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Stopping PM



I've been thinking about to getting some PM Spray for use on my chest and my goal is to have tiny buds but primarily to get sensitive nipples. When Do I have to Stop using PM to get the result but without getting larger breasts? Btw im a 21 year old skinny male

Look at and "hear" into your body. If you see and feel for you good results, you've finished your goal!

Breast pumping will increase nipple size and sensitivity, without rapid increase in breast size. Sorry if this comment not helpful, as I know it doesnt answer q about PM. x A

Hello, I've been using the spray for a week now and i noticed pretty quickly some fat redistribution to my chest, it still looks the same but its much more softer and you can squeeze some of that skin. I've decided to limit my usage to in-week days and stop at the weekend to slow down the progress to control it but now I'm trying to use some of it on my butt to see if I can too gain there some inches. So far little but noticeable progress!

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