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do i know if im estrogen dominant


how do i know if im estrogen dominant or if my hormones are unbalanced w/o taking a hormone test. i dont know which one i should buy bc there are so many of them. a little help please. which should i get?

this test will help you figure out what direction to look.

some women just have mild imbalances so have to really analyze theri symptoms to figure it out. I on the other hand, was a crazy woman pretty much over night and there was no doubt something had just gone terribly wrong. LOL, even I knew I was acting crazy. I didn't need those around me to break the news to me at all.

That's a good link. The test seems pretty truthful. At least in my case it does.

I haven't read any of Dr. Lee's books but his approach to hormonal balancing seems to be pretty substantiated. From what I've read, it really makes sense to me.

Yet I think the online test can really be misleading. According to the checklist I would be estrogen dominant too. I had most boxes in group one and three. The fewest in category two. In fact the exact opposite is the case. My estrogen levels are quite low while I have elevated progesterone levels (according to several blood tests being taken at the beginning of the cycle).

Symptoms can always be misleading. I used to be hyperthyroid during my early teens. I had various symptoms like not being able to gain weight or feeling anxious and so on. On the other hand I had a lot of symptoms that would indicate the exact opposite like constipation or feeling cold all the time.

I'm just trying to say that no symptoms checklist can substitute for a real blood test. If you can't do a blood test then at least try to get some saliva tests. Always better than just going by symptoms.

It is surely a good starting point and it might even be the answer youre looking for, like in your case itsjust4fun91. But on the other hand you may be causing more harm than good by treating a hormone condition you don't even have.

Please don't get this wrong, this is just a note of caution.

Take care

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