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Hi All,

I just wanted to take the time to say hello . i have read this forum quietly for a while and have quite enjoyed the valuable info others have shared.Many of the stories are quite inspiring and informative. I am 41 years old and have struggled so to speak with gender issues my whole life. Not sure i am really at any kind of crossroad at this point in time either. The one thing that keeps me from making the leap is employement. Sounds like a lame excuse but i doubt i would be able to carry on in my current career during a transition. Anyhoo it is what it is and im sure when the time is right things will sort out. As far as nbe i feel as though i have a genetic predisposition to be sensative to estrogens/phytoestrogens. i have dabbled a week here and a week there and usually shut things down as i see results withing days. i have a few questions if anyone would care to answer:

1 how or when did you know you had to transition?

2 how large a cup size is still concealable?

3 can one simply stop with nbe when a desired size is reached and will growth stop?

4 does genetics play the largest role in development? as it seems some get amazing results quickly while others struggle for years with minimal growth.

5 what were the genetic males motivations that were not interested in cding or trans? for some reason this question is always on my mind when i see a hairy dude with boobs?

Anyways thanks for the great info and like i said just wanted to say hello and not be a rude pervy lurker. Thanks

Hello and welcome to the forum. Glad you are no longer a rude pervy lurker. Wink As I'm sure you've seen there's tons of great information here and most of the folks on here are absolutely fabulous!

Anywho, I figured I would take a stab at some of your questions and possibly follow up with some of my own. Big Grin

1 how or when did you know you had to transition?

N/A - Ha ha ha okay I was going to put N/A for all, but figured maybe that's a bit too much. I am still riding that fence. But each day has brought me closer and closer to accepting myself completely. While I am not there yet, at times it does feel inevitable. I think for me that gap shrank a lot when I saw what I'd look like as a woman and I was pleasantly surprised. Sure there are still a few hang ups, family, work etc. Dodgy

2 how large a cup size is still concealable?

That depends on what you are wearing. I am about an A maybe a small B and certain shirts are extremely revealing. Yet other shirts hide everything quite well. Darker clothing usually hides things better. Compression shorts can be somewhat helpful to a certain degree. I know on me it looks like I've been working out, but it's not muscle. Wink Loose button up shirts are also great for concealing development. Due to the frame of the male body you could probably conceal up to a full B.

3 can one simply stop with nbe when a desired size is reached and will growth stop?

I've read mixed information on this. So from what I understand the breast tissue that has developed will not go away. What could possibly go away would be the fat repository on the breast. I know that some have claimed continued development even after stopping. I believe you would possibly have to take a maintenance type dose to ensure no loss of development.

4 does genetics play the largest role in development? as it seems some get amazing results quickly while others struggle for years with minimal growth.

Yes genetics will play a role in your development. I think the main struggle is finding the righ combination that works for your body. Everyone is different and develops differently. Some develop great solely on PM others require a cocktail of herbs. It's a bit of trial and error to find what works best for you.

5 what were the genetic males motivations that were not interested in cding or trans? for some reason this question is always on my mind when i see a hairy dude with boobs?

This one I can't really help you with. Curiousity, in denial, who knows.

So why do you think it would be problematic for you work wise? Hasn't really been much of an issue for me so far. I feel I am noticeable at times, but no one has said anything to me.

Ever get a chance to people watch? If you do l, take a look around, a lot of guys look like they have a bit of breast development. I was surprised the first time I just stopped and noticed the surrounding people. I notice it a lot more now and so it doesn't bother me too much anymore.

Well best of luck on your decisions and journey!


Thanks for the thoughtful reply. i suspect it would become an issue for me work wise as i work in a male dominated tough guy type job. i also work in a very remote location and live at my place of employment for a week at a time. so i spend a great deal of time with co workers... i was mostly refering to full transition but the same can be said for growing a pair of noticable boobs. The obvious response is to find another line of work but i like what i do and make decent loot ...also have a bunch of financial comitments that require me to earn a certain amount. sorry im not very good at descirbing this as i feel im being very vague.... i have people watched a lot and yes in canada and the us there are many dudes with chests..trying to be nice. i may be able to coceal a bit of development as i am very short and stocky and a bit chesty as is. i think most of the insecurities involved in this are in our own head. Its a bit of a stretch to go from a fairly fit surfer type to saying i gained a bit of weight and niw have man boobs in a short period of time. i have dabled for a week or two at a time and felt it became noticable also noticed changes in nipples etc in such a short amout of time. Anyways i appreciate your response and i like questions kinda makes it easier for me to talk about it. hopefully i answered any you have asked...thanks

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