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Why do men want to become women or to have breasts? What does it mean (archive thread


Why do so many men want to become women or to have feminine breasts? What does it mean?
August 7 2007 at 9:29 PM Manyquestions (Login ManyQuestions)


This is the continuation of a discussion in another question that I thought might get more responses if it were its own separate question. Look at these poll results:

men: if given the chance to be a woman for a month would you take it?
yes (96%)
no (4%)
1015 total votes

women: would you be a man for a month?
yes (53%)
no (47%)
177 total votes

We all know that these polls are not scientific. Even to find them you have to put a term in the search engine, and surely a non-random group of men and women are more likely to search for words like "sex". Nevertheless, the results are striking. What do the results mean? They must mean something! Almost every man would like to experience being a woman for a month, while only half of the women would want to experience being a man. Why the difference?

Any theories about what this means? I assume that 100% of the men on this Forum would like to be a woman for (at least) a month - what about the women?

The breast polls are also fascinating. Again, there is no reason to believe the samples are random, but look at all the men who would like to have feminine breasts:

Guys only - Do you ever wish that you had girl breasts instead of guy breasts?
Yes, all the time (51%)
Yes, sometimes (34%)
No (13%)
343 total votes

Guys only - if you could take a pill that would give you a girl's large breasts for only a couple of hours while you make love, would you do it?
Always (57%)
Sometimes (19%)
I might try it once (9%)
Once in a while (6%)
Never (6%)
318 total votes

While these precise results should not be taken seriously, to me they make sense. Our society idealizes the feminine breast - other societies put more emphasis on female legs, rear ends, etc. Since most men consider the female breast awesomely sexy, it does not seem surprising that many men would go further and want to be sexy themselves - by having female breasts. Acting on this desire is a totally different thing, I realize. By contrast, I cannot imagine very many woman saying they would like to take a pill giving themselves a man's chest while they make love. Even to ask the question seems almost silly.

Back to my main question. Why do so many men want to become women, either permanently or for a while, or to have female breasts? Why is this so much more common than the reciprocal thing for women? Why do men want to imitate women so much more than women want to imitate men? What does this mean?


Author Reply

(Login moonstruck61) Re: Why do so many men want to become women or to have feminine breasts? What does it mean? August 7 2007, 11:04 PM

Because to be female is to be *perfect* but being a man sucks ass.

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(Login ManyQuestions) Three possibilities August 8 2007, 12:14 AM

To provoke reactions, let me offer 3 possible answers as to why so many more men then women would like to become the oposite gender, temporarily or permanently, in part (breasts) or in whole.

1. Most men and most woman believe that women are the superior gender.

2. Most men and most women believe that female bodies are sexier than male bodies.

3. Most women are bisexual, unlike most men, who are more likely to be either heterosexual or gay. Heterosexual men don't find male bodies to be sexy; only homosexual men believe that male bodies are sexy in the same way that heterosexual men believe that female breasts are sexy, for example. Since it is normal for anyone to want to become sexier, many heterosexual men want to become women in some way. Since most women are bisexual, by contrast, they too find female bodies to be sexy, maybe even sexier than male bodies (?), and since their identity is female, why should they change?.

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: Why do so many men want to become women or to have feminine breasts? What does it mean? August 8 2007, 1:46 AM

Any of those explanations could be valid. Reasons vary from person to person.
There's also the simple explanation that some of us are simply female in the mind/heart and were born with a birth defect, a male body..

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(Login Davi-lee) Re: Why do so many men want to become women or to have feminine breasts? What does it mean? August 8 2007, 4:57 AM

Yah,people can go and on puzzling over this subject.....
its simple for me too,..Im just a female in mind,spirit and heart and was born with a body with parts of both genders,body shape like a girl....
Its just who I am.....It doesnt matter how much Ive tried to deny it growing up....Im greatful to have finally come to terms and figure out who I am NOW...Yea-rah!!

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(Login Davi-lee) Oh another *important thing... August 8 2007, 7:22 AM

The pleasure factor is probably a big factor also.
We all know how much more sensitive female breasts and nipples are.
The breasts are like master control switches linked to and stimulating all the other pleasure points.
As for me,when I stimulate my nipples/breasts the pleasure effects go all through me...down my belly...into my pelvis and perineum....down my legs and even through my arms.
My skin sensitivity is also linked to the other nerve actions.
Its awesome!..and it seems to get better as I go along in development.
So,who wouldnt want to have a nice round set of boobs??
They must be crazy,whoever they are.

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(no login) Re: Why do so many men want to become women or to have feminine breasts? What does it mean? August 8 2007, 7:25 AM

Yeah, I was struggeling with this since puberty,I just didn't know what it was. I hit a period of heavy denial for a little better than a decade.I always had these urges and dreams to be female,I couldn't understand why!I even thought that it might be a phase I was going through, which let me believe that I might be gay.But that couldn't be it, because I always had been attracted to women and had great relationships with them, mentally and physically.I've even tried the cross dressing Spiel for a bit and thought it might satisfy my feminine urges,that was fine,but it wasn't enough.It felt like I needed more! Now! this was hard to come to terms with because I grew up in an enviroment where men were men and girls were girls and there was nothing in between.If there was,You had to be queer. So,what happens is that you try and fight it.I did all kinds of things to make me more of a man, short of even joining the military.Ive thought of joining and even came as close as going to the recruiting office and picking up the paper work.Thanks to my mother and some really good friends, they had talked me out of it.But the funny thing is,through all this denial, it didn't change a thing about my desire to be female.So,It just goes to show that, when you have this feeling of wanting to be female,it's embedded in your mind and soul, and if you change your sex or not,It'll always be a part of you.

To answer your question, I tend be more in tune with #2. I don't believe that women are the superior sex,nor do I believe that men are superior. Women have their flaws just like men do, both physically and mentally.

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(no login) Superiority August 8 2007, 8:14 AM

I just felt like adding a comment here about women being superior... I don't agree with that at all. Intrigues, gossip, bitching and backstabbing are no superior qualities if you ask me. The truth is I'd pick men as friends over women anytime. All my closest friends are men. I like them because they're straight forward. While women spend endless hours on manicure and talking S H I T about one another behind each others backs, men can actually have a meaningful conversation. There are exceptions though, thank god. But in general, I don't think that my gender is superior.

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: Why do so many men want to become women or to have feminine breasts? What does it mean? August 8 2007, 9:16 AM

I've never seen men that could hold a meaningful or intelligent conversation unless it was about sports or nut scratching or beer drinking or women's bodies.
Of course I'm speaking of american men who tend to be inbred and ignorant for the most part.
There may be a few exceptions but they are rare.

Yes, a lot of women are all into chit-chat, gossip and the other things you mention but I've met a LOT of very intelligent women that I admire the hell out of because they are strong willed, intelligent, spirited and don't take any crap from anyone. They are professional business women who take their careers very seriously and it shows.

Men are usually just stupid *******s and I can't really stand to be in their company for long at all.
I would much rather be in the company of women, any day, any time.

Like the old saying, "Familiarity breeds contempt"

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(Login Davi-lee) Re: Why do so many men want to become women or to have feminine breasts? What does it mean? August 9 2007, 9:47 AM

Id like to know where this poll was taken.
Yah,Blu-jay,(as to your entry)I think there's a pattern here...hahaha
I have always avoided boorish men,AND I think there is just as many boorish women.....look at all of them that spend loads of money to go watch cars drive around in circles for no reason.
Augggh!All the attention paid to sportsjunk makes me ill
geez,theres more important things going on in life
From what Ive read,androgynous/female gender is how the fetus starts out,before any alterations by genetics.
Perhaps many males feel a slight calling to be feminine.
There is also the possibility that it is caused by the general lowering of testosterone levels due to pollution and xenoestrogenic chemicals all over the place.Its reported that the water systems are highly polluted with excreted estrogens from birth control drugs.They arent filtered out.

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(Login mbe1) A male who has grown female breasts August 13 2007, 2:29 AM


First I want to say, I know I am not better than anyone else because I was born a male this time around. Secondly, I can actually string two words together in a conversation, but that may not be enough for everyone posting comments here.

Why did I grow feminine breasts (c cups) with herbal supplements? To fulfill my genetic potential. There was a part of myself that was not being expressed completely. And when I discovered that I could grow breasts naturally, I did not hesitate.

It feels right to have breasts. I do experience both sensual pleasure and psychological pleasure from having them. I find I am more self-assured than I was prior to mbe. I guess the answer was to make myself, in my personal view, a better person.

By the way, I am married and I did get my wife's agreement before embarking on this...


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(Login Davi-lee) Hey MBE1..... August 13 2007, 5:51 AM

hi,very good....thats nice growth,thats what Id like to get,how long did it take you?...and are you still actively doing enlargement?
I will check out the site you gave,im interested in seeing your program plan.
If you dont have a plan on there could you talk about it a bit on here?
Im always interested in what others are taking.---Cheers

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(no login) DaviLee August 13 2007, 7:26 AM

When I first came to this forum,I never would have admitted to any of this.SmileI didn't think there was anyone else with those feelings on this forum. Then at that time 'Moonstruck' came to the forum. When he started posting his feelings about wanting to be female,I started feeling more relaxed about it. HeHeHe, Look at me now. :-)

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(Login Davi-lee) Re: Why do so many men want to become women or to have feminine breasts? What does it mean? August 13 2007, 7:38 AM

Hey when did you sneak in gal?
Whats dont have to play covert ops....
Well,.....Id say that from all the things Ive been investigating that there are many more males that feel like you do.
They just kinda suffer along.....hiding,denying...or being depressed and thinking of "checking out"

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(Login moonstruck61) Re: Why do so many men want to become women or to have feminine breasts? What does it mean? August 13 2007, 7:39 PM


the words he/him/his only apply to the external shell that I occupy. And even that is a far stretch these days.
The shell is more an "it" than anything. The "me" inside of that shell is she/her..

My actual gender is female, my birth sex is unfortunately, male. However, I am in the process of remedying that physical defect.

JFYI.... Smile

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(no login) Re: Why do so many men want to become women or to have feminine breasts? What does it mean? August 13 2007, 7:50 PM

Just consider them to be TYPE O's on my part.Smile
I was running with my shoes untied. :-D

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(Login mbe1) DaviLee, Still on enlargement program August 15 2007, 7:58 AM

I have been taking phytoestrogens for about a year and a half.

In the first six months or so I grew into b cups and by the end of the first year or so I was approaching c cups. Growth has been slow since then, but there is still growth nonetheless. Even over the last month, the upper part of my breasts continue to "fill in."

The process of puberty is carried out over several years. So I am patiently letting nature and my supplements take their course.

Besides I just like the way I feel as these plant hormones are running through my system.

I use a breast cream, rotating between a commercial product, Perfect Woman and a homemade cream (found in Flat to Fem), and use supplements, again using a commercial product, varied with herbal extracts. I just followed the instructions with the commercial products. For those interested in specific products I think are valid, check out my product review page at

You have to give yourself, at least six months. Although I noticed changes in about two weeks and really knew something was happening after about 5-6 weeks.
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