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Have you missed me ?


Have you missed me ?
Well after almost 4 months of being off PM, back on the band wagon again
Have not been off it to stall growth , but more because I went to switch off again, ie the usual purge , as felt no need to be on it, one thing though and must have been work stress related, as the last 4 months  had almost no sex drive ?????????????????????????? which is almost unheard of for me and I felt very calm, happy and buoyant even though its been heavy stress to the start of the year,
Few days ago I was almost starting to think I was cured and had no need for herbs,
Breasts knew better though as a few days ago, they started aching and getting sensitive, then Saturday BANG full on sex drive , then non stop porn and the usual all weekend ????????????????????????????????
This being off PM was not the classic wtf moment, as I was quite happy to continue growth and the wife, but just had no desire , now its all I can think about AGAIN.
My theory on this , but welcome input from you all is that my t levels had started rising and then suddenly rocketed too silly level s ? Not sure,
The weird thing however is how calm I am, and I don’t do calm , so if T levels have spiked why am I not angry and grumpy as usually am
One very puzzled Julie
Hope you all are well x

You Bet your sweet A$$ I missed you... but you knew that.
I am so glad your back Julie. You have a lot of catching up tooo.
Looks like we were both taking a break from PM.
I ditched everything ( herb wise, no purge here) mid jan and started back again mid march.
I was trying to figure out why my weight gain had gone on a rampage.
It took me about 2 weeks before Mr happy started to rise from the dead, and the sex drive was up there too, right through mid March.
and it took about 2 days after I stared back up, before he retreated.
However I dont yet have the wonderful breast ache that usually accompanies the start of PM. Mystified by that one.
As for your Dilemma I have no clue unless it was just stress. They say 90% of sex is in your head.

Glad to have you back and dont you go off again or I'll have to come in there and spank you.


ooh yes pls



One might think that your not missed, but I must tell you that since you have been gone, those that fell over the HRT fence have been very quiet, all though, Bunny says she is keeping her time on the Chat side.
Or maybe they are in shock to see you again.
At least I'm very happy to hear from you again!

(19-04-2017, 04:16 PM)Happyme Wrote:  One might think that your not missed, but I must tell you that since you have been gone, those that fell over the HRT fence have been very quiet, all though, Bunny says she is keeping her time on the Chat side.
Or maybe they are in shock to see you again.
At least I'm very happy to hear from you again!

I fell over the HRT fence and have still been here..........most people who are on HRT are on chat though.  Welcome back anyway Julie!

Not really much to report - things are having the desired effects mentally and physically and thats about it really. Have a referral to the GIC but am going to be waiting upwards of 12 months for first this rate will have transitioned or be close to way before I get even the first appt.

Hope all good - not sure what I can add re your issue - I guess its most likely stress related though.


Thanks GIRLS

That HRT fence is so attractive and yet so frightening

Its good for single girls though as if they succumb to the fight its not the end of the world

Us happily married ones though its a different struggle,

I keep reading of low dose HRT and how it keeps marriages togther ie no transition, but that 50% pandora box ratio is
too high,

Herbs I can bounce in and out off, real stuff, ooooooooooooooo deep breath,



I have bounced in and out of HRT since late last summer.  It has been a bit of a roller coaster ride, but in a not-so-bad way.  You can stop and start it as you have done with PM.  I do not know the long term consequences but suspect ultimately it may inhibit growing to maximum potential.

Yes, I've missed you!

Yes, I am glad to see you back here, big sis!

And I hope you're not going to dissapear again Blush

E. (aka Poly Wink  )

Welcome back!!!

I know what you mean, I stopped PM in May, then starting using a cream which turned into take other herbs and now I should have a new bottle of PM here tomorrow because I just can't RESIST it, ugh. 

While off PM, breast growth never really went down, sex drive was pretty bleh until recently and not too sure what sparked it, maybe the FG ... my areolas don't look at big as when I was on PM and my butt not as bubbly. 

We'll see how things go once I'm back on, going to just do one a day to start. I'm one of the single girls here and have been temped by the HRT fence, but haven't jumped over just yet. 

Glad your back and at least a few of us will be able to compare out resurgence with PM.

Thanks all

Hi Spanky

HRT when you say roller coaster, can you elaborate on that for us all ?


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