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Quick question about possible progress


Hi all a little backstory first. About 3 years ago i started taking PM, i took it for about 2 months and felt like some progress was made, I felt the pain in the breast area like growing pains. I stopped taking PM as it was too expensive.
  Fast forward to last week i saw an endochronologist and was prescribed estrodot 50 and spiractin 25. I have been on it for a week and today when i woke up my breast area felt really warm, it was a nice feeling but had me wondering if its progress or just some hopefull imaginings?

(31-05-2019, 03:33 PM)ironklad Wrote:  Hi all a little backstory first. About 3 years ago i started taking PM, i took it for about 2 months and felt like some progress was made, I felt the pain in the breast area like growing pains. I stopped taking PM as it was too expensive.
  Fast forward to last week i saw an endochronologist and was prescribed estrodot 50 and spiractin 25. I have been on it for a week and today when i woke up my breast area felt really warm, it was a nice feeling but had me wondering if its progress or just some hopefull imaginings?

Beginning of breast tissues can express itself in several ways.  My breasts were feeling warm, hard to the touch in about 30 days and budding pain took off in earnest in between them times.

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