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Went out full fem for the first time... and no one noticed.


I don't know... no idea what people thought of me. I just didn't encounter any problems.

I'll be making a slightly longer journey this saturday, but in broad daylight this time. ^_^ I'll do it en femme again and see what happens.

(27-10-2015, 08:46 PM)Ellie Wrote:  
(27-10-2015, 07:36 PM)WantAPair Wrote:  Being as tall as I am, most people aren't likely to fuck with me. But, a swift, sharp kick to the side of the knee will knock the legs out from an assailant.

haha. I've always felt the same way, but wonder if being over 6ft has the same deterrent value when mascara is added. '^_^'
I've never been any good at make-up, other than lipstick, and it just feels so greasy, I never bother with it, so, I really don't know!

(27-10-2015, 08:50 PM)elainecd Wrote:  Ellie, I would call that a success! Going out with out being "made".
That is the point after all isn't it?
On one hand, Ellie already looks VERY much like a girl, so, she shouldn't have any trouble passing at all, on the other had, I'm pretty sure she HAS ben read, like on that trip, but, it's very possible the people that read her were too nice and/or sympathetic to do anything about it.

(28-10-2015, 12:00 AM)WantAPair Wrote:  On one hand, Ellie already looks VERY much like a girl, so, she shouldn't have any trouble passing at all, on the other had, I'm pretty sure she HAS ben read, like on that trip, but, it's very possible the people that read her were too nice and/or sympathetic to do anything about it.

That really makes me so happy (honestly thank you again!) but I'm tempted to put up some pics of me in male mode... it's all the makeup's doing! Big Grin

(edit : actually... I might do that on Saturday)

I think you're right. I was certainly read along the journey. It just didn't feel like anyone/everyone was staring, you know? However I looked looked to the crowd, I was still a part of it if that makes sense.

(28-10-2015, 01:26 AM)Ellie Wrote:  
(28-10-2015, 12:00 AM)WantAPair Wrote:  On one hand, Ellie already looks VERY much like a girl, so, she shouldn't have any trouble passing at all, on the other had, I'm pretty sure she HAS ben read, like on that trip, but, it's very possible the people that read her were too nice and/or sympathetic to do anything about it.

That really makes me so happy (honestly thank you again!) but I'm tempted to put up some pics of me in male mode... it's all the makeup's doing! Big Grin

(edit : actually... I might do that on Saturday)

I think you're right. I was certainly read along the journey. It just didn't feel like anyone/everyone was staring, you know? However I looked looked to the crowd, I was still a part of it if that makes sense.
No problem!! (That'll be $10.00.)
Yeah, go right ahead! Because I've been involved with the transgender world for so long, I can USUALLY tell a guy en femme from a real woman. So far, you pass!! If I saw you on the street, at least just your face, I seriously doubt I'd be able to tell! MAYBE the way you carry yourself or some other aspect (the size/look of your hands/feet/throat) gives you away, but, I'd have to see that to tell. My friend, Carla (nee Carl), was here at the house a few years after her transformation and mom thought she was a girl except for her hands! She said to me that her hands were pretty big for a woman. When she sings, she sounds like a woman with a raspy voice, even when she sang in guy mode, but, I played parts of her first album for a friend of mine that has never even met her and he thought it was a guy! As far as I'm concerned, she could easily pass for a woman, vocally, without having to put on her obviously fake fem voice. It's kinda weird that nobody seems to think her fem voice is fake! It's like on certain old t.v. shows where one character physically changes, and it's VERY obvious to us who it is, but everyone else around them is COMPLETELY fooled!! And you're sitting there going, "How can you NOT know?????"
As for you being read, it's possible, like I said, that they were being respectful of you and nice to you, maybe they didn't want to start shit or didn't have time to. (There were a few times someone was severely offended by my fem attire and they immediately made SURE I knew about it!! So, chances are, if someone objects, they WILL take the time to do so!! It's almost like a knee-jerk reaction.) But, judging by the picture you've posted here, I'd be willing to bet NO ONE read you!!
Now that you've got a taste of the success, you'll want more!! Don't ya? ;-)

(28-10-2015, 05:40 AM)WantAPair Wrote:  Don't ya? ;-)

Yup! ^_^

Nice one Ellie

yes I would be interested to see you in male mode as your
eyes scream female

also show us how well you can hide your curves


I'll do some before and after on the weekend Smile

You can never be overly paranoid.. lol I just very happy for you that you had a nice time! Smile

(27-10-2015, 10:26 AM)Ellie Wrote:  Wantapair - Madness. ^_^ And with DDDs as well!

jamiemason - The area I'm in isn't particularly liberal, and on a Friday night I didn't really want to deal with the drunk yobs, but figured since I would be on trains or at the train station the entire time and there would be plenty of security if anyone started giving me trouble. I might have been overly paranoid, but that helped with the confidence. I knew it wouldn't be a problem at the club. Happy to get my feet wet at last. Smile

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