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allergic to pm?


Hi all, I have been using pm on and off about 2 months, as well as sp 450 mg.per day. I notice I will get the sensation of very light pin pricks in my arms, forehead, fingers, sometimes around the eyes. this may happen 15 to 20 minutes after taking the pm. I take one capsule 500mg per day sometimes 2. I don"t always take the sp. what is odd is there is never this sensation in my breasts. I do not use progesterone at the moment. has anyone else had this? I have taken breaks from pm for 2 or 3 days and this stops. Is this an allergic reaction to the pm and as late I will get this if I only use sp and not any pm. any suggestions, thanks.

Never heard of this reaction before.

(28-06-2015, 03:46 PM)sfem Wrote:  Never heard of this reaction before.

Neither have I.

Maybe you should try a different NBE herb?

I think once you get used to it, you won't have that sort of a problem. Especially if you are getting Ainterol's brand. I think theirs if purer w/out any added things.

It probably is your body feeling the effects, but like I said it will wear off once you get used to the effect.

Finally decided to update the problem I was having with the pin prickely sensations. after the first post I stopped the pm and sp for about 10 days. then started back with halfcapsule in am for 2 days then upped to halfcapsule in am and half in pm before bed. I stayed with this for several days then upped to 2 capsules per day am and pm,not taking any sp at all. the sensations have occurred some but almost unnoticeable At this time I am taking 3 caps am noon and pm before bed. I had a very sore nipple for a day thought maybe getting ready to begin budding but nothing behind the nipple. Thank you sfem and flamesabre and iaboy for your responses. hope this helps someone else as well.

Roller, I would keep it at one am and one cap PM for like a month. You need to give your bod a chance to get used to it. Then, if no problems, put an xtra one in A.M. for a bit. There is lot's of peeps out here that say a lot of times the minimum is better. Easier on finances and the body.

Thank you iaboy for the response and yes you are right taking it slow, there is no need to be in a hurry with this the longer the journey the more enjoyment. Sometimes less is more.

Is it hurt when you are touch?

Hi tiffanyflamant, in answer to your question there is no pain with this at all,just kind of annoying. my concern was if it was reacting with the prescription meds that I take. I thought maybe it was the sp but now I am not sure of that either. Right now I am taking a break from the pm and any other herbs. its been ten days give or take, but the prickly sensations come and go, I noticed more when sitting. It maybe the prescription drugs for all I know. Thank you for your response by the way.

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