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Be very careful.


Hello again for the second time now my bo studies have been interupted but this time i learned a important lesson. Listen to your body!!!! In my last post i was complaining with body aches and pains.

Everything kept getting worse the pain became unbearable. I upped my dose to 14 pills a day of swanson bo and about 2 weeks later i had a heart attack and liver damage.

I think i had been using bo for around 3 months maybe 4, 12 pills a day 6 in the morning 6 at night already having problems i upped the dose more because i wasnt happy with the effects and thought more would speed things up.

Well anyways it cost me 20,000.00, a trip to 2 hospitals (the docs couldnt figure out what was wrong), my job, and i almost died. I had the heart attack in october and couldnt get into a primary care doc or heart doc until January. 

I quit taking bo and when i got my blood work back from my primary care doc my free t was 200 below normal and my liver enzymes where still high but not as bad. They didnt test my t at the hospital just my liver kidneys heart and other organs. 

Sorry this post is so long just want to warn ppl not to take to much ive resumed using bo for over a month now 2 in the morning and 2 at night unless my body starts acting up the i just take 1.

Why on earth take bo anyway

There are many many cases like yours 


Would not entertain the stuff



WOW! 14 a day! that`s almost a meal in itself! Rolleyes

as I`v written elsewhere, when it comes to stuff like this, Time is a greater multiplier than Dose!
although your case is not uncommon, there have been girls that have done this with Pharma meds as well, a few have died as a direct result Sad
I don`t know where people seem to get the idea that "some is good, therefore More is better" from Huh I can`t think of many instances where that`s even True (even with Chocolate!) xx

Wow - that could so easily have been me!  To be honest I never felt quite right taking BO - it didnt cause any issues as my blood tests during that time were all okay, but it just didnt make me feel right either. 

Glad you were able to pull through and yes it should definitely serve as warning not to overdo anything whether NBE or HRT.

I found out that with BO it's not a rat race to see how fast you can to fem levels and but if you take it just do it slowly set like 4 caps a days then after a month go to 6 a day than another month 8 but don't go past 8 always take a good break than start again and be sure to add your multi vitamins.

I was on 4 a day to basically just mop up whatever T was left over and put it to good use, I never once considered it a sole medication to feminize, I was more banking on the PM to do that for me. xx

Thought of mentioning this prior, but may as well mention it here.

New Zealand, thought to be the pristine land of cows and a prime source of the more protected glandular supplements is currently killing off tens of thousands of it's cows to protect from a particular bacterial disease (not BSE). There have been reports of fears of suicides among impacted farmers. It's not a pretty picture.

Nothing is without risk. Even our romaine lettuce here in America has killed a handful and sickened hundreds of late.

But some things are by nature riskier than others and that should be taken into consideration when considering options.

I don't claim to know enough about the subject, but I have to confess, I sense enough to give it pause.

When even the moderator of this forum has wrestled with related issues of their own with BO (forgive me for not knowing all the details or if I got that wrong, but I do remember concerns being raised that I personally took note of), it's wise to take all of these factors into account in the approach one takes to accomplishing one's ends.

(04-06-2018, 06:30 AM)Optimistic-angel1 Wrote:  Hello again for the second time now my bo studies have been interupted but this time i learned a important lesson. Listen to your body!!!! In my last post i was complaining with body aches and pains.

Everything kept getting worse the pain became unbearable. I upped my dose to 14 pills a day of swanson bo and about 2 weeks later i had a heart attack and liver damage.

I think i had been using bo for around 3 months maybe 4, 12 pills a day 6 in the morning 6 at night already having problems i upped the dose more because i wasnt happy with the effects and thought more would speed things up.

Well anyways it cost me 20,000.00, a trip to 2 hospitals (the docs couldnt figure out what was wrong), my job, and i almost died. I had the heart attack in october and couldnt get into a primary care doc or heart doc until January. 

I quit taking bo and when i got my blood work back from my primary care doc my free t was 200 below normal and my liver enzymes where still high but not as bad. They didnt test my t at the hospital just my liver kidneys heart and other organs. 

Sorry this post is so long just want to warn ppl not to take to much ive resumed using bo for over a month now 2 in the morning and 2 at night unless my body starts acting up the i just take 1.
 14 a day and 3 months.... 3 Months .
Some people baffle me.

I have stated many times both in my thread and in other peoples start slow 1 pill let ur body get use to it. rev up after a month. Its just like hormones you take too much you cause issues with ur body.

This is not a quick Boob or estrogenic drug it takes time. Swallowing extra pills isnt going to make shit happen faster. The only time you should really rev up pills is when you notice no changes. Even then do it slowly.

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