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Bovine ovary



I got a quick question about BO.
I really want to try it out but I want to run a 'testperiod' first. How long can i safely use it witouth risks of permanent effects and such?

Thank you Smile


BO is really no more permanent than something like PM.

Your hormone levels won't be permanently female after 6 months use, like some sites claim.

Things like breast tissue, sterility, and shrinkage can be risks though.

The risk of sterility goes up the longer you use BO, or any other supplement for NBE actually. Even then it might not be permanent after returning to normal hormone levels for awhile. It's impossible to tell you how long it's safe to use, since it varies quite a bit from person to person.

3 months is probably fairly safe(not 100%) for a test run.


(26-08-2015, 04:06 PM)Outsider Wrote:  BO is really no more permanent than something like PM.

Your hormone levels won't be permanently female after 6 months use, like some sites claim.

Things like breast tissue, sterility, and shrinkage can be risks though.

The risk of sterility goes up the longer you use BO, or any other supplement for NBE actually. Even then it might not be permanent after returning to normal hormone levels for awhile. It's impossible to tell you how long it's safe to use, since it varies quite a bit from person to person.

3 months is probably fairly safe(not 100%) for a test run.

All drugs and herbs that interrupt intercell makeup and communications can turn a guy into a eunuch. Ever hear of chemical castration?? That can be permanent as well because all of it can permanently shut down your testicles. Hence the shrinkage.

Well I tought the same, that BO actually contains oestrogen as its the female parts of an animal instead of this aromitize thing and it makes more sense too. Thats probably why on average after 6 months your testicles shut down and its over. Still someone has experience in stopping and getting testosterone back to normal? Tongue

If I understand things, Oestrogen is just another form of estrogen. So, if BO is the magic bullet, wouldn't it stand to reason that the corresponding strength of PM would do the same??? But, I am no chemist of have a PHD in biology, so I maybe incorrect.

With BO you can't tell how much E your actually getting. The point in the cycle the ovaries are harvested during can also impact how much E is actually present.

Chances are good that each batch is from multiple cows, so the actual levels of E would be harder to measure.

also found this which is pretty interesting:

(26-08-2015, 10:22 PM)energy Wrote:  also found this which is pretty interesting:

Thanks for posting it. Just goes to show, the magic bullet just maybe "Black Magic".

Ever hear of "Mad Cow" disease?? I believe, it can be transferred to humans, hence the mass slaughter's around the world.

So I decided to start with this experiment. I will try to update everyone daily to changes or if anything happens.

My goals:
- see if bovine ovary works alone
- see if it works at all and then decide if i wanna go trough with it
- Not expecting to grow boobs/... just see if there is a sign of it working Smile

My program:
-2 pills of 250 of swanson's bovine ovary twice a day (morning and evening)
- max of 1 week (i know its short but its a test and i'm not expecting drastic changes but I do expect some emotional/skin/... or something to change)

Once I notice any emotional/breast/physical or anything else that changed clearly cause of bovine ovary I will stop using it and think if I really wanna go trough with this until then I just need to know Smile. As I started a bit earlier I post all at once for those days.

Day 1: wednesday 26
Taking one pill of 250 before going to sleep as a safety check to see what effects it will have.

Day 2: thursday 27
Nothing changed, still a man, no signs of boobs or anything else. So straight on start with the program. In the morning and evening both took 2x 250 pills.

Day 3: Friday 28
Nothing changed, felt a little bit tingling on breasts but I also did on my arms. Could have been from the workout.
Again 2x 250 twice a day

Day 4: Saturday 29
Still nothing, so again took 2x 250 this morning and will do so in the evening. Weird thing is that you always think about your chest growing but if you think about it its just cause you want it to. Wishful thinking Tongue.
Lets see what the next day brings.

(26-08-2015, 08:49 PM)iaboy Wrote:  If I understand things, Oestrogen is just another form of estrogen.

Actually, "oestrogen" is the British spelling of "estrogen." I think it goes back to Anglo-Saxon or "Old English" which used some letters that were combinations of two letters joined together like "ae" and "oe" both of which have been replaced by a simple "e." They also spell "diarrhea" as "diarrhoea."

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