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Low T levels


Do we really need them to grow ?

I am sure I saw a comment from either Pansy or Sfem the other week saying no anti androgens are not essential,

I agree I think as taking no spearmint or sp and rather fast growth happening , that may just be a jump stage back to where they were though so not sure,

But my problem is low t makes me feel crap,

So can we grow but keep T up a little ?


Even Bio Women need a certain percentage of T. It helps strengthen bones, connective tissue and muscles. It also aids in other area's of the body.

But, having said that, you need to get rid of the by product of DHT. Otherwise your breasts will not grow to full potential. That is one reason Lotus spouts not so much for AA but for aromatase.

I think, once your body gets over the hump, it will self regulate the amount of T receptors to a more feminine level w/out pushing your body into a tail spin.

Make sense??

I hope Lotus comes here and corrects me if I am wrong or further explain it in a way we all can understand.

Thank you

yes makes sense


I only noticed a marked growth once I managed to lower my T down. Although I would imagine it's going to be different for each inividual .

(07-10-2015, 03:09 PM)jannet.duff Wrote:  I only noticed a marked growth once I managed to lower my T down. Although I would imagine it's going to be different for each inividual .

But Janet, aren't you on HRT and under doctor care??

It's easier, in my opinion, to get Bio Estrogen if you can STOP DHT and convert what T you have to E by using Aromatase agents.

I think even Lotus would agree, if you can get Bio E, it's probably tons stronger than PM or any other estrogenic herb. But only if you could get constant monitoring to prevent cancer's and DVT's.

Those who attack DHT will grow real breasts as opposed to growing moobs, why? cause DHT masculinizes. True, estrogen therapy alone will produce some results, but not nearly enough to be satisfied. 5 Alpha reductase inhibitors are necessary evil in order to achieve results, but so is aromatase, without aromatase directing free T away from androgen receptors what do you think happens?.............more DHT.

Something interesting I found out, when you inhibit DHT to over 90% you still have DHT, (which circulates @ 1-2%) but at a much smaller pool of it. Anyways, back to DHT, the best way to measure (minus a lab) if DHT is being suppressed is in the infrequency of shaving, this takes a few weeks of suppression btw. At this point when DHT is suppressed you can green light cascade feminization. Any guesses how?.

(07-10-2015, 05:44 PM)Lotus Wrote:  Those who attack DHT will grow real breasts as opposed to growing moobs, why? cause DHT masculinizes. True, estrogen therapy alone will produce some results, but not nearly enough to be satisfied. 5 Alpha reductase inhibitors are necessary evil in order to achieve results, but so is aromatase, without aromatase directing free T away from androgen receptors what do you think happens?.............more DHT.

Something interesting I found out, when you inhibit DHT to over 90% you still have DHT, (which circulates @ 1-2%) but at a much smaller pool of it. Anyways, back to DHT, the best way to measure (minus a lab) if DHT is being suppressed is in the infrequency of shaving, this takes a few weeks of suppression btw. At this point when DHT is suppressed you can green light cascade feminization. Any guesses how?.

thankfully i'm finally starting to see my DHT levels dropping significantly.

for those who don't know I've found that for some bizarre reason my body seems to be extremely efficient at creating DHT, and getting it under control has been quite an experiment/battle, but i seem to be winning the battle with the aid Reshi mushroom liquid extract, (unwanted) body hair regrowth speed and hair coarseness has been reduced by about 70% (give or take).

(07-10-2015, 04:42 PM)iaboy Wrote:  
(07-10-2015, 03:09 PM)jannet.duff Wrote:  I only noticed a marked growth once I managed to lower my T down. Although I would imagine it's going to be different for each inividual .

But Janet, aren't you on HRT and under doctor care??

It's easier, in my opinion, to get Bio Estrogen if you can STOP DHT and convert what T you have to E by using Aromatase agents.

I think even Lotus would agree, if you can get Bio E, it's probably tons stronger than PM or any other estrogenic herb. But only if you could get constant monitoring to prevent cancer's and DVT's.

I wish ... One issue is my doctor is usless, although my biggest stumbling block would be aceptance from my wife. It's a slow process that may take many more months. I'm not fully out yet, and see no need to be out untill I can start HRT. The NBE is a great stepping stone .. ( many thanks to people here like Lotus )

Now, if I can just keep my T down low, and my DHT very low !!


do you have to be out ?

some people fully transition but dont come out , that way wife may be OK

big difference between physical and social transition,


hard to do though, admitted, but many do

Good question Julie, I was wondering the same thing.

The only thing I can think of is this. And it's coming from a cross dresser not as a MtF.

I know what I am, but to keep it a secret is hard in many ways... But it's something that I am. Maybe he feels it would be too much of a burden for the same reason??? That would be my guess. But would like my curiosity satisfied.

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