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Progesterone cream


Does anyone know where I might find this Lotus-recommended progesterone cream in the UK, namely ‘Smokey Mountain Naturals (aka SM Nutrition) Progesto-Life’?

I was recommended to me and I am keen to try it, but despite having looked everywhere nobody seems to stock it. I did see a for it listing on, but in the event they had no stock.

I have not used a progesterone cream before, and I am unsure of it’s status in the UK - I thought it might be a prescription only product, or the version sold here was an ineffective ‘cosmetic’ version. 

If Progesto-life isn’t obtainable here does anyone have experience of a UK product that gives really good results?


Still trying to figure out what is good and what should be avoided with progesterone creams sold in the UK. I found this quote (paraphrased here) in an on-line article that seems to cast doubt on the wild yam-derived creams. Does anybody have any experience with either yam or laboratory sourced cream that would clarify which of them work for breast enhancement?

Progesterone cream is not the same thing as natural creams made from wild yam or soy. These (the natural creams) do not contain progesterone and cannot be converted to progesterone in the body.”

What to look for in a PG cream... short answer, avoid seed oils, look for bio-identical USP, micronized wild yam.

My understanding is that a bio-identical cream is considered bio-identical because it is processed and utilized in the body, identically, as if it is a natural hormone.

I think, but am not certain, that Lotus disapproved of a PG cream that I have recommended to others based solely on it having many different types of seed oils in it, not for any other reason. 

Seed oils are not healthy but I think that all PG creams have some seed oil in them. I would dare to day that people using female hormones are facing far greater risks than seed oils however perhaps I am not aware of how pernicious seed oils can be. The cream under suspicion was the "Now" brand and it was half the price of other PG creams, around $12 compared to $23. Otherwise, it is my understanding that a bio-identical hormone is exactly that, identical to natural hormones. 

Further, it is my understanding that there are two sources from which to produce bio-identical estrogen and progesterone -- soy and wild yam. 
Somewhere, I heard that wild yam is much preferred over soy but I cannot cite the reference. Some creams specifically note "no soy" in their ingredients.

There are two more things to look for. One, that the cream is USP certified, which I believe means that it is proven to be bio-identical, and two, that it is micronized, which I believe means that it is finely-ground enough to be easily absorbed through the skin.

I have seen people from UK mention iherb. Can you purchase PG from this site?

Everything that I say on this forum is based on hearsay. Proceed with caution.

Hoping that someone in the UK can give you a source for an effective PG cream and solve this.

Hi Karen, and thank you for picking up on this. You’re right - it does seem a murky subject. Here is the article that I paraphrased from:

I don’t know enough about the subject to draw a conclusion, but it sounds as if the publication is unconvinced about soy or yam derived products, if I understand it correctly. I am very glad of your heads-up about the ‘Now’ product. I will check out your link instead.

I am not an expert either and will take your advice in proceeding with caution.

It would be great if somebody has found a solid and effective product that definitely works that they could recommend. Unfortunately the ‘Smoky Mountain / SM Nutrition branded product seem not to be available* in the UK at least.

* I just checked’s UK web site, and they do list it, though it is out of stock. I have asked them to notify me when available. Thank you for the tip!

(02-01-2024, 05:59 PM)Chestnut Wrote:  Progesterone cream is not the same thing as natural creams made from wild yam or soy. These (the natural creams) do not contain progesterone and cannot be converted to progesterone in the body.”
This was the part that confused me... gobbledygook. 

The author seems to be saying that Progesterone cream is not Progesterone cream. 
She is not using the correct terminology. I had to read it several times.
Basically, Progesterone Boosters are made with Diosgenin, which is not Progesterone and will not be converted in the body as Progesterone.

You want bio-identical Progesterone Cream, which really does work as it should.

(02-01-2024, 11:44 PM)Karen Hart Wrote:  
(02-01-2024, 05:59 PM)Chestnut Wrote:  Progesterone cream is not the same thing as natural creams made from wild yam or soy. These (the natural creams) do not contain progesterone and cannot be converted to progesterone in the body.”
This was the part that confused me... gobbledygook. 

The author seems to be saying that Progesterone cream is not Progesterone cream. 
She is not using the correct terminology. I had to read it several times.
Basically, Progesterone Boosters are made with Diosgenin, which is not Progesterone and will not be converted in the body as Progesterone.

You want bio-identical Progesterone Cream, which really does work as it should.

Agreed - very confusing. I will try to track down the Lotus-Approved Smoky Mountain product if I can. Thanks for your help trying to unravel this!

(02-01-2024, 10:54 PM)Karen Hart Wrote:  I think, but am not certain, that Lotus disapproved of a PG cream that I have recommended to others based solely on it having many different types of seed oils in it, not for any other reason.

Sorry? that's incorrect, I said the following:
(30-12-2023, 05:59 AM)Lotus Wrote:  Using the right kind of progesterone matters, the cheap stuff (the Now brand progesterone cream) has ingredients (seed oils) that causes inflammation and clogs pores, saw palmetto (which inhibit progesterone receptors). Cheaper isn't always better.

Included is side/by side comparison of the “now brand progesterone cream” on the left to the “Smoky Mountain” brand on the right. Which one would you rather use?. The Now brand isnt micronized, another reason it won't make past the skin layers and into tissues. If the Smoky Mountain PC isn't available in the UK I'd suggest finding a comparable brand matching Smoky Mountain.

(02-01-2024, 10:54 PM)Karen Hart Wrote:  Everything that I say on this forum is based on hearsay. Proceed with caution.

Why say things based on hearsay? Research science-based articles that you can learn from… then inform others.

Chestnut, I'm including an informational website guide on progesterone below. I hope it helps.
DID YOU KNOW? Inconsistency in use of the terms “proges-terone,” “progestin,” and “progestogen” has led to confusion over these substances. Progesterone refers to a single (note the “one” at the end of the term) molecular structure that is identical to the progester-one molecule that the body makes, also referred to biochemically as “P4.” Wild yam extract, wild yam or natural progesterone IS NOT USP progesterone and as such, these creams will not give the best results.

USP progesterone matches the human progesterone made by your body and is progesterone that your body can easily assimilate. In fact, it is usually called bioidentical or human identical progesterone by practitioners

I use a Prometrium called “P4”. It's a micronized bioidentical prescription progesterone capsule I get from a doctor. In-house pharmacy offers such a product online. PC (progesterone cream) is the next best option for getting progesterone. Remember not to add PC or prescription P4 till you develop breast buds.

Thank You, Lotus. Your explanation of the murky world of progesterone creams is a revelation - your product labels and links say it all.

I am still attempting to track down a supply of the Smoky Mountain PC here in the UK, so far without success. I had a reply this morning from which appears to be the only UK stockists. I registered with them for an update when stock became available, but today they said:

You recently subscribed to receive updates on the out of stock item below. Unfortunately, this item will continue to be unavailable for an extended period of time.’

Unfortunately, I have so far been unable to find a single UK supplier that stocks genuine bio-identical micronised progesterone cream. I am beginning to wonder if this may be down to a different regulatory system here in the UK in which we are only able to obtain the cheap yam extract ‘cosmetic grade’ products?

I will keep looking, but in the meantime your comprehensive explanation means that I at least understand the subject a bit better and can discriminate between the products on offer here. I am hoping that a UK forum member that has already figured out a dependable local product may chime in with what has worked for them.

Thanks for casting some light on this.


In the absence of Smoky Mountain, have a look at Biovea, shipped from Sofia (Bulgaria) 2 day shipping but often arrives next day in the UK.

Hi Black butterfly,

Thank you so much for that. For some reason I had not spotted that one when researching (well, to be honest I did spot Biovea but for some reason failed to spot that it was the genuine micronised product!)

I will get some ordered from Bulgaria. If you don’t mind me asking, did you have any problems ordering from Europe? Customs, Import Taxes etc? Or does it just arrive as a nice anonymous package in the mail?


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