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Reduction of growth


I've had to stop taking PM due to gaining a lot of growth taking place on my left side in comparison to my right. I was wondering how much of that growth will be reduced? There's definitely fat in there but there's also quite a bit of firmness which means tissue growth..

Target massages to the breast that is lagging behind.

Or, PM cream on the under developed side, maybe?

I've been thinking a lot during this period of growth, thinking about the changes, what it means to me, where I see myself in the future and if this is the right choice for me.

And.. well, I think that as much as I enjoy seeing the changes, I am also reminded that this is serious. The changes are real and can be permanent (breast growth esp). So I have to make a choice to continue or stop, and.. well.. I am not interested in transitioning and I really do not wish to deal with the complexity of having breasts on a male body.

I believe a lot of the growth is fatty deposits however I can feel a decent amount of firmness underneath the nipples, my left side considerably more than the right. So if I stop my PM intake I'm hoping that the size will reduce. However since I can feel that mass of firmness Im not sure if any of the breast tissue will reduce or if it remains permanently??

(30-08-2016, 06:49 AM)υαlεƦιε Wrote:  .. well.. I am not interested in transitioning and I really do not wish to deal with the complexity of having breasts on a male body.
. However since I can feel that mass of firmness Im not sure if any of the breast tissue will reduce or if it remains permanently??

Tissue formation is generally considered permanent, however you may not have as much as you think... it will take a few weeks for the firmness to subside a bit before you'll know for sure. If the firm areas are not yet really pronounced, you will probably not even notice them in a couple of months.

If it's not your thing, then you should definitely stop now, if you haven't already.

Good luck!


Wise choice Valerie. Unless you're ready to own those boobs, then its a good choice. You can still pursue being as feminine as you desire, but return to manhood when you change clothes and wash off the makeup.
I mention this because these feeling NEVER go away.

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