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Went out full fem for the first time... and no one noticed.


I find this more funny than anything else. ^_^

I was going out for the weekend in a neighbouring city and feeling brave so decided to go 'full out' Blush

I was meeting up with my friends in the next city, and travelled by train alone (which involved changing at one station). About an hour's journey in total, and at a busy time in the evening.

I did up my face, and my hair is already a fairly feminine cut. Wore black female-cut skintight jeans, a fairly tight black top, and a knee length fitted coat... also black... I'm a bit of a goth. Also wearing a bra which made the bulges pretty noticeable. Looking in the mirror, I'm wouldn't go as far as to say I 'passed', but certainly edging towards the feminine side of androgyny.

Pretty nervous on the journey but no one on the station platforms seemed to pay much attention to me, which was nice. The ticket collector on the train was very polite. Overboard polite even. No idea what he thought.

And then I met up with my friends in the club. One hadn't seen me for a long time and said he liked what I had done with my hair. No one else said anything about my 'look'. It wasn't until we were all in the smoking area, about two hours after we arrived, when my best friend asked 'are you wearing makeup?' ^_^ heh heh heh

So for my first time out, it wasn't a bad experience. I don't think it revealed so much about how well I passed, but more how much I can get away with as a goth.

A few years ago when I had to take 2 or 3 buses to work, it took about an hour, but, if I drove (which I don't) I could've probably made it in about 20 minutes.
It was Halloween morning. I decided to wear a fairly tight black sweater on top of a t-shirt and my bra, which was loaded with a set of D cup silicone tits which the company that makes them tend to make them look a cup size bigger! So, I was essentially wearing DD cups on top of what I already have making them almost look like DDD's!! I made NO attempts to hide them and jus casually sat there on the bus reading in guy mode with these two HUGE tits on my chest!! Except for one guy a bit younger than me, on a bus, who gave me kind of an odd or even a dirty look, NOBODY looked at or said a word about them!! On the way, I'd always stop in at a McDonald's to buy breakfast. A few of the women working there knew me so well they'd have my breakfast for me as soon as they waited on me!! One was the manager, Vickie. I walked right up to her register with my tits in very plain view and, her eyes were exactly at my tit level!! She just smiled at me the whole time, ignored my huge tits in her face and acted like they weren't even there!! And, this place was almost completely operated by black people! Maybe it doesn't happen where you are, but, around here, they are USUALLY the FIRST ones in a crowd to make fun of ANYTHING different!! Nobody said a word!! I have since seen Vickie on a bus a number of times over the past 6 years and she's still just as friendly as she was before I had my tits on that day!!

Your experience was way better than some.. I know for me it took several tries of getting dolled up and driving around before actually getting the nerve up to get out of my car.. Tongue It wasn't a bar or club, but the experience was n-e-r-v-e racking until I got home. But I played it well! lol

I think you're super cute! But that's just me!! Blush

Wantapair - Madness. ^_^ And with DDDs as well!

jamiemason - The area I'm in isn't particularly liberal, and on a Friday night I didn't really want to deal with the drunk yobs, but figured since I would be on trains or at the train station the entire time and there would be plenty of security if anyone started giving me trouble. I might have been overly paranoid, but that helped with the confidence. I knew it wouldn't be a problem at the club. Happy to get my feet wet at last. Smile

(27-10-2015, 10:26 AM)Ellie Wrote:  Wantapair - Madness. ^_^ And with DDDs as well!

jamiemason - The area I'm in isn't particularly liberal, and on a Friday night I didn't really want to deal with the drunk yobs, but figured since I would be on trains or at the train station the entire time and there would be plenty of security if anyone started giving me trouble. I might have been overly paranoid, but that helped with the confidence. I knew it wouldn't be a problem at the club. Happy to get my feet wet at last. Smile

Not to derail the topic, have you (or anyone reading) taken some self-defense classes, or better yet, aikido, judo, or jiujitsu? (In that order)
Aikido and Judo are good for putting people on the ground, and "gentle" in the sense of not attacking so much as redirecting an assailant's force.

I'm an outlier, I'm sure, but I have some rather "personal" damages from the "boys will be boys" attitude - so I'm big on being able to defend myself. Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.

Jiujitus, BTW, involves a lot more groundwork (wrestling). Great for finishing things, but for us, I think the objective is to get away, not beat the opponents.

Maybe we should fork this thread off so the original stays on-topic? How does that work here, just post a new thread?

I have basic aikido training, but never had to use it in the real world.

Being as tall as I am, most people aren't likely to fuck with me. But, a swift, sharp kick to the side of the knee will knock the legs out from an assailant.

(27-10-2015, 10:26 AM)Ellie Wrote:  Wantapair - Madness. ^_^ And with DDDs as well!

jamiemason - The area I'm in isn't particularly liberal, and on a Friday night I didn't really want to deal with the drunk yobs, but figured since I would be on trains or at the train station the entire time and there would be plenty of security if anyone started giving me trouble. I might have been overly paranoid, but that helped with the confidence. I knew it wouldn't be a problem at the club. Happy to get my feet wet at last. Smile
A large area of yuppies live just up the hill from me and a lot of them have recently been moving down to my town. The place I stopped for breakfast and had to wait for my second bus is VERY populace and can easily double for downtown and is a huge college area. Two VERY expensive universities are practically in each other's back yard, another is about 6 blocks away, another in about a mile away, another 2 of them are another half a mile away, and across the river from those is another. Anyway, I'm sure hundreds of people saw my tits that morning!! One guy reacted to them!!

(27-10-2015, 07:36 PM)WantAPair Wrote:  Being as tall as I am, most people aren't likely to fuck with me. But, a swift, sharp kick to the side of the knee will knock the legs out from an assailant.

haha. I've always felt the same way, but wonder if being over 6ft has the same deterrent value when mascara is added. '^_^'

Ellie, I would call that a success! Going out with out being "made".
That is the point after all isn't it?

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