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Stopping the supps?


It looks like I'll most likely be able to get on HRT, but I have no idea how soon. Several weeks at the earliest, but perhaps many months. I thought I'd stop the supplements as I'm already taking a bunch for my health and I'm not even sure how effective my current program is (I've been tweaking it as I learn more info).

So just curious what the pros and cons about stopping the herbs now or just stopping after I get the prescription for HRT. I feel like the stuff I've been taking is kind of wasted if I don't keep going. Especially since I've already purchased them. On the other hand, maybe I shouldn't have my body processing too much stuff.

I didn't think I made any gains, but today my boobs feel bigger. Probably placebo (or I've gained weight Tongue ). It is sort of making me second guess my decision to stop everything.

Great question.  I stopped almost everything about 2 months before my first consult with my Gender Doctor.  I did it for several reasons.

1.  I wanted a truer hormone baseline so the G.D. could do his job easier and have a better idea of dosage rates etc.
2.  It takes about 1 - 2 months for your body to "reset" from herbs.  For example, PM and Pharma grade Estrogen compete and fight for the same E receptors.  So, you can't get the full benefit of estrogen till the herbs work their way out of the body.

In my case, even after being off herbs for about 2 months.  The HRT really didn't start working for me for about 45 days for exactly #2 reason above.  Although the G.D. thought that the estrogenic herbs did "prime" my body for better results.

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