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Rockmelon ringtone


Hi all,

I have read about the rockmelon ringtone and wondered if anyone has had any success using it?

I am starting to listen to it today. 3 times per day for a 5 minute period. Will do it for 10 days and see what happens.

Hey girlfriday29,

I have been listening to the Rockmelon ringtone for quite some time now, & actually today is my tenth day. I have seen & felt 1/2 inch of growth! So, in my case, it worked! So I say that there is definitely no harm in trying.

I am going to continue listening to the ringtone to see just how much growth I can get :]. Maybe I may get another 1/2 inch of growth for listening to it for another 10 days! But who knows. It's all about experimentation.

I've been using the ringtone along with herbs, massage and blaketalks for 12 days. I've grown almost an inch since then so although it's hard to pinpoint exactly what part of my routine is causing the growth I'm gonna stick to it. I listen to it while I'm getting ready for bed or on the bus because I'm usually zoning out during those times anyway!

thanks ladies for your replies. How long and how many times do you listen to it for each day?

I listen to it between 15 and 30 minutes a day between my bus ride to and from class and getting ready for bed. If I'm watching a show I've seen a million times before I sometimes listen to it during the show too. I turn it up loud but it doesn't feel like it distracts me from homework or whatever I'm doing.

Are you supposed to feel a tingling sensation in your breast? I feel nothing Sad

the first time i listened i didn´t feel anything while doing it,but after i stopped i felt like an expanding sensation on my nipples

Quote:the first time i listened i didn´t feel anything while doing it,but after i stopped i felt like an expanding sensation on my nipples
Thank you. Should I focus and do you listens to it throughout the day or all at once? Sorry I ask a lot of questions ^-^ Oh Is there a free download version.

Don't worry. The first couple of days I didn't feel anything at all, but as the days went by, I started feeling heaviness in my breasts, & lo & behold, I grew 1/2 inch from it!

Quote:Thank you. Should I focus and do you listens to it throughout the day or all at once? Sorry I ask a lot of questions ^-^ Oh Is there a free download version.

i normaly listen to it trough the day normally 10 times a day, while doing something else on the computer, i dont really focus on the ringtone, even though i put on medium volume, you know , not to low, sometimes i even forgot that i was listening to it, lol.

i THINK i might have grown 0.5 inches from listening to it, im not sure about it, cos i feel like i might be cheating and just holding the tape a little to loosely but my nples get flat from the tighness of the tape, so i guess it could be actual grow too.

you could listen to it on youtube seach: breast enhancement ringtone.

While looking for this i found out that theres a band from uk i belive called rockmelon too, lmao

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