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Taking a hiatus from everything for now. Pushed myself too hard too fast I think, as I've become incredibly emotionally unstable the past couple weeks.

Everything seemed to be going along smoothly, then suddenly everything jack-knifed and de-railed. I should have seen the signs and taken better care. Unfortunately, I may have ruined an awesome relationship with my closest friend as the cost.

Take care, be well.


(29-07-2015, 09:09 PM)Lananonymous Wrote:  Taking a hiatus from everything for now. Pushed myself too hard too fast I think, as I've become incredibly emotionally unstable the past couple weeks.

Everything seemed to be going along smoothly, then suddenly everything jack-knifed and de-railed. I should have seen the signs and taken better care. Unfortunately, I may have ruined an awesome relationship with my closest friend as the cost.

Take care, be well.


feel better soon ok?


I hope you can get things back on track soon,

Please take care.

Big Grin

Thank you for your well wishes Smile Doing much better now. Took a week off and things leveled out. I'm back on minimal prescription for now, keeping a close eye. Hopefully it'll be ok, don't want to have to abort for health reasons.

Basically I got side-swiped by extreme depression and anxiety, totally unglued. I won't go into specifics but it wasn't good. Like uncontrollable sobbing in the middle of a perfectly normal, chill conversation. All my emotions and feelings of loneliness and isolation were incredibly intense, even though I have good support. Never felt anything like it before and I quite literally, lost it.

I'm pretty much back to my normal cheery, candid self again, just drained for the most part. It did help to keep reminding myself that I wasn't alone, and that these feelings would pass. Now it's a proceed with caution.

Good to hear Lana

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