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Just started Hormones


Hi, I visited the clinic here in Augusta Ga 2 weeks ago and started hormones. The clinic was completely free and only took two hours to fill out the consent form, see the doctor and get my prescription. He started me off on 2.5 mg of Primarin and no spiro since my potassium levels are in the normal range but are at the upper normal limit and I was taking a combination beta blocker and diuretic already for my blood pressure. I talked to my normal doctor and we switched out the diuretic with a low dose of spiro 25mg and will see how my body handles it. I did change my diet to a low potassium diet to help. I also take Avodart and have been taking it for about 5 years for my prostate. I'm hoping the Avodart and low dose of spiro will be enough with the estrogen. I see my doctor again in December and will see if we can increase the spiro, then when I see the doctor at the clinic in February, I will see if he will increase the estrogen. Any thoughts on what I am currently taking?

(17-10-2016, 11:08 PM)Tiffany00573 Wrote:  Hi, I visited the clinic here in Augusta Ga 2 weeks ago and started hormones. The clinic was completely free and only took two hours to fill out the consent form, see the doctor and get my prescription. He started me off on 2.5 mg of Primarin and no spiro since my potassium levels are in the normal range but are at the upper normal limit and I was taking a combination beta blocker and diuretic already for my blood pressure. I talked to my normal doctor and we switched out the diuretic with a low dose of spiro 25mg and will see how my body handles it. I did change my diet to a low potassium diet to help. I also take Avodart and have been taking it for about 5 years for my prostate. I'm hoping the Avodart and low dose of spiro will be enough with the estrogen. I see my doctor again in December and will see if we can increase the spiro, then when I see the doctor at the clinic in February, I will see if he will increase the estrogen. Any thoughts on what I am currently taking?

Primarin is a Conjugated estrogen.
You should be taking bio identical 17b bio identical estrogen. Conjugated estrogens cause dementure, cancer, thrombosis, just to name a few.

Do not take any more than 100mg spiro, its bad for you.

Welcome Tiffany, 

Hormones in 2 hours?, many wait months (even longer) to get on HRT, I don't agree with all the hoops one must go through, but............getting " Premarin " should be a huge red flag in any time-frame. Did any labs (blood work) get completed?. Please google the side effects of " Premarin ", or the WHI women's study.

(18-10-2016, 05:25 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Welcome Tiffany, 

Hormones in 2 hours?, many wait months (even longer) to get on HRT, I don't agree with all the hoops one must go through, but............getting " Premarin " should be a huge red flag in any time-frame. Did any labs (blood work) get completed?. Please google the side effects of " Premarin ", or the WHI women's study.

I had to make my appointment 3 months in advance and when I arrived for my appointment, I did the paperwork, saw the doctor and explained why I wanted the hormones which took 2 hours. I brought my records of my blood work for the past two years and he looked them over. The blood work I had was the standard CBC, Lipid panel etc that I have to have done every 3 months. I did not have any hormone testing done. They can do the lab work for free, but you have to do it a week before your appointment and it is a 3 hour drive for me to get to the clinic. Since they are only open at 5:30 pm to 10 pm every other Wednesday, it is hard for me to get to the clinic. As far as the Primarin is concerned,I have read the risks, I am on a low dose, and it is still widely used as evident by my pharmacy having it in stock and being able to pick it up the same day the prescription was called in. I had already planned on seeing about going to the patch on my next visit. I was a little afraid they wouldn't give me the hormones and didn't want to cause any problems and thought it would be easier to request to switch once I am a patient.

Understandable Tiffany.  My appointment just for a consult with the Gender doctor was 6 weeks.  I am hoping he will call and tell me to come in for a panel so he can set me up.  Sooner the better for me.  LOL

(18-10-2016, 10:17 PM)Tiffany00573 Wrote:  I had to make my appointment 3 months in advance 
Depressing but an average wait time. 

(18-10-2016, 10:17 PM)Tiffany00573 Wrote:  The blood work I had was the standard CBC, Lipid panel etc that I have to have done every 3 months. I did not have any hormone testing done. They can do the lab work for free, but you have to do it a week before your appointment and it is a 3 hour drive for me to get to the clinic. Since they are only open at 5:30 pm to 10 pm every other Wednesday, it is hard for me to get to the clinic. 

That's understandable (sucks too), you'll still need baseline plasma sex-steroids scheduled, it's well worth the 3 hour drive......(and test 1x per month for at least the first 3-6 months of HRT, followed by every 6 months). From those results the meds can be adjusted, like E2 being increased to 4 or 6 mg. 

You'll be looking for at least 200 pg/mL of estrogen and below 50 ng/dL of Total Testosterone

(18-10-2016, 10:17 PM)Tiffany00573 Wrote:  and it is still widely used as evident by my pharmacy having it in stock and being able to pick it up the same day the prescription was called in.

I don't doubt Premarin being in stock. 

(18-10-2016, 10:17 PM)Tiffany00573 Wrote:  I had already planned on seeing about going to the patch on my next visit. I was a little afraid they wouldn't give me the hormones and didn't want to cause any problems and thought it would be easier to request to switch once I am a patient.

The first appointment is nerve racking, though asking for options shouldn't put the doctor off, lol. Good, ask about an estradiol patch, the cost is slightly higher over oral estradiol but far less health risks. 

I wish you good health Tiffany.

L.  Smile

(18-10-2016, 10:17 PM)Tiffany00573 Wrote:  
(18-10-2016, 05:25 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Welcome Tiffany, 

Hormones in 2 hours?, many wait months (even longer) to get on HRT, I don't agree with all the hoops one must go through, but............getting " Premarin " should be a huge red flag in any time-frame. Did any labs (blood work) get completed?. Please google the side effects of " Premarin ", or the WHI women's study.

I had to make my appointment 3 months in advance and when I arrived for my appointment, I did the paperwork, saw the doctor and explained why I wanted the hormones which took 2 hours. I brought my records of my blood work for the past two years and he looked them over. The blood work I had was the standard CBC, Lipid panel etc that I have to have done every 3 months. I did not have any hormone testing done. They can do the lab work for free, but you have to do it a week before your appointment and it is a 3 hour drive for me to get to the clinic. Since they are only open at 5:30 pm to 10 pm every other Wednesday, it is hard for me to get to the clinic. As far as the Primarin is concerned,I have read the risks, I am on a low dose, and it is still widely used as evident by my pharmacy having it in stock and being able to pick it up the same day the prescription was called in. I had already planned on seeing about going to the patch on my next visit. I was a little afraid they wouldn't give me the hormones and didn't want to cause any problems and thought it would be easier to request to switch once I am a patient.

As your on the state's, you also have the option to order from online phamacies, at a lower cost. For patchs your going to need to want up to at least 3 at a time. Best bang for your $$$ would be injections.

You should be able to get different dose rates with patches as well Janet.  I understand that it only goes up to a certain level and a person may have to double up or overlap.  But, I am not a pharmacist or a doctor.  But I think the patch is what my doctor is thinking for the initial stages anyways.  But I hear that way is more expensive than any oral pills..

(19-10-2016, 05:12 AM)iaboy Wrote:  You should be able to get different dose rates with patches as well Janet.  I understand that it only goes up to a certain level and a person may have to double up or overlap.  But, I am not a pharmacist or a doctor.  But I think the patch is what my doctor is thinking for the initial stages anyways.  But I hear that way is more expensive than any oral pills..

100s are the largest they supply ( @1.00mg daily ) I wear 2 at a time, supposed to replace them every 3.5 days, but they are supposed to be good for 5. I over lap mine.

Wow Tiffany, that did seem to go rather quickly.  Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to HRT.  Wink  I do hope things go well for you as you start this new journey!  Take care of yourself and your health.   Cool

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