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Some Serious Soul Searching


(08-09-2011, 11:40 AM)julieTG Wrote:  ...DO NOT LIE TO HER OR TAKE HORMONES BEHIND HER BACK,

Do all the research and the calmly say Darling there something vrey important to discuss,

I had about 48 points on my list to make my point, did not need them,

She was upset that I had been in torture,

Totally agree with Julie about no deceit, you wouldn't be able to keep it up for life anyway and the eventual inevitable fallout would be 1000 times worse.

FWIW, my wife's reaction when I hesitantly suggested that... Umm, it won't work anyway but just maybe experimenting with herbs... and um... how would she feel?... was just, " Did you really expect me to say No?"

Having said that, my wife did know all about my CD-ing anyway and all women have different reactions to such things, so there is no guarantee that yours will feel the same as Julie's or mine, unfortunately.

I do however think that you need to get your T levels stable so that you are thinking straight and only then decide if feminisation is really what you want ( irrespective of the level you want to take it to). We can all only put our individual thoughts and experiences down, but none of us are where you are and none of us can advise what you should do.

Pansy Mae
PS, There is NOTHING like shopping for some strappy sandals!! Big GrinBig Grin

Thanks girls ....

Warning well taken

Hugs .... Karen

Kinda made me laugh too ..... I was looking at 5" Heel Strapped Sandals the other day ... I adored them. How did you know Blush


Sometimes we have no choice

Basically I was a walking "hard on",
Virtually every hour of the day was consumed with "wanting breasts" and yet not being a woman,

This has been on and off for 10 years, and ridiculously bad over the last year hence I had to tell her and do something , could not get any work done and talk about being a testosterone fuelled shouting and fighting machine,

Calm, pleasant, thoughtful, considerate, little bigger on the chest dept, have morning wood still, but when I am aroused rather than the other way round, still very frisky and jumping wife, not sure if a little weaker as my physical strength which was is considerable comes from anger, gone thinner in the face ??? which seems odd,

But basically more mellow and an awful lot happier



(08-09-2011, 12:50 PM)karen Wrote:  Kinda made me laugh too ..... I was looking at 5" Heel Strapped Sandals the other day ... I adored them. How did you know Blush
Didn't, but can't beat 5" strappy sandals...IF you can wear them that is!
'cos there is nothing worse than a CDer in heels that are too high, walking with bent knees and legs bowed outwards!!!

Speaking personally I take a size 7 1/2 ( eu 41) I'm fine up to 4.5" but that extra 1/2" is just too far, much as I try to convince myself otherwise. OTOH, my wife who has size 3 feet (UK 3 that is) is happy in 6" heels!


Daily life imposes it's restraints! Much as I love heels, I live 24/7 as a woman, work 14 hour days and have 2 big dogs to excercise; guess what? _____
That said, a CD, in heels, is a sorry sight. 2 problems; lack of study & practice and a lack of boobs. Boobs realy do change posture & with that comes a totaly different, way of walking. I also agree that, women. with small feet, seem to cope better, but I think that is, more, to do with, a small frame, and a lighteness of foot fall, than anything else.

(08-09-2011, 11:51 PM)chrissie Wrote:  2 problems; lack of study & practice and a lack of boobs

not sure about lack of boobs, i see around some boobless women walking on heels in a very elegant way and maaany big boobed women walking on heels looking like an orango.
i agree on study and practice, google around "walking on heels" for some video, you'll find a lot of useful good lessons

(09-09-2011, 08:20 AM)DiBi Wrote:  
(08-09-2011, 11:51 PM)chrissie Wrote:  2 problems; lack of study & practice and a lack of boobs

i agree on study and practice, google around "walking on heels" for some video, you'll find a lot of useful good lessons

Yes, I agree about the practice, but it does also depend on body type to some extent.

I've been told in the past that I walk like my mother. Blush
I'm not sure if that was a compliment or not, but I guess it translates that I have a naturally female way of walking in heels. Certainly I feel comfortable in them, and always have done. Back in the late 60's/early 70's I used to wear mens cuban heeled boots and then felt very uncomfortable in flatter heels when the cubans went out of fashion for men.
It was only about 18 months ago that I bought another pair with 2.5" heels and instantly felt comfortable in them. Since then I've worn nothing else when in male attire ( apart from 4" wedge mules around the house Big Grin).

(09-09-2011, 11:59 AM)Pansy-Mae Wrote:  
(09-09-2011, 08:20 AM)DiBi Wrote:  
(08-09-2011, 11:51 PM)chrissie Wrote:  2 problems; lack of study & practice and a lack of boobs

i agree on study and practice, google around "walking on heels" for some video, you'll find a lot of useful good lessons
Back in the late 60's/early 70's I used to wear mens cuban heeled boots and then felt very uncomfortable in flatter heels when the cubans went out of fashion for men.

I too in the 70's used to wear heeled male boots (more like texan style), and passing to flat shoes was somehow "destabilizing"... walking every day on any kind of heels shorten legaments and leg muscles, and also changes your centre of gravity, so when you get back with your feet on the ground it's a very strange sensation

(08-09-2011, 11:51 PM)chrissie Wrote:  That said, a CD, in heels, is a sorry sight. 2 problems; lack of study & practice and a lack of boobs. Boobs realy do change posture & with that comes a totaly different, way of walking.

I always wear heels - 4" is my top height and they are soooo comfy

The secret is to shorten your stride and get the heel down first. I hate flats although anything under 3" feels flat these days.



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