrific things were part of god's plan, what kind of god does that??? What kind of god allows the government to make and distribute the AIDS virus to us?? (Did you know that Bayer Aspirin KNOWINGLY put the AIDS virus in their baby aspirin in the `80's?) What kind of god allows the suppression of the hundreds of natural cures for cancer?? Terrible death and other tragedies seem to be a fun thing for this god-thing!! Doesn't sound like anyone I'D want to praise and cherish!! Thank you god for allowing my dad and my singer to die of cancer!! Thank you, god, for giving my mother (a holy roller) cancer and a stroke!! And FUCK YOU, god, I cured her cancer once (no help from you!) and I'm gonna do it again!!!!

Exactly!! On one hand the holy rollers tell us, "God doesn't work that way, we have free will!" But then they turn RIGHT around say that EVERYTHING is part of god's plan!! So, if THAT'S the case, then, we don't HAVE any free will!! You just contradicted yourselves, holy rollers! Make up your minds!! Which is it, we have free will or EVERYTHING we do is god's plan? So, it was GOD'S plan that 3000 people were killed on Sept. 11th!! It was GOD'S plan that 6,000,000 Jews died in the holocaust! ALL PRAISE GOD!!!!! He knows what he's doing!!
"Christ" means "oil". As in, annointment, that's where they get the name for Crisco Oil. "Government" comes from two Latin words: "Gubernati", meaning, "control of" and, "Ment", meaning, "mind", so, "government actually means "control of the mind" or "mind control". Why do you think they call what you see on t.v., "programming"?
Nuns dole out pain! That's funny, I thought the word of god was to love each other and have forgiveness!! But, what can you expect from a god that says disobedient children should be stoned to death? And, how many that preach and live by the bible ACTUALLY abide by ALL of its rules?? and, if they did, there's be PLENTY of contradictions they'd have to contend with!! What a HUGE joke religion is!!

As for a clean break: all you have to do is firmly grab the limb in question with one hand and quickly bend it at a right angle. Or, I can have my cousins Guido, Vito and Vinnie do it for ya!
If you've got the dosh. offer to buy her out then give her the boot! Or, refuse to do ANYTHING around the place!! If she complains, tell her, "YOU want to be in control, YOU clean it up!!", and just keep making bigger and bigger messes until she's had enough and leaves!
What makes Caitlyn brave: she's a public figure and is bound to get all sorts of hatred and even death threats from the simpleminded god lovers who are taught to love everyone and be forgiving, but to kill ANYTHING that's a LITTLE bit different from the norm, because it's god's will!! Remember when you were little and you saw some bug crawling along the sidewalk and pointed it out to your parents? What did they say? "Step on it!! Kill it!!" Why? Because it's an "ugly" creature in their eyes? What did it ever do to them? Didn't GOD make them, too? You just told your innocent little kids to KILL one of god's creatures!!!! You've also reinforced in them that it's okay to kill anything (or anyone) that's different from them!!
I've had a few people try to kill me just for wearing a skirt and pantyhose!!
It also makes her brave to be stepping up and TRYING to set an example, and a standard, for others of OUR ilk to follow AND for us to be accepted!! Because of all the pinheads who think it's up to THEM to decide how SHE/WE should live or be killed if we don't bend to THEIR whims, it's brave of her to tell them to go fuck off!! And didn't YOU just say that to people who want to tell YOU how to live?? Doesn't SHE deserve that right, too? What in the WORLD does her being famous and/or rich have to with it???? She, like you, wants to be a woman!! Okay, fine!! Let her have at it!! It's what YOU want for yourself, isn't it? Then, why deny her?? ANYONE that comes out to the public is brave for doing so, seeing as how the pinheads think NOTHING of killing someone just because they chose to wear a different kind of clothes or hair style!! Who SAYS the average Joe's are not just as courageous for having a sex change?? I'm sure that if every TS went on t.v. to tell their story they'd all be deemed brave!! Maybe that's what it'll take to get the rest of the world to realize it's not JUST one person here and one person there that's getting a sex change, it's MILLIONS of us!! Safety in numbers, after all!! The more the world knows of our numbers, the less likely they'll be to race to condemn us all!!
Can someone tell me what IIRC is???? I've seen it numerous times in the past few days and I haven't a clue!

IIRC = If I remember correctly ... could also be If I really cared but it doesn't really work in the context.

(08-06-2015, 11:11 PM)Rayve Wrote:  About the brave comment I agree with you. It takes away from people that struggle with their gender on a daily basis to including those who have taken their own lives. It has put it in a spotlight that has the world mocking and laughing at us. If anything, I think it has done more harm than good.

There, hopefully I don't get my head bit off Dodgy.
Do you want to live in a closet for the rest of your life? I certainly don't!! I want to be able to freely walk down the street with huge tits and a skirt and pantyhose and have NO ONE care about it, AND not be afraid that someone just MIGHT read me!! If people like Caitlyn DON'T gather their bravery and do what they're doing, it's the closet for us for a LOOOONG time to come!!!!! And you have religion to thank for that!!!! If ANYTHING, what she's done has done more good than harm!!

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